Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education.
Book Chapter
Swanson, D., & le Roux, K. (2025). Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education. In A. Chronaki, & A. Yolcu (Eds.), Troubling Notions of Global Citizenship and Diversity in Mathematics Education (328). Routledge
All Outputs (47894)
Making Sense of Public Space for Robot Design (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pelikan, H. R. M., Mutlu, B., & Reeves, S. (2025, March). Making Sense of Public Space for Robot Design. Presented at HRI 2025, Melbourne, AustraliaIf robots are to be deployed in public places, we need to understand what factors their design should consider. Informed by sociological studies of urban settings, particularly the work of William H. Whyte and the Street Life Project, we describe fou... Read More about Making Sense of Public Space for Robot Design.
Enhancing Health Outcomes through Optimized Body Composition in Prehabilitation (2025)
Journal Article
Kutnik, P., Da Silva, B. R., Shoemaker, M. E., Barbosa-Silva, T. G., Cristina Gonzalez, M., Lobo, D. N., & Prado, C. M. (in press). Enhancing Health Outcomes through Optimized Body Composition in Prehabilitation. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism,Background
Prehabilitation, the process of optimizing a patient's physical and nutritional status before surgery, has gained increasing attention for its potential to improve outcomes by enhancing physiological reserves and functional capacity. Whil... Read More about Enhancing Health Outcomes through Optimized Body Composition in Prehabilitation.
The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) (2025)
Journal Article
Walsh, D. A., & McWilliams, D. F. (2025). The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs). Osteoarthritis Imaging, 100261. (OA) pain is associated with structural changes in the joint, which are usually quantified by imaging techniques. It is anticipated that structural disease modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) would reduce the burden of OA pain. However, nocice... Read More about The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs).
Lotería as an expression of tejanidad (2025)
Book Chapter
Zapata, G. C. (2025). Lotería as an expression of tejanidad. In J. A. Marín, & N. E. Cantú (Eds.), ¡Somos Tejanas! Chicana identity and culture in Texas (168-185). University of Texas Press
Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model (2025)
Journal Article
Yu, L., Kok, Y. E., Parry, L., Özcan, E., & Maskery, I. (2025). Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model. Additive Manufacturing, Article 104712. in additive manufacturing (AM) have facilitated the fabrication of cellular structures inspired by those in the natural world. But the design of complex, tessellating cellular structures remains a challenge for human designers, and only a sm... Read More about Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model.
Personal explanations for psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Ingall, B.-R., McPhilbin, M., Lewandowski, F., Kotera, Y., Jordan, G., Slade, M., & Ng, F. (in press). Personal explanations for psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open,
Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning (2025)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, D., Elliott, C. A., O’Keeffe, A. G., Rodionov, R., Li, K., Vakharia, V. N., Mirza, F. A., Zubair Tahir, M., Tisdall, M. M., Miserocchi, A., McEvoy, A. W., Ourselin, S., Sparks, R. E., & Duncan, J. S. (2025). Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning. Frontiers in Neurology, 16, Article 1514442.
To refine computer-assisted planning (CAP) of SEEG implantations by adding constraints of prior spatial SEEG trajectories (‘Priors’) to improve safety, reduce manual adjustments required, without increasing planning time.
Retr... Read More about Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning.
The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City (2025)
Journal Article
MERTON, J. (in press). The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City. Journal of Social History,Recent historical scholarship has begun to explore the agency of grassroots actors in the ascent of neoliberalism in late twentieth century New York, uncovering a history of neoliberalism “from the bottom up”. This article builds upon this scholarshi... Read More about The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City.
Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling (2025)
Journal Article
Dari, S., O'Dea, R. D., & Fadai, N. T. (2025). Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Article 112083. the biochemistry and pharmacodynamics of chronic wounds is of key importance, due to the millions of people in the UK affected and the significant cost to the NHS. Chronic wounds are characterised by elevated concentrations of matrix me... Read More about Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling.
Quantifying arm swing in Parkinson's disease: a method accounting for arm activities during free-living gait (2025)
Journal Article
Post, E., Van Laarhoven, T., Raykov, Y. P., Little, M. A., Nonnekes, J., Heskes, T. M., Bloem, B. R., & Evers, L. J. W. (2025). Quantifying arm swing in Parkinson's disease: a method accounting for arm activities during free-living gait. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 22, Article 37.
Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass (2025)
Journal Article
De Iasio, A., Ghiassi, B., Briganti, R., & Milani, G. (2025). Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass. Engineering Structures, 330, Article 119928. evaluate the structural safety against waterborne debris impacts, the impact loads are usually computed with analytical models such as those proposed by ASCE/SEI 7–22. These models often assume a massless structure to simplify the analytical formu... Read More about Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass.
Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation (2025)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Booth, V., das Nair, R., Evangelou, N., Hassard, J., Ford, H. L., Newsome, I., & Radford, K. (2025). Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation. PLoS ONE, 20(2), Article e0319287.
There is limited evidence about how vocational rehabilitation (VR) for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be delivered through the United Kingdom’s (UK) National Health Service (NHS) and how it works.
To understand the mechan... Read More about Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation.
Substitutions on compact alphabets (2025)
Journal Article
Mañibo, N., Rust, D., & Walton, J. J. (in press). Substitutions on compact alphabets. Journal of the London Mathematical Society,We develop a systematic approach to continuous substitutions on compact Haus-dorff alphabets. Focussing on implications of irreducibility and primitivity, we highlight important features of the topological dynamics of their (generalised) subshifts. W... Read More about Substitutions on compact alphabets.
Flow Separation Control of a Vertical Stabiliser using a Rudder-mounted Slat (2025)
Journal Article
Muhammad, M. J., Wang, Y., Mao, X., & Choi, K.-S. (2025). Flow Separation Control of a Vertical Stabiliser using a Rudder-mounted Slat. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, joint study utilising experimental and numerical methods was carried out to investigate the aerodynamic effect of a rudder-mounted slat on a vertical stabiliser. The wind tunnel test results showed that the side force coefficient was increased more... Read More about Flow Separation Control of a Vertical Stabiliser using a Rudder-mounted Slat.
High fat diet induces differential age- and gender-dependent changes in neuronal function in Drosophila linked to redox stress (2025)
Journal Article
de Lange, M., Yarosh, V., Farell, K., McDonnell, C., Patil, R., Hawthorn, I., Jung, M.-M., Wenje, S., & Steinert, J. R. (2025). High fat diet induces differential age- and gender-dependent changes in neuronal function in Drosophila linked to redox stress. Behavioural Brain Research, Article 115510. prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, is steadily increasing, thus posing significant challenges to global healthcare systems. Emerging evidence suggests that dietary habits, particularly consumpti... Read More about High fat diet induces differential age- and gender-dependent changes in neuronal function in Drosophila linked to redox stress.
Genomic and phenotypic characterisation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from canine otitis externa reveals high-risk sequence types identical to those found in human nosocomial infections (2025)
Journal Article
Secker, B., Shaw, S., Hobley, L., & Atterbury, R. J. (2025). Genomic and phenotypic characterisation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from canine otitis externa reveals high-risk sequence types identical to those found in human nosocomial infections. Frontiers in Microbiology, 16, Article 1526843.
Canine otitis externa (OE) is a frequently-diagnosed condition in veterinary practices worldwide. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is commonly associated with chronic and recalcitrant canine OE, but studies with detailed genomic and phenotypi... Read More about Genomic and phenotypic characterisation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from canine otitis externa reveals high-risk sequence types identical to those found in human nosocomial infections.
StomaGAN: Improving image-based analysis of stomata through Generative Adversarial Networks (2025)
Journal Article
Gibbs, J., & Gibbs, A. (2025). StomaGAN: Improving image-based analysis of stomata through Generative Adversarial Networks. in silico Plants, regulate gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere, but analysing their morphology is challenging due to anatomical variability and artifacts during image acquisition. Deep learning (DL) can address these challenges but often requires la... Read More about StomaGAN: Improving image-based analysis of stomata through Generative Adversarial Networks.
Caregiver experiences of a peer mentor family physical activity programme in England: a qualitative interview study (2025)
Journal Article
Symes, R., Jayes, L., & Orton, E. (2025). Caregiver experiences of a peer mentor family physical activity programme in England: a qualitative interview study. Child: Care, Health and Development, 51(2), Article e70053.
Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing chronic disease and contributes to health inequalities. Many children and adults do not achieve recommended physical activity targets. Active Families was a pilot programme that ai... Read More about Caregiver experiences of a peer mentor family physical activity programme in England: a qualitative interview study.
A British Road To Socialism? Die Kommunistische Partei Großbritanniens und der große Bergarbeiterstreik 1984/85 (2025)
Journal Article
Arnold, J. (2025). A British Road To Socialism? Die Kommunistische Partei Großbritanniens und der große Bergarbeiterstreik 1984/85. Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung, 2025, 151-164The popular memory of the famous British miners' strike of 1984/85 owes much to the contribution of communist intellectuals. Yet communism itself has been written out of the story. While popular memory owes much to the interpretations first put forwa... Read More about A British Road To Socialism? Die Kommunistische Partei Großbritanniens und der große Bergarbeiterstreik 1984/85.