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Esoteric Writing through Historical Allusions: Qu Xuanying’s Poetry under Japanese Occupation (2020)
Journal Article
Chiu, Y.-H. (2020). Esoteric Writing through Historical Allusions: Qu Xuanying’s Poetry under Japanese Occupation. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19(2), 237-262.

This paper investigates the poetry of Qu Xuanying, a literatus who remained in the city of Beiping (now Beijing) following its occupation by the Japanese in 1937. Through historical allusions in his poetry, Qu communicated with friends about the ethi... Read More about Esoteric Writing through Historical Allusions: Qu Xuanying’s Poetry under Japanese Occupation.

Epen-22. Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies upregulation of IKZF1 in PFA2 myeloid subpopulation driving an anti-tumor phenotype (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Griesinger, A., Prince, E., Donson, A., Riemondy, K., Ritzman, T., Harris, F., Amani, V., Handler, M., Hankinson, T., Grundy, R., Jackson, A., & Foreman, N. Epen-22. Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies upregulation of IKZF1 in PFA2 myeloid subpopulation driving an anti-tumor phenotype

We have previously shown immune gene phenotype variations between posterior fossa ependymoma subgroups. PFA1 tumors chronically secrete IL-6, which pushes the infiltrating myeloid cells to an immune suppressive function. In contrast, PFA2 tumors have... Read More about Epen-22. Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies upregulation of IKZF1 in PFA2 myeloid subpopulation driving an anti-tumor phenotype.

Epen-23. A computational analysis of the tumour immune microenvironment in paediatric ependymoma (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ritzmann, T., Lourdusamy, A., Jackson, A., Storer, L., Donson, A., Griesinger, A., Foreman, N., Rogers, H., & Grundy, R. Epen-23. A computational analysis of the tumour immune microenvironment in paediatric ependymoma

Ependymoma is the third commonest childhood brain tumour. Relapse is frequent, often fatal and current therapeutic strategies are inadequate. Previous ependymoma research describes an immunosuppressive environment with T-cell exhaustion, indicating a... Read More about Epen-23. A computational analysis of the tumour immune microenvironment in paediatric ependymoma.

Tunnelling around bends—Wave scattering in curved shell structures (2020)
Journal Article
Mohammed, N. M., Creagh, S. C., & Tanner, G. (2021). Tunnelling around bends—Wave scattering in curved shell structures. Wave Motion, 101, Article 102697.

A ray dynamics describing wave transport on curved and smooth thin shells can be obtained from the underlying wave equations via the Eikonal approximation. We analyse mid-frequency effects near the ring frequency for curved plates consisting of a cyl... Read More about Tunnelling around bends—Wave scattering in curved shell structures.

Not just “implementation”: the synergy of research and practice in an engineering research approach to educational design and development (2020)
Journal Article
Burkhardt, H., & Schoenfeld, A. (2021). Not just “implementation”: the synergy of research and practice in an engineering research approach to educational design and development. ZDM, 53(5), 991-1005.

This paper builds on a range of traditions in educational research and design to argue, with empirical evidence, that constructing powerful instructional materials and approaches that work at scale requires a grounding in theory and a commitment to e... Read More about Not just “implementation”: the synergy of research and practice in an engineering research approach to educational design and development.

Sketching to support visual learning with interactive tutorials (2020)
Journal Article
Kohnle, A., Ainsworth, S. E., & Passante, G. (2020). Sketching to support visual learning with interactive tutorials. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 16(2), Article 020139.

[This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Curriculum Development: Theory into Design.] This manuscript discusses how learning theories have been applied to shape multiple aspects of the design of curricular activities combining interactive com... Read More about Sketching to support visual learning with interactive tutorials.

A parametric study on the performance characteristics of an evacuated flat-plate photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector (2020)
Journal Article
Hu, M., Guo, C., Zhao, B., Ao, X., Suhendri, Cao, J., Wang, Q., Riffat, S., Su, Y., & Pei, G. (2021). A parametric study on the performance characteristics of an evacuated flat-plate photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector. Renewable Energy, 167, 884-898.

An evacuated flat-plate photovoltaic/thermal (E-PV/T) collector was proposed. The inner space of the E-PV/T collector is vacuumed to suppress non-radiative heat losses, thus increasing thermal efficiency of the collector. Therefore, the E-PV/T collec... Read More about A parametric study on the performance characteristics of an evacuated flat-plate photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector.

Risk of death among people with rare autoimmune diseases compared with the general population in England during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Peach, E., Rutter, M., Lanyon, P., Grainge, M. J., Hubbard, R., Aston, J., Bythell, M., Stevens, S., & Pearce, F. (2021). Risk of death among people with rare autoimmune diseases compared with the general population in England during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Rheumatology, 60(4), 1902–1909.

Objectives: To quantify the risk of death among people with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases (RAIRD) during the UK 2020 COVID-19 pandemic compared with the general population, and compared with their pre-COVID risk. Methods: We conducted a cohort s... Read More about Risk of death among people with rare autoimmune diseases compared with the general population in England during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Task-oriented optimal dimensional synthesis of robotic manipulators with limited mobility (2020)
Journal Article
Russo, M., Raimondi, L., Dong, X., Axinte, D., & Kell, J. (2021). Task-oriented optimal dimensional synthesis of robotic manipulators with limited mobility. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 69, Article 102096.

© 2020 In this article, an optimization method is proposed for the dimensional synthesis of robotic manipulators with limited mobility, i.e. with less than 6 degrees-of-freedom (“DoF”), with a prescribed set of tasks in a constrained environment. Sin... Read More about Task-oriented optimal dimensional synthesis of robotic manipulators with limited mobility.

