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Ultrasonographic scoring system for superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in horses: intra- and inter-rater variability (2017)
Journal Article
Alzola Domingo, R., Riggs, C. M., Gardner, D. S., & Freeman, S. (2017). Ultrasonographic scoring system for superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in horses: intra- and inter-rater variability. Veterinary Record, 181(24),

Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) tendinopathy is an important musculoskeletal problem in horses. The study objective was to validate an ultrasonographic scoring system for SDFT injuries. Ultrasonographic images from 14 Thoroughbred racehorses... Read More about Ultrasonographic scoring system for superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in horses: intra- and inter-rater variability.

Assessment of basis sets for density functional theory based calculations of core electron spectroscopies (2017)
Journal Article
Fouda, A. E., & Besley, N. A. (2018). Assessment of basis sets for density functional theory based calculations of core electron spectroscopies. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling, 137, Article 6.

The performance of gaussian basis sets for density functional theory based calculations of core electron spectroscopies is assessed. The convergence of core-electron binding energies and core-excitation energies using a range of basis sets, including... Read More about Assessment of basis sets for density functional theory based calculations of core electron spectroscopies.

Long term outcomes of daily oral vs. pulsed intravenous cyclophosphamide in a non-trial setting in ANCA associated vasculitis (2017)
Journal Article
La-Crette, J., Royle, J., Lanyon, P. C., Ferraro, A., Butler, A., & Pearce, F. A. (2018). Long term outcomes of daily oral vs. pulsed intravenous cyclophosphamide in a non-trial setting in ANCA associated vasculitis. Clinical Rheumatology, 37(4), 1085–1090.

Objectives We aimed to compare risk of death, relapse, neutropenia and infection requiring hospital admission between unselected ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) patients according to whether cyclophosphamide induction was by daily oral (PO) or pulse... Read More about Long term outcomes of daily oral vs. pulsed intravenous cyclophosphamide in a non-trial setting in ANCA associated vasculitis.

Dealkanative Main Group Couplings across the peri-Gap (2017)
Journal Article
Taylor, L. J., Bühl, M., Chalmers, B. A., Ray, M. J., Wawrzyniak, P., Walton, J. C., Cordes, D. B., Slawin, A. M., Woollins, J. D., & Kilian, P. (2017). Dealkanative Main Group Couplings across the peri-Gap. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(51), 18545-18551.

Here, we highlight the ability of peri-substitution chemistry to promote a series of unique P-P/P-As coupling reactions, which proceed with concomitant C-H bond formation. This dealkanative reactivity represents an interesting and unexpected expansio... Read More about Dealkanative Main Group Couplings across the peri-Gap.

Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tomczynska, M. M., Ward, M., Choong, G. Y. H., Walton, K., De Focatiis, D. S. A., Grant, D. M., Irvine, D. J., & Parsons, A. J. (2016, July). Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants. Presented at 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-32), Lyon, France

Biodegradable polylactic acid nanocomposites for orthopaedic implants require optimum particle dispersion and high molecular weight in load bearing applications. Novel coated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles can offer new opportunities for enhanced dispe... Read More about Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants.

Non-destructive analysis of sucrose, caffeine and trigonelline on single green coffee beans by hyperspectral imaging (2017)
Journal Article
Caporaso, N., Whitworth, M. B., Grebby, S., & Fisk, I. D. (2018). Non-destructive analysis of sucrose, caffeine and trigonelline on single green coffee beans by hyperspectral imaging. Food Research International, 106,

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a novel technology for the food sector that enables rapid non-contact analysis of food materials. HSI was applied for the first time to whole green coffee beans, at a single seed level, for quantitative prediction of su... Read More about Non-destructive analysis of sucrose, caffeine and trigonelline on single green coffee beans by hyperspectral imaging.

