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Immune system approaches to intrusion detection - a review (2007)
Journal Article
Kim, J., Bentley, P., Aickelin, U., Greensmith, J., Tedesco, G., & Twycross, J. (2007). Immune system approaches to intrusion detection - a review. Natural Computing, 6(4), 413-466

The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and dis... Read More about Immune system approaches to intrusion detection - a review.

Anisotropic Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles: Exploiting Substrate Crystallinity (2007)
Journal Article
Hayton, J., Pauliac-Vaujour, E., & Moriarty, P. (2007). Anisotropic Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles: Exploiting Substrate Crystallinity. NANO, 2(6),

We show that the crystal structure of a substrate can be exploited to drive the anisotropic assembly of colloidal nanoparticles. Pentanethiol-passivated Au particles of approximately 2 nm diameter deposited from toluene onto hydrogen-passivated Si(11... Read More about Anisotropic Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles: Exploiting Substrate Crystallinity.

Ontogeny and nutritional programming of mitochondrial proteins in the ovine kidney, liver and lung (2007)
Journal Article
Yakubu, D., Mostyn, A., Hyatt, M., Kurlak, L., Budge, H., Stephenson, T., & Symonds, M. E. (2007). Ontogeny and nutritional programming of mitochondrial proteins in the ovine kidney, liver and lung. Reproduction, 134,

This study investigated the developmental and nutritional programming of two important mitochondrial proteins, namely voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) and cytochrome c in the sheep kidney, liver and lung. The effect of maternal nutrient restric... Read More about Ontogeny and nutritional programming of mitochondrial proteins in the ovine kidney, liver and lung.

Elevated CD16 expression by monocytes from patients with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (2007)
Journal Article
Todd, I., Radford, P. M., Ziegler-Heitbrock, L., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Powell, R. J., & Tighe, P. J. (2007). Elevated CD16 expression by monocytes from patients with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 56(12), 4182-4188.

Objective. Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is an inherited autosomal-dominant autoinflammatory condition caused by mutations in the ectodomain of the 55-kd tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily 1A. Proin... Read More about Elevated CD16 expression by monocytes from patients with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome.

Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond traditional methods (2007)
Journal Article
Houdmont, J. (2007). Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond traditional methods. Work and Stress, 21(4), 348-362.

Since the early 1990s, there has been a growing literature on organizational-level interventions for work-related stress, and associated calls for such interventions to be evaluated. At the same time, doubts have been expressed about the adequacy of... Read More about Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond traditional methods.

Cosmology with twisted tori (2007)
Journal Article
Karthauser, J. L., Saffin, P., & Hindmarsh, M. (2007). Cosmology with twisted tori. Physical Review Letters, 76(10),

We consider the cosmological role of the scalar fields generated by the compactification of 11-dimensional Einstein gravity on a 7D elliptic twisted torus, which has the attractive features of giving rise to a positive semi-definite potential, and pa... Read More about Cosmology with twisted tori.

Repeated novel cage exposure-induced improvement of early Alzheimer's-like cognitive and amyloid changes in TASTPM mice is unrelated to changes in brain endocannabinoids levels (2007)
Journal Article
Pardon, M. C., Sarmad, S., Rattray, I., Bates, T. E., Scullion, G. A., Marsden, C. A., Barrett, D. A., Lowe, J., & Kendall, D. A. (2007). Repeated novel cage exposure-induced improvement of early Alzheimer's-like cognitive and amyloid changes in TASTPM mice is unrelated to changes in brain endocannabinoids levels. Neurobiology of Aging, 30(7), 1099-1113.

Environmental factors (e.g. stress, exercise, enrichment) are thought to play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease later in life. We investigated the influence of repeated novel cage exposure on the development of early Alzheimer's-like p... Read More about Repeated novel cage exposure-induced improvement of early Alzheimer's-like cognitive and amyloid changes in TASTPM mice is unrelated to changes in brain endocannabinoids levels.

Geographies of business education: MBA programmes, reflexive business schools and the cultural circuit of capital (2007)
Journal Article
Hall, S. (2008). Geographies of business education: MBA programmes, reflexive business schools and the cultural circuit of capital. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 33(1), 27-41.

MBA programmes and the business schools that teach them have been identified by geographers and social scientists as central actors in the dissemination of economic and management theories into practice through concepts such as the cultural circuit o... Read More about Geographies of business education: MBA programmes, reflexive business schools and the cultural circuit of capital.

An improved measurement of the flux distribution of the Ly-alpha forest in QSO absorption spectra: the effect of continuum fitting, metal contamination and noise properties (2007)
Journal Article
-S. Kim, T., S. Bolton, J., Viel, M., G. Haehnelt, M., & F. Carswell, R. (2007). An improved measurement of the flux distribution of the Ly-alpha forest in QSO absorption spectra: the effect of continuum fitting, metal contamination and noise properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 382(4), 1657–1674.