On the monoidal center of Deligne's category Re̲p(St) (2020)
Journal Article
Flake, J., & Laugwitz, R. (2021). On the monoidal center of Deligne's category Re̲p(St). Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(3), 1153-1185.

We explicitly compute a monoidal subcategory of the monoidal center of Deligne’s interpolation category Rep(St), for t not necessarily a natural number, and we show that this subcategory is a ribbon category. For t = n, a natural number, there exists... Read More about On the monoidal center of Deligne's category Re̲p(St).

Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism (2020)
Journal Article
Karim, S., Piano, S., Branson, D., Santoso, T., Leach, R., & Tolley, M. (2022). Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism. International Journal of Control, 95(4), 867-885.

This paper presents a real-time position control solution for the targets used in the high-repetition rate laser operations of large-scale high-power laser facilities. The design of the control system is based on an Abbe-compliant, in-process positio... Read More about Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism.

Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple (2020)
Journal Article
Murataliyev, M., Degano, M., Di Nardo, M., Bianchi, N., Tessarolo, A., Jara, W., Galea, M., & Gerada, C. (2021). Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(3), 2195-2205.

This paper presents a novel design concept for Synchronous Reluctance (SynRel) machines aimed at reducing the torque ripple. Two general sizing approaches based on the homothetic scaling principle are defined and compared. An in depth analysis on the... Read More about Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple.

Exact solution of the Floquet-PXP cellular automaton (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. W. P., Klobas, K., Prosen, T., & Garrahan, J. P. (2020). Exact solution of the Floquet-PXP cellular automaton. Physical Review E, 102(6), Article 062107.

We study the dynamics of a bulk deterministic Floquet model, the Rule 201 synchronous one-dimensional reversible cellular automaton (RCA201). The system corresponds to a deterministic, reversible, and discrete version of the PXP model, whereby a site... Read More about Exact solution of the Floquet-PXP cellular automaton.

A Universal Stiffening Sleeve Designed for All Types of Continuum Robot Systems (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fang, Y., Bishop, C., Ba, W., Díez, J. B., Mohammad, A., & Dong, X. (2020, September). A Universal Stiffening Sleeve Designed for All Types of Continuum Robot Systems. Presented at Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 21st Annual Conference, TAROS 2020, Nottingham, UK, September 16, 2020, Proceedings, Nottingham, UK

© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Continuum robots have been utilized for several light-duty applications, such as minimally invasive surgery in the medical field and inspection in the industry. However, the existing design solutions do not off... Read More about A Universal Stiffening Sleeve Designed for All Types of Continuum Robot Systems.

Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation (2020)
Journal Article
Trentin, A., Sala, G., Tarisciotti, L., Galassini, A., Degano, M., Connor, P. H., Golovanov, D., Gerada, D., Xu, Z., La Rocca, A., Eastwick, C. N., Pickering, S. J., Wheeler, P., Clare, J. C., & Gerada, C. (2021). Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(12), 11684-11695.

In this article, we describe the research and development of a 3 kV active rectifier for a 4 MW aerospace generator drive system demonstrator. The converter is fed by a multiphase high-speed/high-frequency permanent magnet generator. The main aim of... Read More about Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation.

PAF-R on activated T cells: Role in the IL-23/Th17 pathway and relevance to multiple sclerosis (2020)
Journal Article
Midgley, A., Barakat, D., Braitch, M., Nichols, C., Nebozhyn, M., Edwards, L. J., Fox, S. C., Gran, B., Robins, R. A., Showe, L. C., & Constantinescu, C. S. (2021). PAF-R on activated T cells: Role in the IL-23/Th17 pathway and relevance to multiple sclerosis. Immunobiology, 226(1), Article 152023.

© 2020 Elsevier GmbH IL-23 is a potent stimulus for Th17 cells. These cells have a distinct developmental pathway from Th1 cells induced by IL-12 and are implicated in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders including multiple sclerosis (MS). TGF-β, IL... Read More about PAF-R on activated T cells: Role in the IL-23/Th17 pathway and relevance to multiple sclerosis.

MRE11 Is Crucial for Malaria Parasite Transmission and Its Absence Affects Expression of Interconnected Networks of Key Genes Essential for Life (2020)
Journal Article
Guttery, D. S., Ramaprasad, A., Ferguson, D. J. P., Zeeshan, M., Pandey, R., Brady, D., Holder, A. A., Pain, A., & Tewari, R. (2020). MRE11 Is Crucial for Malaria Parasite Transmission and Its Absence Affects Expression of Interconnected Networks of Key Genes Essential for Life. Cells, 9(12), Article 2590.

The meiotic recombination 11 protein (MRE11) plays a key role in DNA damage response and maintenance of genome stability. However, little is known about its function during development of the malaria parasite Plasmodium. Here, we present a functional... Read More about MRE11 Is Crucial for Malaria Parasite Transmission and Its Absence Affects Expression of Interconnected Networks of Key Genes Essential for Life.

Motor-related oscillatory activity in schizophrenia according to phase of illness and clinical symptom severity (2020)
Journal Article
Gascoyne, L. E., Brookes, M. J., Rathnaiah, M., Zia Ul Haq Katshu, M., Koelewijn, L., Williams, G., Kumar, J., Walters, J. T., Seedat, Z. A., Palaniyappan, L., William Deakin, J., Singh, K. D., Liddle, P. F., & Morris, P. G. (2021). Motor-related oscillatory activity in schizophrenia according to phase of illness and clinical symptom severity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 29, Article 102524.

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) measures magnetic fields generated by synchronised neural current flow and provides direct inference on brain electrophysiology and connectivity, with high spatial and temporal resolution. The movement-related beta decrea... Read More about Motor-related oscillatory activity in schizophrenia according to phase of illness and clinical symptom severity.