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Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe (2024)
Journal Article
Amin, O. J., Dal Din, A., Golias, E., Niu, Y., Zakharov, A., Fromage, S. C., Fields, C. J. B., Heywood, S. L., Cousins, R. B., Maccherozzi, F., Krempasky, J., Dil, J. H., Kriegner, D., Kiraly, B., Campion, R. .., Rushforth, A. W., Edmonds, K. .., Dhesi, S. S., Šmejkal, L. .., Jungwirth, T., & Wadley, P. (2024). Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe. Nature, 636(8042), 348-353.

Nanoscale detection and control of the magnetic order underpins a spectrum of condensed-matter research and device functionalities involving magnetism. The key principle involved is the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, which in ferromagnets is gen... Read More about Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe.

Probabilistic size-and-shape functional mixed models (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, F., Bharath, K., Chkrebtii, O., & Kurtek, S. (2024, December). Probabilistic size-and-shape functional mixed models. Presented at Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada

The reliable recovery and uncertainty quantification of a fixed effect function µ in a functional mixed model, for modelling population-and object-level variability in noisily observed functional data, is a notoriously challenging task: variations al... Read More about Probabilistic size-and-shape functional mixed models.

System Petri net modelling for railway infrastructure asset management (2024)
Journal Article
Litherland, J., & Andrews, J. (2024). System Petri net modelling for railway infrastructure asset management. Infrastructure Asset Management,

Railway infrastructure managers face the challenge of attaining a high level of performance and safety while meeting strict financial targets. To assist with decision making, modelling is needed to predict and evaluate the outcomes of different maint... Read More about System Petri net modelling for railway infrastructure asset management.

Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence (2024)
Book Chapter
Kropp, A. (2025). Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence. In Reimagining the Silk Roads: Interactions and Perceptions Across Eurasia (65-78). Routledge.

Under Roman hegemony over the Near East, the oasis city of Palmyra in the Syrian desert rose quickly from obscurity to opulence and established itself a ‘caravan’ city, a vital hub for long-distance trade between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranea... Read More about Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence.

Iterative One-Carbon Homologation of Unmodified Carboxylic Acids (2024)
Journal Article
Wheatley, E., Melnychenko, H., & Silvi, M. (2024). Iterative One-Carbon Homologation of Unmodified Carboxylic Acids. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(50), 34285-34291.

The one-carbon homologation of carboxylic acids is a valuable route to construct families of homologues, which play fundamental roles in chemistry and biology. However, known procedures are based on multistep sequences, use harsh conditions or are li... Read More about Iterative One-Carbon Homologation of Unmodified Carboxylic Acids.

Inverse Physics-Informed Neural Networks for transport models in porous materials (2024)
Journal Article
Berardi, M., Difonzo, F. V., & Icardi, M. (2025). Inverse Physics-Informed Neural Networks for transport models in porous materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 435, Article 117628.

Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) are a machine learning tool that can be used to solve direct and inverse problems related to models described by Partial Differential Equations by including in the cost function to minimise during training the... Read More about Inverse Physics-Informed Neural Networks for transport models in porous materials.

Boron-induced transformation of ultrathin Au films into two-dimensional metallic nanostructures (2024)
Journal Article
Preobrajenski, A., Vinogradov, N., Duncan, D. A., Lee, T.-L., Tsitsvero, M., Taketsugu, T., & Lyalin, A. (2024). Boron-induced transformation of ultrathin Au films into two-dimensional metallic nanostructures. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 10518.

The synthesis of large, freestanding, single-atom-thick two-dimensional (2D) metallic materials remains challenging due to the isotropic nature of metallic bonding. Here, we present a bottom-up approach for fabricating macroscopically large, nearly f... Read More about Boron-induced transformation of ultrathin Au films into two-dimensional metallic nanostructures.

An overview of high-resource automatic speech recognition methods and their empirical evaluation in low-resource environments (2024)
Journal Article
Fatehi, K., Torres Torres, M., & Kucukyilmaz, A. (2025). An overview of high-resource automatic speech recognition methods and their empirical evaluation in low-resource environments. Speech Communication, 167, Article 103151.

Deep learning methods for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) often rely on large-scale training datasets, which are typically unavailable in low-resource environments (LREs). This lack of sufficient and representative training data poses a significan... Read More about An overview of high-resource automatic speech recognition methods and their empirical evaluation in low-resource environments.

A novel single-tube LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12b method for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii in the environment (2024)
Journal Article
Liang, Y., Xie, S.-C., Lv, Y.-H., He, Y.-H., Zheng, X.-N., Cong, W., Elsheikha, H. M., & Zhu, X.-Q. (2024). A novel single-tube LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12b method for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii in the environment. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 13(1), Article 94.

Background: Toxoplasma gondii oocysts, excreted in cat feces, pose a significant health risk to humans through contaminated soil and water. Rapid and accurate detection of T. gondii in environmental samples is essential for public health protection.... Read More about A novel single-tube LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12b method for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii in the environment.

Skinfolk, but Not Kinfolk? Paradoxical Representation Among Ethnic Minority Conservative Political Elites in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Begum, N., Bankole, M., Briscoe-Palmer, S., Godshaw, D., & Saini, R. (2024). Skinfolk, but Not Kinfolk? Paradoxical Representation Among Ethnic Minority Conservative Political Elites in the UK. Politics and Gender, 20(3), 745 - 750.

As the number of ethnic minority politicians increase across countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, so too have instances in which these officeholders act against the communities they descriptively represent. In this contribution, w... Read More about Skinfolk, but Not Kinfolk? Paradoxical Representation Among Ethnic Minority Conservative Political Elites in the UK.