Foreign and domestic collaboration, product innovation novelty, and firm growth (2017)
Journal Article
Hsieh, W.-L., Ganotakis, P., Kafouros, M., & Wang, C. (2018). Foreign and domestic collaboration, product innovation novelty, and firm growth. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(4),

Although prior research underscores the benefits of external collaboration for a firm's innovative output, little research has examined the role that collaboration plays across the different stages of the innovation process. Drawing from organization... Read More about Foreign and domestic collaboration, product innovation novelty, and firm growth.

Applying geomorphological principles and engineering science to develop a phased sediment management plan for Mount St Helens, Washington (2017)
Journal Article
Sclafani, P., Nygaard, C., & Thorne, C. R. (2018). Applying geomorphological principles and engineering science to develop a phased sediment management plan for Mount St Helens, Washington. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(5),

Thirty-seven years post-eruption, erosion of the debris avalanche at Mount St. Helens continues to supply sediment to the Toutle-Cowlitz River system in quantities that have the potential to lower the Level of Protection (LoP) against flooding unacce... Read More about Applying geomorphological principles and engineering science to develop a phased sediment management plan for Mount St Helens, Washington.

Stochastic petri net-based modeling of the durability of renderings (2017)
Journal Article
Ferreira, C., Canhoto Neves, L., Silva, A., & Brito, J. D. (2018). Stochastic petri net-based modeling of the durability of renderings. Automation in Construction, 87, 96-105.

In this study, a methodology to model and predict the life-cycle performance of building façades based on Stochastic Petri Nets is proposed. The proposed model evaluates the performance of rendered façades over time, evaluating the uncertainty of the... Read More about Stochastic petri net-based modeling of the durability of renderings.

Transcriptomic analysis in pediatric spinal ependymoma reveals distinct molecular signatures (2017)
Journal Article
Lourdusamy, A., Luo, L. Z., Storer, L. C., Cohen, K. J., Resar, L., & Grundy, R. G. (2017). Transcriptomic analysis in pediatric spinal ependymoma reveals distinct molecular signatures. Oncotarget, 8(70),

Pediatric spinal ependymomas (SEPN) are important albeit uncommon malignant central nervous system tumors with limited treatment options. Our current knowledge about the underlying biology of these tumors is limited due to their rarity. To begin to e... Read More about Transcriptomic analysis in pediatric spinal ependymoma reveals distinct molecular signatures.

Digital energy visualisations in the workplace: the e-Genie tool (2017)
Journal Article
Spence, A., Goulden, M., Leygue, C., Banks, N., Bedwell, B. D., Jewell, M., Yang, R., & Ferguson, E. (in press). Digital energy visualisations in the workplace: the e-Genie tool. Building Research and Information,

Building management systems are designed for energy managers; there are few energy feedback systems designed to engage staff. A tool, known as e-Genie, was developed to engage workplace occupants with energy data and support them to take action to re... Read More about Digital energy visualisations in the workplace: the e-Genie tool.

Establishing the cascade of care for hepatitis C in England-benchmarking to monitor impact of direct acting antivirals (2017)
Journal Article
Simmons, R., Ireland, G., Irving, W., Hickman, M., Sabin, C., Ijaz, S., Ramsay, M., Lattimore, S., & Mandal, S. (in press). Establishing the cascade of care for hepatitis C in England-benchmarking to monitor impact of direct acting antivirals. Journal of Viral Hepatitis,

Little is known about engagement and retention in care of people diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) in England. Establishing a cascade of care informs targeted interventions for improving case-finding, referral, treatment uptake and retention i... Read More about Establishing the cascade of care for hepatitis C in England-benchmarking to monitor impact of direct acting antivirals.

Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers (2017)
Journal Article
Pronk, M., Deeg, D. J., Versfeld, N. J., Heymans, M., Naylor, G., & Kramer, S. E. (in press). Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers. Trends in Hearing, 21,

This study aimed to determine the predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period (HAEP) using a prospective design drawing on the health belief model and the transtheoretical model. In total, 377 older persons who presented with hearing probl... Read More about Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers.