We have performed an extensive Voigt profile analysis of the neutral hydrogen (HI) and metal absorption present in a sample of 18 high resolution, high signal-to-noise QSO spectra observed with VLT/UVES. We use this analysis to separate the metal con... Read More about An improved measurement of the flux distribution of the Ly-alpha forest in QSO absorption spectra: the effect of continuum fitting, metal contamination and noise properties.

A 140-year record of recent changes in aquatic productivity in a remote, tropical alpine lake in the Rwenzori Mountain National Park, Uganda (2007)
Journal Article
Panizzo, V. N., MacKay, A. W., Ssemmanda, I., Taylor, R., Rose, N., & Leng, M. J. (2008). A 140-year record of recent changes in aquatic productivity in a remote, tropical alpine lake in the Rwenzori Mountain National Park, Uganda. Journal of Paleolimnology, 40(1), 325-338.

Environmental change in many tropical, alpine habitats remains poorly resolved due to an absence of proximate and sustained observations. In the Rwenzori Mountains of East Africa, glaciers have receded rapidly over the last century, and here we asses... Read More about A 140-year record of recent changes in aquatic productivity in a remote, tropical alpine lake in the Rwenzori Mountain National Park, Uganda.

Singular manifolds, topology change and the dynamics of compactification (2007)
Journal Article
Butcher, N. A., & Saffin, P. M. (2007). Singular manifolds, topology change and the dynamics of compactification. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(11),

We investigate the dynamics of the geometric transitions associated to compactified spacetimes. By including the dynamics of gravity we are able to follow the evolution of collapsing cycles as they attempt to undergo a topology changing transition. R... Read More about Singular manifolds, topology change and the dynamics of compactification.

In vitro anthelmintic effects of cysteine proteinases from plants against intestinal helminths of rodents (2007)
Journal Article
Stepek, G., Lowe, A. E., Buttle, D. J., Duce, I. R., & Behnke, J. M. (2007). In vitro anthelmintic effects of cysteine proteinases from plants against intestinal helminths of rodents. Journal of Helminthology, 81(4),

Infections with gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes are amongst the most prevalent worldwide, especially in tropical climates. Control of these infections is primarily through treatment with anthelmintic drugs, but the rapid development of resistance to... Read More about In vitro anthelmintic effects of cysteine proteinases from plants against intestinal helminths of rodents.

Social Regulation in the Air Transport Industry – An Examination of Regulation 1107/2006 concerning the Rights of Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by Air (2007)
Journal Article
Varney, E. (2007). Social Regulation in the Air Transport Industry – An Examination of Regulation 1107/2006 concerning the Rights of Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by Air. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 28(2), 191-201.

The regulation of the air transport industry has implications for individuals not just in their capacity as consumers, but also as citizens. Transport goes beyond the mere provision of an economic service and enables us to be actively involved in eco... Read More about Social Regulation in the Air Transport Industry – An Examination of Regulation 1107/2006 concerning the Rights of Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility when travelling by Air.

Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae (2007)
Journal Article
Wade, C. M., Hudelot, C., Davison, A., Naggs, F., & Mordan, P. B. (2007). Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 73(4), 411-415.

The superfamily Helicoidea is a large and diverse group of land snails belonging to the Pulmonate suborder Stylommatophora. It has an almost worldwide distribution, absent from only sub-Saharan Africa, southern South America, New Zealand and some Pac... Read More about Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae.

Determination of the human antibody response to the epitope defined by the hepatitis C virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody AP33 (2007)
Journal Article
Tarr, A. W., Owsianka, A. M., Jayaraj, D., Brown, R. J., Hickling, T. P., Irving, W. L., Patel, A. H., & Ball, J. K. (2007). Determination of the human antibody response to the epitope defined by the hepatitis C virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody AP33. Journal of General Virology, 88(11), 2991-3001.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease worldwide and there is a pressing need for the development of a preventative vaccine as well as new treatments. It was recently demonstrated that the mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) AP33 poten... Read More about Determination of the human antibody response to the epitope defined by the hepatitis C virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody AP33.

Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations (2007)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., Venkov, N., Shiau, L., Bojak, I., Liley, D., & Laing, C. (2007). Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations. Physical Review E, 76(5),

Neural field models of firing rate activity typically take the form of integral equations with space-dependent axonal delays. Under natural assumptions on the synaptic connectivity we show how one can derive an equivalent partial differential equatio... Read More about Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations.

Can open access repositories and peer-reviewed journals coexist? (2007)
Journal Article
Pinfield, S. (2007). Can open access repositories and peer-reviewed journals coexist?. Serials, 20(3),

It is often assumed that open access repositories and peer-reviewed journals are in competition with each other and therefore will in the long term be unable to coexist. This paper takes a critical look at that assumption. It draws on the available e... Read More about Can open access repositories and peer-reviewed journals coexist?.