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Survival Outcomes in Older Women with Oestrogen-Receptor-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Primary Endocrine Therapy vs. Surgery by Comorbidity and Frailty Levels (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Steinke, D., Gavan, S. P., Chen, T.-C., Carr, M. J., Ashcroft, D. M., Cheung, K.-L., & Chen, L.-C. (2024). Survival Outcomes in Older Women with Oestrogen-Receptor-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Primary Endocrine Therapy vs. Surgery by Comorbidity and Frailty Levels. Cancers, 16(4), Article 749.

Primary endocrine therapy (PET) offers non-surgical treatment for older women with early-stage breast cancer who are unsuitable for surgery due to frailty or comorbidity. This research assessed all-cause and breast cancer-specific mortality of PET vs... Read More about Survival Outcomes in Older Women with Oestrogen-Receptor-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Primary Endocrine Therapy vs. Surgery by Comorbidity and Frailty Levels.

Towards Room Temperature Thermochromic Coatings with controllable NIR-IR modulation for solar heat management & smart windows applications (2024)
Journal Article
Khanyile, B. S., Numan, N., Simo, A., Nkosi, M., Mtshali, C. B., Khumalo, Z., Madiba, I. G., Mabakachaba, B., Swart, H., Coetsee-Hugo, E., Duvenhage, M.-M., Lee, E., Henini, M., Gibaud, A., Chaker, M., Rezaee, P., Lethole, N., Akbari, M., Morad, R., & Maaza, M. (2024). Towards Room Temperature Thermochromic Coatings with controllable NIR-IR modulation for solar heat management & smart windows applications. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 2818.

Solar heat management & green air-conditioning are among the major technologies that could mitigate heat islands phenomenon while minimizing significantly the CO2 global foot-print within the building & automotive sectors. Chromogenic materials in ge... Read More about Towards Room Temperature Thermochromic Coatings with controllable NIR-IR modulation for solar heat management & smart windows applications.

The evolution of the duckweed ionome mirrors losses in structural complexity (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, K. E., Zhou, M., Flis, P., Jones, D. H., Bishopp, A., & Yant, L. (2024). The evolution of the duckweed ionome mirrors losses in structural complexity. Annals of Botany, 133(7), 997-1006.

• Background and Aims The duckweeds (Lemnaceae) consist of 36 species exhibiting impressive phenotypic variation, including the progressive evolutionary loss of a fundamental plant organ, the root. Loss of roots and reduction of vascular tissues in r... Read More about The evolution of the duckweed ionome mirrors losses in structural complexity.

The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people (2024)
Journal Article
Ferguson, E., Dawe‐Lane, E., Ajayi, O., Osikomaiya, B., Mills, R., & Okubanjo, A. (2024). The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people. Transfusion Medicine, 34(2), 112-123.

Need-altruism (a preference to help people in need) and kin-altruism (a preference to help kin over non-kin) underlie two hypotheses for voluntary blood donation: (i) Need-altruism underlies motivations for volunteer blood donation and (i... Read More about The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people.

The Bronze Age occupation of the Black Sea coast of Georgia—New insights from settlement mounds of the Colchian plain (2024)
Journal Article
Laermanns, H., Elashvili, M., Kirkitadze, G., Loveluck, C. P., May, S. M., Kelterbaum, D., Papuashvili, R., & Brückner, H. (2024). The Bronze Age occupation of the Black Sea coast of Georgia—New insights from settlement mounds of the Colchian plain. Geoarchaeology, 39(3), 335-350.

Along the lower course of the Rioni and several minor rivers, more than 70 settlement mounds (local name: Dikhagudzuba) have been identified by field surveys and remote sensing techniques. They give evidence of a formerly densely populated landscape... Read More about The Bronze Age occupation of the Black Sea coast of Georgia—New insights from settlement mounds of the Colchian plain.

Quantification of the effect of in utero events on lifetime resilience in dairy cows (2024)
Journal Article
Lewis, K., Shewbridge Carter, L., Bradley, A., Dewhurst, R., Forde, N., Hyde, R., Kaler, J., March, M. D., Mason, C., O'Grady, L., Strain, S., Thompson, J., & Green, M. (2024). Quantification of the effect of in utero events on lifetime resilience in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 107(7), 4616-4633.

