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Cross-border Unitization and Joint Development (2024)
Book Chapter
Pereira, E. G., Pappa, M., & Olawuyi, D. S. (2024). Cross-border Unitization and Joint Development. In E. G. Pereira, M. Pappa, & D. S. Olawuyi (Eds.), International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements. Routledge

General Introduction (2024)
Book Chapter
Pereira, E. G., Pappa, M., & Olawuyi, D. S. (2024). General Introduction. In E. G. Pereira, M. Pappa, & D. S. Olawuyi (Eds.), International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements. Routledge

Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations (2024)
Journal Article
Pushparaj, N., Cormier, L., Cappelletti, C., & Portapas, V. (2024). Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations. Atmosphere, 15(12), Article 1543.

Contrails, or condensation trails, left by aircraft, significantly contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Despite their critical role in climate dynamics, the environmental impact of contrails remains underexplored.... Read More about Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations.

Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Salahi-Niri, A., Nabavi-Rad, A., Monaghan, T. M., Rokkas, T., Doulberis, M., Sadeghi, A., Zali, M. R., Yamaoka, Y., Tacconelli, E., & Yadegar, A. (in press). Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medicine, 22(1), Article 598.

Helicobacter pylori infection causes gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer. The infection is typically acquired in childhood and persists throughout life. The major impediment to successful therapy is antibiotic resistance. This sy... Read More about Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243 (2024)
Journal Article
Grishin, K. A., Mei, S., Chilingarian, I. V., Lepore, M., Tozzi, P., Gonzalez, A., Hatch, N., Stanford, S. A., & Wylezalek, D. (2025). Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 693, 11.

Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe and therefore are a powerful tool for studying mass assembly at different epochs. At z > 2, they provide the unique opportunity to place solid constraints not only on th... Read More about Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243.

The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings (2024)
Journal Article
Bianchi, L., Kelemen, M., Shivji, A. K., Tallant, J., & Timmons, S. (2025). The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings. Sociology of Health and Illness, 47(1), Article e13870.

This paper investigates the impact of boundary spanning activities on building trust as a means of tackling health inequalities in hardly reached communities. Lack of trust has been identified as a barrier to engagement with healthcare services, resu... Read More about The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings.

Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims (2024)
Journal Article
Baron, T. (2024). Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims. Moral Philosophy and Politics,

This paper examines the legitimacy of retrospective parental rights-claims through the lens of so-called ‘thwarted father’ cases: men who are unaware of their progeny’s existence until the window for establishing legal parentage (and associated right... Read More about Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims.

G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ (2024)
Journal Article
Bell, R. H. (2024). G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ. Hegel Bulletin, 1-27.

Hegel's early work The Life of Jesus (Das Leben Jesu) of 1795 presents Jesus as a teacher of Kantian morality and ends abruptly with his death, anointing of his body, and burial, such that Jesus could appear to be merely a figure of the remote past.... Read More about G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ.

Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle (2024)
Journal Article
Large, D., Harvey, C., Shaw, E., Khandeparker, S., Burnett, G., & Box, E. (in press). Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle. Advances in Transportation Studies, 66, 125-144

To explore the impact of a front-seat passenger during SAE level 3 (L3) automation, eighteen established driver-passenger pairings undertook three 30-minute journeys framed as ‘days-out’ in a L3 driving simulator. Participants were reminded of their... Read More about Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle.

The Politics of Place in Colluthus' Abduction of Helen (2024)
Book Chapter
Kneebone, E. (2025). The Politics of Place in Colluthus' Abduction of Helen. In M. Cariou, & N. Zito (Eds.), Μάρτυρι μύθῳ Poésie, histoire et société aux époques impériale et tardive: Actes du colloque international Paris, Sorbonne Université, 8-10 septembre 2022 (103-132). Edizioni dell’Orso

Colluthus’ 'Abduction of Helen' depicts Paris as a shepherd who leaves his native Trojan mountains on an audacious sea-journey, touring the monuments of Sparta and bearing back to his homeland a Helen who fantasises about seeing the spectacular walls... Read More about The Politics of Place in Colluthus' Abduction of Helen.