Correlation between Altmetric Attention Scores and Citation Scores across the four highest impact factor journals each in Medicine, Surgery and Anaesthesia (2024)
Journal Article
Koh, A., Lewis-Lloyd, C. A., Wong, T., & Lobo, D. N. (2025). Correlation between Altmetric Attention Scores and Citation Scores across the four highest impact factor journals each in Medicine, Surgery and Anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 134(3), 703-712.

Citation scores (CS) are traditionally used to measure the impact of scientific publications. Altmetric Attention Scores (AAS), in contrast, consider the digital dissemination of articles across social media platforms to track their audie... Read More about Correlation between Altmetric Attention Scores and Citation Scores across the four highest impact factor journals each in Medicine, Surgery and Anaesthesia.

Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation in state funded domestic services (2024)
Journal Article
Emberson, C. (in press). Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation in state funded domestic services. Journal of Common Market Studies,

Examining the provision of domestic care, this article highlights governance gaps in the regional administration of labour rights protections within the direct state-funding of long-term care. Drawing upon data from secondary sources and semi-structu... Read More about Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation in state funded domestic services.

Intersecting social relations of care: a protocol for an ethnographic and interview study with South Asian people ageing in place with dementia (2024)
Journal Article
Gibson, K., Robinson, L., Bains, M., Samsi, K., Cîrstea, A.-M., & Brittain, K. (2024). Intersecting social relations of care: a protocol for an ethnographic and interview study with South Asian people ageing in place with dementia. BMJ Open, 14(12), Article e092946.

Introduction People living at home with dementia are often cared for by family members, especially those from minority ethnic groups. Many people living with dementia from minority ethnic communities face barriers to accessing formal care. However, t... Read More about Intersecting social relations of care: a protocol for an ethnographic and interview study with South Asian people ageing in place with dementia.

Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation within state funded domestic services (2024)
Journal Article
Emberson, C. (in press). Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation within state funded domestic services. Journal of Common Market Studies,

Examining the provision of domestic care, this article highlights governance gaps in the regional administration of labour rights protections within the direct state-funding of long-term care. Drawing upon data from secondary sources and semi-structu... Read More about Regulation and governance gaps in the detection of labour exploitation within state funded domestic services.

Magnetic framework composites via continuous flow syntheses for CO2 capture (2024)
Journal Article
Woodliffe, J. L., Molinar-Díaz, J., Holland, B., Hussein, O. H., Lester, E., & Robertson, K. (2025). Magnetic framework composites via continuous flow syntheses for CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 503, Article 158445.

Magnetic framework composites (MFCs) are a novel class of materials containing magnetic nanoparticles with metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). They have demonstrated exciting potential across a range of applications including CO2 capture, benefiting fro... Read More about Magnetic framework composites via continuous flow syntheses for CO2 capture.

“Sentio ergo est”: Unmasking the psychological realities of emotional misperception (2024)
Journal Article
Tsikandilakis, M., Bali, P., Karlis, A., Morfi, P., Mével, P.-A., Madan, C., & Milbank, A. (2025). “Sentio ergo est”: Unmasking the psychological realities of emotional misperception. Perception, 54(1), 3-31.

Perception is an important aspect of our personal lives, interpersonal interactions and professional activities and performance. A large body of psychological research has been dedicated to exploring how perception happens, whether and when it involv... Read More about “Sentio ergo est”: Unmasking the psychological realities of emotional misperception.

Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness (2024)
Asquith, W., Jackson, B., Hutchison, K., Stalford, H., & Bracaj, E. (2024). Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (MSPEC)

There are increasing calls for researchers, research organisations and funders active in the field of modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) research to reflect on their own practices of engagement and co-production. Momentum has built on this... Read More about Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness.

Hard to swallow? A critical animal studies perspective on the discursive recontextualisation of the reality of dairy farming (2024)
Journal Article
Brookes, G., & Chałupnik, M. (2024). Hard to swallow? A critical animal studies perspective on the discursive recontextualisation of the reality of dairy farming. Discourse and Communication,

This paper reports on a multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representations of social actors and processes involved in the production of dairy products. Focussing on the website of the UK’s largest dairy company, Arla Foods UK, the analysis... Read More about Hard to swallow? A critical animal studies perspective on the discursive recontextualisation of the reality of dairy farming.

A, B or C? The Foreign Office and the politics of choosing the Chief of SIS (2024)
Journal Article
Murphy, C., & Lomas, D. (in press). A, B or C? The Foreign Office and the politics of choosing the Chief of SIS. Diplomacy and Statecraft,

This article explores the process whereby the Chief (‘C’) of Britain’s foreign intelligence agency, the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6) has been appointed, and the inter-departmental politics that the process reveals. The selection process f... Read More about A, B or C? The Foreign Office and the politics of choosing the Chief of SIS.

Wound imaging software and digital platform to assist review of surgical wounds using patient smartphones: The development and evaluation of artificial intelligence (WISDOM AI study) (2024)
Journal Article
Rochon, M., Tanner, J., Jurkiewicz, J., Beckhelling, J., Aondoakaa, A., Wilson, K., Dhoonmoon, L., Underwood, M., Mason, L., Harris, R., & Cariaga, K. (2024). Wound imaging software and digital platform to assist review of surgical wounds using patient smartphones: The development and evaluation of artificial intelligence (WISDOM AI study). PLoS ONE, 19(12), Article e0315384.

Introduction Surgical patients frequently experience post-operative complications at home. Digital remote monitoring of surgical wounds via image-based systems has emerged as a promising solution for early detection and intervention. However, the inc... Read More about Wound imaging software and digital platform to assist review of surgical wounds using patient smartphones: The development and evaluation of artificial intelligence (WISDOM AI study).