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International data governance for neuroscience (2021)
Journal Article
Eke, D. O., Bernard, A., Bjaalie, J. G., Chavarriaga, R., Hanakawa, T., Hannan, A. J., Hill, S. L., Martone, M. E., McMahon, A., Ruebel, O., Crook, S., Thiels, E., & Pestilli, F. (2022). International data governance for neuroscience. Neuron, 110(4), 600-612.

As neuroscience projects increase in scale and cross international borders, different ethical principles, national and international laws, regulations, and policies for data sharing must be considered. These concerns are part of what is collectively... Read More about International data governance for neuroscience.

An Extended State Loop Filter With Position Error Observer for Sensorless IPMSM Drives (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2022). An Extended State Loop Filter With Position Error Observer for Sensorless IPMSM Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(12), 12213-12224.

Sensorless drives of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) find a broad range of applications due to their inherent benefits. In practical electrified propulsions, the IPMSM drives are usually working in highly utilized conditions whe... Read More about An Extended State Loop Filter With Position Error Observer for Sensorless IPMSM Drives.

Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography (2021)
Journal Article
Ke, J., Gao, C., Folgueiras-Amador, A. A., Jolley, K. E., de Frutos, O., Mateos, C., Rincón, J. A., Brown, R. C., Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2022). Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography. Applied Spectroscopy, 76(1), 38-50.

A continuous-flow electrochemical synthesis platform has been developed to enable self-optimization of reaction conditions of organic electrochemical reactions using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) and... Read More about Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography.

Performance Analysis of a Cable-Driven Ankle Assisting Device (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ceccarelli, M., Russo, M., & Lapteva, M. (2021, December). Performance Analysis of a Cable-Driven Ankle Assisting Device. Presented at IFToMM Asian conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Hanoi, Vietnam

The paper presents a cable-driven parallel manipulator as a device for the motion assistance of the human ankle. The proposed design solution is discussed with design and operation requirements as from consideration of biomechanics and human-machine... Read More about Performance Analysis of a Cable-Driven Ankle Assisting Device.

Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings (2021)
Journal Article
Ventagli, G., Antoniou, G., Lehébel, A., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2021). Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings. Physical Review D, 104(12), Article 124078.

Spontaneous scalarization of neutron stars has been extensively studied in the Damour and Esposito-Farèse model, in which a scalar field couples to the Ricci scalar or, equivalently, to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. However, scalarization... Read More about Neutron star scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings.

Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Diagnostic Accuracy of Pro-C3 for Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2021)
Journal Article
Mak, A. L., Lee, J., van Dijk, A.-M., Vali, Y., Aithal, G. P., Schattenberg, J. M., Anstee, Q. M., Brosnan, M. J., Zafarmand, M. H., Ramsoekh, D., Harrison, S. A., Nieuwdorp, M., Bossuyt, P. M., & Holleboom, A. G. (2021). Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Diagnostic Accuracy of Pro-C3 for Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Biomedicines, 9(12), Article 1920.

The prevalence and severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing, yet adequately validated tests for care paths are limited and non-invasive markers of disease progression are urgently needed. The aim of this work was to summari... Read More about Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Diagnostic Accuracy of Pro-C3 for Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Optimising COVID-19 Vaccination Policy to Mitigate SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within Schools in Zimbabwe (2021)
Journal Article
Murewanhema, G., Mukwenha, S., Dzinamarira, T., Mukandavire, Z., Cuadros, D., Madziva, R., Chingombe, I., Mapingure, M., Herrera, H., & Musuka, G. (2021). Optimising COVID-19 Vaccination Policy to Mitigate SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within Schools in Zimbabwe. Vaccines, 9(12), Article 1481.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the learning of millions of children across the world. Since March 2020 when the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Zimbabwe, the country, like many others, has gone through periods of closing and re-opening... Read More about Optimising COVID-19 Vaccination Policy to Mitigate SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within Schools in Zimbabwe.