Optimising learning from interactive visualisations with drawing prompts (2024)
Journal Article
Stieff, M., Scheiter, K., & Ainsworth, S. (2024). Optimising learning from interactive visualisations with drawing prompts. International Journal of Science Education, 1-30.

Interactive visualisations (IVs) have demonstrated success for improving learning in science classrooms. However, for this success to be realised, it is important that learners adopt an effective learning strategy. In three studies, we explored if dr... Read More about Optimising learning from interactive visualisations with drawing prompts.

Metabolomic characterisation of the glioblastoma invasive margin reveals a region-specific signature (2024)
Journal Article
Wood, J., Smith, S. J., Castellanos-Uribe, M., Lourdusamy, A., May, S. T., Barrett, D. A., Grundy, R. G., Kim, D.-H., & Rahman, R. (2025). Metabolomic characterisation of the glioblastoma invasive margin reveals a region-specific signature. Heliyon, 11(1), Article e41309.

Isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type glioblastoma (GBM) is characterised by a heterogeneous genetic landscape resulting from dynamic competition between tumour subclones to survive selective pressures. Improvements in metabolite identification and meta... Read More about Metabolomic characterisation of the glioblastoma invasive margin reveals a region-specific signature.

Finance and collusion in oligopolistic markets (2024)
Journal Article
Marjit, S., Mukherjee, A., Xu, X., & Yang, L. (2025). Finance and collusion in oligopolistic markets. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 76, Article 102351.

We explore how financial constraints affect the sustainability of product market collusion in a bank-financed oligopoly, where firms operate within an imperfect credit market. Our analysis uncovers a non-monotonic relationship between the sustainabil... Read More about Finance and collusion in oligopolistic markets.

Understanding the scale and nature of avoidable healthcare-associated harm for prisoners in England: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study (2024)
Journal Article
Carson-Stevens, A., McFadzean, I. J., Purchase, T., Gwyn, S., Hellard, S., Davies, K., Ashcroft, D. M., Avery, A., Campbell, S., Edwards, A., Flynn, S., Hewson, T., Ibrahim, S., Jordan, M., Keers, R. N., Millar, T., Panagioti, M., Sanders, C., Senior, J., Stevenson, C., …Shaw, J. (2024). Understanding the scale and nature of avoidable healthcare-associated harm for prisoners in England: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 14(12), Article e085607.

Introduction Around 1 in 20 patients experience avoidable healthcare-associated harm worldwide. Despite longstanding concerns, there is insufficient information available about the safety of healthcare for prisoners. To address this, this study will... Read More about Understanding the scale and nature of avoidable healthcare-associated harm for prisoners in England: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study.

Developing treatments for cerebral small vessel disease: a scoping review of licensed interventions for potential repurposing (2024)
Journal Article
M Bath, P., P Phan, E., Clay, G., Dawson, J., Malhotra, P., Howard, R., Pal, S., M Wardlaw, J., Quinn, T., & Macleod, M. (2024). Developing treatments for cerebral small vessel disease: a scoping review of licensed interventions for potential repurposing. F1000Research, 13, Article 1546.

Cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) is a progressive neurovascular-degenerative condition without specific treatment that causes lacunar stroke, most intracerebral haemorrhage, vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and several neuropsychia... Read More about Developing treatments for cerebral small vessel disease: a scoping review of licensed interventions for potential repurposing.

Dual Antiplatelet Treatment up to 72 Hours After Ischemic Stroke Stratified by Risk Profile: A Post Hoc Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Gao, Y., Chen, W., Johnston, S. C., Amarenco, P., Bath, P. M., Yan, H., Wang, T., Yang, Y., Zhou, Q., Wang, M., Jing, J., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., & Pan, Y. (2025). Dual Antiplatelet Treatment up to 72 Hours After Ischemic Stroke Stratified by Risk Profile: A Post Hoc Analysis. Stroke, 56(1), 46-55.

BACKGROUND: Risk profile of recurrence may influence the effect of antiplatelet therapy. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of clopidogrel-aspirin initiated within 72 hours after symptom onset for acute mild stroke or high-risk tran... Read More about Dual Antiplatelet Treatment up to 72 Hours After Ischemic Stroke Stratified by Risk Profile: A Post Hoc Analysis.