The role of oversight in foreign-national only prisons: counteracting the disapplication of rehabilitation (2017)
Journal Article
Mulgrew, R. (2018). The role of oversight in foreign-national only prisons: counteracting the disapplication of rehabilitation. Crime, Law and Social Change, 70(1), 77-92.

© 2017, The Author(s). In several European countries, prisons have been created solely to house foreign national prisoners without leave to remain. Contrary to contemporary international human rights law and standards on prison management, there seem... Read More about The role of oversight in foreign-national only prisons: counteracting the disapplication of rehabilitation.

What are the experiences of seeking, receiving and providing FGM-related healthcare?: perspectives of health professionals and women/girls who have undergone FGM: protocol for a systematic review of qualitative evidence (2017)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Tweheyo, R., McGarry, J., Eldridge, J., McCormick, C., Nkoyo, V., & Higginbottom, G. M. (in press). What are the experiences of seeking, receiving and providing FGM-related healthcare?: perspectives of health professionals and women/girls who have undergone FGM: protocol for a systematic review of qualitative evidence. BMJ Open, 7, Article e018170.

Introduction: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an issue of global concern. High levels of migration mean that healthcare systems in higher-income western countries are increasingly being challenged to respond to the care needs of affected communiti... Read More about What are the experiences of seeking, receiving and providing FGM-related healthcare?: perspectives of health professionals and women/girls who have undergone FGM: protocol for a systematic review of qualitative evidence.

Richard Wagner’s prose sketches for Jesus of Nazareth: historical and theological reflections on an uncompleted opera (2017)
Journal Article
Bell, R. H. (in press). Richard Wagner’s prose sketches for Jesus of Nazareth: historical and theological reflections on an uncompleted opera. Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, 15(2-3),

In May 1849 Wagner fled Dresden after the failure of the uprising of which he was a leader. His last creative work in Dresden was prose sketches for an opera Jesus of Nazareth, the result of his study of the Graeco-Roman world and the New Testament t... Read More about Richard Wagner’s prose sketches for Jesus of Nazareth: historical and theological reflections on an uncompleted opera.

Technical challenges of working with extracellular vesicles (2017)
Journal Article
Ramirez, M. I., Amorim, M. G., Gadelha, C., Milic, I., Welsh, J. A., Freitas, V. M., Nawaz, M., Akbar, N., Couch, Y., Makin, L., Cooke, F., Vettore, A. L., Batista, P. X., Freezor, R., Pezuk, J. A., Rosa-Fernandes, L., Carreira, A. C. O., Devitt, A., Jacobs, L., Silva, I. T., …Dias-Neto, E. (2018). Technical challenges of working with extracellular vesicles. Nanoscale, 10(3), 881-906.

© 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) are gaining interest as central players in liquid biopsies, with potential applications in diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic guidance in most pathological conditions. These nanosi... Read More about Technical challenges of working with extracellular vesicles.

Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Riaz, M., Lewis, S., Naughton, F., & Ussher, M. (2018). Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 113(4), 610-622.

AIM: To identify factors found in the research literature to be associated with smoking cessation in pregnancy.

METHODS: Electronic searches of the bibliographic databases of PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Elsevier, Scopus and ISI Web of Science were... Read More about Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Soil and land use research in Europe: lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting (2017)
Journal Article
Bartke, S., Boekhold, A. E., Brils, J., Grimski, D., Ferber, U., Gorgon, J., Guérin, V., Makeschin, F., Maring, L., Nathanail, C. P., Villeneuve, J., Zeyer, J., & Schröter-Schlaack, C. (2018). Soil and land use research in Europe: lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting. Science of the Total Environment, 622-623,

We introduce the INSPIRATION bottom-up approach for the development of a strategic research agenda for spatial planning, land use and soil-sediment-water-system management in Europe. Research and innovation needs were identified by more than 500 Euro... Read More about Soil and land use research in Europe: lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting.