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All Outputs (380)

A novel chemogenomics analysis of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their ligands: a potential strategy for receptor de-orphanization (2010)
Journal Article
van der Horst, E., Peironcely, J. E., Ijzerman, A. P., Beukers, M. W., Lane, J. R., van Vlijmen, H. W. T., Emmerich, M. T. M., Okuno, Y., & Bender, A. (2010). A novel chemogenomics analysis of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their ligands: a potential strategy for receptor de-orphanization. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, Article 316.

BACKGROUND:G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a family of well-characterized drug targets with significant therapeutic value. Phylogenetic classifications may help to understand the characteristics of individual GPCRs and their subtypes. P... Read More about A novel chemogenomics analysis of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their ligands: a potential strategy for receptor de-orphanization.

Large-scale neural dynamics: Simple and complex (2010)
Journal Article
Coombes, S. (2010). Large-scale neural dynamics: Simple and complex. NeuroImage, 52(3), 731-739.

We review the use of neural field models for modelling the brain at the large scales necessary for interpreting EEG, fMRI, MEG and optical imaging data. Albeit a framework that is limited to coarse-grained or mean-field activity, neural field models... Read More about Large-scale neural dynamics: Simple and complex.

AAV-mediated chronic over-expression of SNAP-25 in adult rat dorsal hippocampus impairs memory-associated synaptic plasticity (2010)
Journal Article
McKee, A. G., Loscher, J. S., O'Sullivan, N. C., Chadderton, N., Palfi, A., Batti, L., Sheridan, G. K., O'Shea, S., Moran, M., McCabe, O., Fernández, A. B., Pangalos, M. N., O'Connor, J. J., Regan, C. M., O'Connor, W. T., Humphries, P., Farrar, G. J., & Murphy, K. J. (2010). AAV-mediated chronic over-expression of SNAP-25 in adult rat dorsal hippocampus impairs memory-associated synaptic plasticity. Journal of Neurochemistry, 112(4), 991-1004.

Long-term memory is formed by alterations in glutamate-dependent excitatory synaptic transmission, which is in turn regulated by synaptosomal protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25), a key component of the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment pro... Read More about AAV-mediated chronic over-expression of SNAP-25 in adult rat dorsal hippocampus impairs memory-associated synaptic plasticity.

Aerial photosieving of exposed gravel bars for the rapid calibration of airborne grain size maps (2010)
Journal Article
Dugdale, S. J., Carbonneau, P. E., & Campbell, D. (2010). Aerial photosieving of exposed gravel bars for the rapid calibration of airborne grain size maps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(6), 627-639.

In recent years, fluvial remote sensing has seen considerable progress in terms of methods capable of system scale characterisation of river catchments. One key development is automated grain size mapping. It has been shown that high resolution aeria... Read More about Aerial photosieving of exposed gravel bars for the rapid calibration of airborne grain size maps.

Elvis sings for the BBC: broadcast branding and digital media design (2010)
Journal Article
Grainge, P. (2010). Elvis sings for the BBC: broadcast branding and digital media design. Media, Culture and Society, 32(1), 45-61.

This essay uses a striking example of digital remix promotion - BBC Radio 2’s Elvis ad - to examine developments in the contemporary branding and broadcast environment. Developing work by John Caldwell, it examines the Elvis ad as a ‘deep text’, a pr... Read More about Elvis sings for the BBC: broadcast branding and digital media design.

On the interpretation of results from small punch creep tests (2010)
Journal Article
Hyde, T. H., Stoyanov, M., Sun, W., & Hyde, C. J. (2010). On the interpretation of results from small punch creep tests. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 45(3),

The small punch creep testing method is highly complex and involves interactions between a number of non-linear processes. The deformed shapes that are produced from such tests are related to the punch and specimen dimensions and to the elastic, plas... Read More about On the interpretation of results from small punch creep tests.

'Voluntary Bounty and Devotion to the Service of God'? Lay Patronage, Protest and the Creation of the Parish of St Paul Covent Garden, 1629-41 (2010)
Journal Article
Merritt, J. (2010). 'Voluntary Bounty and Devotion to the Service of God'? Lay Patronage, Protest and the Creation of the Parish of St Paul Covent Garden, 1629-41. English Historical Review, CXXV(512), 35-59.

While historians have long appreciated the political and cultural importance of the famous Covent Garden development of the 1630s, they have neglected one of its remarkable features, namely the building of an entirely new church combined with the cre... Read More about 'Voluntary Bounty and Devotion to the Service of God'? Lay Patronage, Protest and the Creation of the Parish of St Paul Covent Garden, 1629-41.

Does tenure in office affect regional growth? The role of public capital productivity (2010)
Journal Article
GARCIA-VEGA, M., & Herce, . J. A. (2010). Does tenure in office affect regional growth? The role of public capital productivity. Public Choice, 146(1/2), 75-92

We study the impact of tenure in office on economic performance. We evaluate
the relationships between tenure in office and GDP growth, public capital growth, and public
capital productivity using data for Spanish regions during the period 1980–199... Read More about Does tenure in office affect regional growth? The role of public capital productivity.

A novel method for obtaining the multiaxiality constant for damage mechanics which is appropriate to crack tip conditions (2010)
Journal Article
Hyde, C. J., Sun, W., & Hyde, T. (2010). A novel method for obtaining the multiaxiality constant for damage mechanics which is appropriate to crack tip conditions. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering,

Many engineering components, such as power plant steam pipes, aero-engine turbine discs, etc, operate under severe loading/temperature conditions for the majority of their service life. As a result, cracks can initiate and subsequently propagate over... Read More about A novel method for obtaining the multiaxiality constant for damage mechanics which is appropriate to crack tip conditions.

Cross-cultural self-assertion and cultural politics: African migrants' writing in German since the late 1990s (2010)
Journal Article
Göttsche, D. (2010). Cross-cultural self-assertion and cultural politics: African migrants' writing in German since the late 1990s. German Life and Letters, 63(1),

Since the 1980s African migrants’ writing in German has seen significant development, establishing itself as one of the few examples of a German postcolonial literature in the literal sense, undercutting traditional notions of national literatures, a... Read More about Cross-cultural self-assertion and cultural politics: African migrants' writing in German since the late 1990s.

Multiscale modeling of colonic crypts and early colorectal cancer (2010)
Book Chapter
Fletcher, A. G., Mirams, G. R., Murray, P. J., Walter, A., Kang, J. W., Cho, K. H., Maini, P. K., & Byrne, H. M. (2010). Multiscale modeling of colonic crypts and early colorectal cancer. In T. S. Deisboeck, & G. Stamatakos (Eds.), Multiscale Cancer Modeling (111-131). CRC Press.

© 2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Colorectal cancer accounts for 13% of all cancers in the United Kingdom, with around 35,300 new diagnoses and 16,000 deaths occurring each year ( Colorectal cancer is predomin... Read More about Multiscale modeling of colonic crypts and early colorectal cancer.

CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow (2010)
Journal Article
Morgan, S., Hayes-Gill, B., & Crowe, J. (2010). CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow. Optics and Photonics News, 21(1), 32-37.

Smart CMOS sensors can extract parameters of interest from incoming signals at the sensor and therefore overcome the data bottleneck between sensor and processor. This enables full-field laser Doppler blood flow imaging to be obtained at a frame rate... Read More about CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow.

Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India (2010)
Journal Article
ní Fhlathúin, M. (2010). Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India. Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film, 37(1),

This essay examines the spectacular and stage-managed mass executions carried out during the East India Company administration’s campaign against thug criminals during the 1830s. Drawing on Foucault’s concept of the execution as an occasion for the d... Read More about Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India.

Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa (2010)
Journal Article
Whitty, N. (2010). Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa. Human Rights Law Review, 10(4),

Digital media technologies provide new opportunities for the recording and publicising of human rights violations. In recent years, soldier photography during military conflicts has become one of the most controversial sources of images of abuse, esp... Read More about Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa.

International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad (2010)
Journal Article
White, N. D. (2010). International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 59(3),

Examines the role that international law plays in UK institutions of government when considering the deployment of armed forces to conflict and post-conflict zones. This is put into the context of the debate in the UK about the introduction of a War... Read More about International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad.

Real-world transfer of evolved artificial immune system behaviours between small and large scale robotic platforms (2010)
Journal Article
Whitbrook, A., Aickelin, U., & Garibaldi, J. (2010). Real-world transfer of evolved artificial immune system behaviours between small and large scale robotic platforms. Evolutionary Intelligence, 3(3-4),

In mobile robotics, a solid test for adaptation is
the ability of a control system to function not only in a
diverse number of physical environments, but also on a
number of different robotic platforms. This paper demonstrates that a set of behavi... Read More about Real-world transfer of evolved artificial immune system behaviours between small and large scale robotic platforms.