Apoferritin and Dps as drug delivery vehicles: Some selected examples in oncology (2021)
Journal Article
Kuruppu, A. I., Turyanska, L., Bradshaw, T. D., Manickam, S., Galhena, B. P., Paranagama, P., & De Silva, R. (2022). Apoferritin and Dps as drug delivery vehicles: Some selected examples in oncology. BBA - General Subjects, 1866(2), Article 130067.

Background: The ideal nanoparticle should be able to encapsulate either pharmaceutical agents or imaging probes so that it could treat or image clinical tumours by targeting the cancer site efficiently. Further, it would be an added advantage if it d... Read More about Apoferritin and Dps as drug delivery vehicles: Some selected examples in oncology.

The impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce during the first pandemic wave: A longitudinal survey study (2021)
Journal Article
Couper, K., Murrells, T., Sanders, J., Anderson, J. E., Blake, H., Kelly, D., Kent, B., Maben, J., Rafferty, A. M., Taylor, R. M., & Harris, R. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce during the first pandemic wave: A longitudinal survey study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 127, Article 104155.

Background: The specific challenges experienced by the nursing and midwifery workforce in previous pandemics have exacerbated pre-existing professional and personal challenges, and triggered new issues. We aimed to determine the psychological impact... Read More about The impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce during the first pandemic wave: A longitudinal survey study.

This is Me: Evaluation of a boardgame to promote social engagement, wellbeing and agency in people with dementia through mindful life-storytelling (2021)
Journal Article
Niedderer, K., Holthoff-Detto, V., van Rompay, T. J., Karahanoglu, A., Ludden, G. D., Almeida, R., Losada Duran, R., Aguado, Y. B., Lim, J. N., Smith, T., Harrison, D., Craven, M. P., Gosling, J., Orton, L., & Tournier, I. (2022). This is Me: Evaluation of a boardgame to promote social engagement, wellbeing and agency in people with dementia through mindful life-storytelling. Journal of Aging Studies, 60, Article 100995.

Receiving a dementia diagnosis is a difficult experience for most people and often affects their wellbeing negatively. To support people's wellbeing, in a therapeutic context, life-storytelling, reminiscence and mindfulness are used with people with... Read More about This is Me: Evaluation of a boardgame to promote social engagement, wellbeing and agency in people with dementia through mindful life-storytelling.

Infantographies (2021)
Journal Article
Tesar, M., Guerrero, M. R., Anttila, E., Newberry, J., Hellman, A., Wall, J., Santiago-Saamong, C. R., Bodén, L., Yu, H., Nanakida, A., Diaz-Diaz, C., Xu, Y., Trnka, S., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., Nxumalo, F., Millei, Z., Malone, K., & Arndt, S. (2021). Infantographies. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-19.

Maternal prenatal anxiety and depression and trajectories of cardiometabolic risk factors across childhood and adolescence: a prospective cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Matvienko-Sikar, K., O' Neill, K., Fraser, A., Hayes, C., Howe, L., Huizink, A. C., Kearney, P. M., Khasan, A., Redsell, S., & O'Keefe, L. M. (2022). Maternal prenatal anxiety and depression and trajectories of cardiometabolic risk factors across childhood and adolescence: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 11(12), Article e051681.

Objectives: Quantifying long-term offspring cardiometabolic health risks associated with maternal prenatal anxiety and depression can guide cardiometabolic risk prevention. This study examines associations between maternal prenatal anxiety and depres... Read More about Maternal prenatal anxiety and depression and trajectories of cardiometabolic risk factors across childhood and adolescence: a prospective cohort study.