Currently, the dairy industry is facing many challenges that could affect its sustainability, including climate change and public perception of the industry. As a result, interest is increasing in the concept of identifying resilient animals, those w... Read More about Quantification of the effect of in utero events on lifetime resilience in dairy cows.

How does reverse entrepreneurship facilitate community transformation in rural China? Evidence from the Yellow River (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, B., Zhang, L., Noke, H., & Bhatt, P. (2024). How does reverse entrepreneurship facilitate community transformation in rural China? Evidence from the Yellow River. Journal of Rural Studies, 106, Article 103204.

In the context of urbanisation and rural decline in the world, reverse entrepreneurship plays a vital role in facilitating the reverse flow of various resources for rural revitalisation. However, little is known about the process of community transfo... Read More about How does reverse entrepreneurship facilitate community transformation in rural China? Evidence from the Yellow River.

Building information modeling (BIM) in project management: A bibliometric and science mapping review (2024)
Journal Article
Ye, Z., Antwi-Afari, M. F., Tezel, A., & Manu, P. (in press). Building information modeling (BIM) in project management: A bibliometric and science mapping review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,

Purpose: The impact of building information modeling (BIM) on various aspects of project management has attracted much attention in the past decade. However, previous studies have focused on a particular facet of project management (e.g., safety, qua... Read More about Building information modeling (BIM) in project management: A bibliometric and science mapping review.

Comprehensive investigation of a building integrated crossed compound parabolic concentrator photovoltaic window system: Thermal, optical and electrical performance (2024)
Journal Article
Li, X., Li, K., Sun, Y., Wilson, R., Peng, J., Shanks, K., Mallick, T., & Wu, Y. (2024). Comprehensive investigation of a building integrated crossed compound parabolic concentrator photovoltaic window system: Thermal, optical and electrical performance. Renewable Energy, 223, Article 119791.

Integrating PV solar cells with concentrators into window systems can not only generate electricity for a building, but also has the potential to enhance the thermal resistance of the building's windows without a significant sacrifi... Read More about Comprehensive investigation of a building integrated crossed compound parabolic concentrator photovoltaic window system: Thermal, optical and electrical performance.

Regulation as a Management Challenge for Small Businesses (2024)
Book Chapter
Wapshott, R., & Mallett, O. (2024). Regulation as a Management Challenge for Small Businesses. In C. Nolan, & B. Harney (Eds.), Reframing HRM in SMEs: Challenges and Dynamics (23-49). Palgrave Macmillan.

In this chapter we seek to take up the challenge to reframe HRM in SMEs. We do this by considering employment regulation as a management challenge for small firms. We take a ‘management challenge’ approach to explore how advancing understanding of HR... Read More about Regulation as a Management Challenge for Small Businesses.

The Byzantine Charm Defensive and the Rus (2024)
Book Chapter
White, M. (2024). The Byzantine Charm Defensive and the Rus. In S. Jakobsson, T. Jonsson Hraundal, & D. Segal (Eds.), The Making of the Eastern Vikings (47-62). Brepols Publishers

Potential of APSIS-InSAR for measuring surface oscillations of tropical peatlands (2024)
Journal Article
Ledger, M. J., Sowter, A., Morrison, K., Evans, C. D., Large, D. J., Athab, A., Gee, D., Brown, C., & Sjögersten, S. (2024). Potential of APSIS-InSAR for measuring surface oscillations of tropical peatlands. PLoS ONE, 19(2), Article e0298939.

Tropical peatland across Southeast Asia is drained extensively for production of pulpwood, palm oil and other food crops. Associated increases in peat decomposition have led to widespread subsidence, deterioration of peat condition and CO2 emissions.... Read More about Potential of APSIS-InSAR for measuring surface oscillations of tropical peatlands.

Phase Diagrams of Alloys and Their Hydrides via On-Lattice Graph Neural Networks and Limited Training Data (2024)
Journal Article
Witman, M. D., Bartelt, N. C., Ling, S., Guan, P.-W., Way, L., Allendorf, M. D., & Stavila, V. (2024). Phase Diagrams of Alloys and Their Hydrides via On-Lattice Graph Neural Networks and Limited Training Data. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15(5), 1500-1506.