Saliva for COVID-19 testing: Simple but useless or an undervalued resource? (2021)
Journal Article
Pijuan-Galito, S., Tarantini, F. S., Tomlin, H., Jenkins, H., Thompson, J. L., Scales, D., Stroud, A., Tellechea Lopez, A., Hassall, J., McTernan, P., Coultas, A., Arendt-Tranholm, A., Reffin, C., Hill, I., Lee, I.-N., Wu, S., Porte, J., Chappell, J., Lis-Slimak, K., Kaneko, K., …Denning, C. (2021). Saliva for COVID-19 testing: Simple but useless or an undervalued resource?. Frontiers in Virology, 1, Article 778790.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries with robust population-based asymptomatic testing were generally successful in controlling virus spread, hence reducing hospitalizations and deaths. This effectiveness inspired widespread asymptomatic surveilla... Read More about Saliva for COVID-19 testing: Simple but useless or an undervalued resource?.

Differential fates of introns in gene expression due to global alternative splicing (2021)
Journal Article
Kumari, A., Sedehizadeh, S., Brook, J. D., Kozlowski, P., & Wojciechowska, M. (2022). Differential fates of introns in gene expression due to global alternative splicing. Human Genetics, 141, 31-47.

The discovery of introns over four decades ago revealed a new vision of genes and their interrupted arrangement. Throughout the years, it has appeared that introns play essential roles in the regulation of gene expression. Unique processing of excise... Read More about Differential fates of introns in gene expression due to global alternative splicing.

Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Naicker, I. (2021). Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/humanizing education (31-42). Brill Academic Publishers.

We are South African academics in teacher development studies and educational leadership and management. In this chapter, we inquire, what have we learned through our autoethnographic explorations for re/humanizing learning and teaching, academic sel... Read More about Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry.

Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kabanov, D. I., Espath, L., Kiessling, J., & Tempone, R. F. (2022, August). Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks. Presented at 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Virtual conference

We apply neural networks to the problem of estimating divergence-free velocity flows from given sparse observations. Following the modern trend of combining data and models in physics-informed neural networks, we reconstruct the velocity flow by trai... Read More about Estimating divergence‐free flows via neural networks.

Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Dual Active Bridge Converter (2021)
Journal Article
Tarisciotti, L., Chen, L., Shao, S., Dragicevic, T., Wheeler, P., & Zanchetta, P. (2022). Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Dual Active Bridge Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 58(2), 2155-2165.

Dual active bridge is often considered in many dc/dc converter applications where high efficiency, input/output voltage ratio, and power level are required. Recently, a predictive control technique, named moving discretized control set model predicti... Read More about Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Dual Active Bridge Converter.

Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy-drinking adolescents (2021)
Journal Article
Ottino-González, J., Albaugh, M. D., Cao, Z., Cupertino, R. B., Schwab, N., Spechler, P. A., Allen, N., Artiges, E., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L. W., Burke Quinlan, E., Brühl, R., Orr, C., Cousijn, J., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Foxe, J. J., Fröhner, J. H., Goudriaan, A. E., Gowland, P., …Garavan, H. (2022). Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy-drinking adolescents. Addiction, 117(5), 1312-1325.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Graph theoretic analysis of structural covariance networks (SCN) provides an assessment of brain organization that has not yet been applied to alcohol dependence (AD). We estimated whether SCN differences are present in adults wi... Read More about Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy-drinking adolescents.

Neuroprotection Against NMDA-Induced Retinal Damage by Philanthotoxin-343 Involves Reduced Nitrosative Stress (2021)
Journal Article
Mohamad, M. H. N., Abu, I. F., Fazel, M. F., Agarwal, R., Iezhitsa, I., Juliana, N., Mellor, I. R., & Franzyk, H. (2021). Neuroprotection Against NMDA-Induced Retinal Damage by Philanthotoxin-343 Involves Reduced Nitrosative Stress. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12, Article 798794.

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) overstimulation is known to mediate neurodegeneration, and hence represents a relevant therapeutic target for neurodegenerative disorders including glaucoma. This study examined the neuroprotective effects of phi... Read More about Neuroprotection Against NMDA-Induced Retinal Damage by Philanthotoxin-343 Involves Reduced Nitrosative Stress.