Efficient prediction of sampling-intensive thermodynamic properties is needed to evaluate material performance and permit high-throughput materials modeling for a diverse array of technology applications. To alleviate the prohibitive computational ex... Read More about Phase Diagrams of Alloys and Their Hydrides via On-Lattice Graph Neural Networks and Limited Training Data.

Implementing internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (moodgym) for African students with symptoms of low mood during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative feasibilty study (2024)
Journal Article
Ncheka, J. M., Menon, J. A., Davies, E. B., Paul, R., Mwaba, S. O. C., Mudenda, J., Wharrad, H., Tak, H., & Glazebrook, C. (2024). Implementing internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (moodgym) for African students with symptoms of low mood during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative feasibilty study. BMC Psychiatry, 24(1), Article 92.

Background: Online therapies have been shown to be effective in improving students’ mental health. They are cost-effective and therefore have particular advantages in low-income countries like Zambia where mental health resources are limited. This st... Read More about Implementing internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (moodgym) for African students with symptoms of low mood during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative feasibilty study.

Incompatibility of gravity theories with auxiliary fields with the standard model (2024)
Journal Article
Ventagli, G., Pani, P., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2024). Incompatibility of gravity theories with auxiliary fields with the standard model. Physical Review D, 109(4), Article 044002.

Theories of gravity with auxiliary fields are of particular interest since they are able to circumvent Lovelock’s theorem while avoiding the introduction of new degrees of freedom. This type of theories introduces derivatives of the stress-energy ten... Read More about Incompatibility of gravity theories with auxiliary fields with the standard model.

Research on Definition of Short-Circuit Region for Γ-source Circuit Breaker (2024)
Journal Article
Song, W., Wang, C., An, N., Han, Z., Xue, D., & Wheeler, P. (2024). Research on Definition of Short-Circuit Region for Γ-source Circuit Breaker. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39(5), 6271 - 6280.

This article proposes a method defining area of short-circuit and load step change for Γ-source circuit breaker through deriving the law between the variables of transformation ratio, coupling coefficient, load and the boundary resistance. First, the... Read More about Research on Definition of Short-Circuit Region for Γ-source Circuit Breaker.

Population-based study of alcohol-related liver disease in England 2001-2018: Influence of socioeconomic position (2024)
Journal Article
Askgaard, G., Jepsen, P., Jensen, M. D., Kann, A. E., Morling, J., Kraglund, F., Card, T., Crooks, C., & West, J. (2024). Population-based study of alcohol-related liver disease in England 2001-2018: Influence of socioeconomic position. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 119(7), 1337-1345.

England has seen an increase in deaths due to alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) since 2001. We studied the influence of socioeconomic position on the incidence of ALD and the mortality after ALD diagnosis in England in 2001–2018.... Read More about Population-based study of alcohol-related liver disease in England 2001-2018: Influence of socioeconomic position.

Mangrove species found in contrasting environments show differing phytohormonal responses to variation in soil bulk density (2024)
Journal Article
Ola, A., Dodd, I. C., Albacete, A., Xiong, Y., Rasmussen, A., De Diego, N., & Lovelock, C. E. (2024). Mangrove species found in contrasting environments show differing phytohormonal responses to variation in soil bulk density. Plant and Soil, 500(1-2), 417-430.

Background and aims
Mangrove species respond to variation in soil bulk density (BD). However, very little is known about the regulatory mechanisms that trigger these responses.

Endogenous concentrations of different phytohormones were me... Read More about Mangrove species found in contrasting environments show differing phytohormonal responses to variation in soil bulk density.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation over supramarginal gyrus stimulates primary motor cortex directly and impairs manual dexterity: implications for TMS focality (2024)
Journal Article
Holmes, N. P., Di Chiaro, N. V., Crowe, E. M., Marson, B., Göbel, K., Gaigalas, D., Jay, T., Lockett, A. V., Powell, E. S., Zeni, S., & Reader, A. T. (2024). Transcranial magnetic stimulation over supramarginal gyrus stimulates primary motor cortex directly and impairs manual dexterity: implications for TMS focality. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(2), 360-378.

Based on human motor cortex, the effective spatial resolution of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is often described as 5-20 mm, because small changes in TMS coil position can have large effects on motor-evoked potentials (MEPs). MEPs are ofte... Read More about Transcranial magnetic stimulation over supramarginal gyrus stimulates primary motor cortex directly and impairs manual dexterity: implications for TMS focality.