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All Outputs (158)

Understanding the Symbolic Idea of the American Dream and Its Relationship with the Category of 'Whiteness' (2005)
Journal Article
Madriaga, M. (2005). Understanding the Symbolic Idea of the American Dream and Its Relationship with the Category of 'Whiteness'. Sociological Research Online, 10(3), 107-119.

This article examines the impact the category of ‘whiteness’ has on individual interpretations of the American Dream. Via twenty-five life-history interviews, this article presents how US military male Veterans have varying interpretations of the col... Read More about Understanding the Symbolic Idea of the American Dream and Its Relationship with the Category of 'Whiteness'.

Relative impact of radiographic osteoarthritis and pain on quadriceps strength, proprioception, static postural sway and lower limb function (2005)
Journal Article
Hall, M. C., Mockett, S. P., & Doherty, M. (2006). Relative impact of radiographic osteoarthritis and pain on quadriceps strength, proprioception, static postural sway and lower limb function. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 65(7), 865-870.

Objective: To investigate the relative impact of radiographic osteoarthritis (ROA) and current knee pain on lower limb physical function, quadriceps strength, knee joint proprioception, and postural sway.

Methods: Using a 2×2 factorial design, 14... Read More about Relative impact of radiographic osteoarthritis and pain on quadriceps strength, proprioception, static postural sway and lower limb function.

Literature in L2 Spanish Classes: An Examination of Focus-on-Cultural Understanding (2005)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2005). Literature in L2 Spanish Classes: An Examination of Focus-on-Cultural Understanding. Language Awareness, 14(4), 261-273.

This paper investigates the development of L2 Spanish students’ cultural awareness through the teaching of literature by the application of the method Focus-on-Cultural Understanding. The paper partially reports on a one-semester study in which 17 in... Read More about Literature in L2 Spanish Classes: An Examination of Focus-on-Cultural Understanding.

The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. Journal of Animal Science, 83(11), 2564-2571.

There is a need to improve the lean tissue content of ruminant animals destined for meat production. Muscle fiber number is set during fetal development. The effect of undernutrition of pregnant ewes on subsequent muscle fiber characteristics of thei... Read More about The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb.

The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. Journal of Animal Science, 83(11), 2564-2571.

There is a need to improve the lean tissue content of ruminant animals destined for meat production. Muscle fiber number is set during fetal development. The effect of undernutrition of pregnant ewes on subsequent muscle fiber characteristics of thei... Read More about The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb.

Nanotechnology: radical new science or plus ça change? (2005)
Journal Article
Moriarty, P. (2005). Nanotechnology: radical new science or plus ça change?. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 1,

Is a radical nanotechnology involving the construction of macroscopic products via software-directed manipulation of single molecules possible? Are we only a few decades
away from a technological utopia where virtually any product may be constructed... Read More about Nanotechnology: radical new science or plus ça change?.

Place, policy and practitioners: on rehabilitation, independence and the therapeutic landscape in the changing geography of care provision to older people in the United Kingdom (2005)
Journal Article
Martin, G. P., Nancarrow, S. A., Parker, H., Phelps, K., & Regen, E. (2005). Place, policy and practitioners: on rehabilitation, independence and the therapeutic landscape in the changing geography of care provision to older people in the United Kingdom.

A growing body of literature in geography and other social sciences considers the role of place in the provision of healthcare. Authors have focused on various aspects of place and care, with particular interests emerging around the role of the psych... Read More about Place, policy and practitioners: on rehabilitation, independence and the therapeutic landscape in the changing geography of care provision to older people in the United Kingdom.

Total loss of MHC class I is an independent indicator of good prognosis in breast cancer (2005)
Journal Article
Madjd, Z., Spendlove, I., Pinder, S. E., Ellis, I. O., & Durrant, L. G. (2005). Total loss of MHC class I is an independent indicator of good prognosis in breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 117(2),

Tumours can be recognised by CTL and NK cells. CTL recognition depends on expression of MHC Class I loaded with peptides from tumour antigens. In contrast, loss of MHC Class I results in NK activation. In our study a large set of samples from patient... Read More about Total loss of MHC class I is an independent indicator of good prognosis in breast cancer.

Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens (2005)
Journal Article
Loc Carrillo, C., Atterbury, R. J., El-Shibiny, A., Connerton, P. L., Dillon, E., Scott, A., & Connerton, I. F. (2005). Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(11),

Colonization of broiler chickens by the enteric pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is widespread and difficult to prevent. Bacteriophage therapy is one possible means by which this colonization could be controlled, thus limiting the entry of campylobacter... Read More about Bacteriophage therapy to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonization of broiler chickens.

Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid (2005)
Journal Article
Bailey, E., Mosselmans, J., & Young, S. (2005). Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid. Mineralogical Magazine,

Changes in the lability and local environment of Cd sorbed onto calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid have been investigated as a function of time (30 min–9 months) using a combination of X-ray adsorption spectroscopy (XAS) and isotopic dilution te... Read More about Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid.

Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid (2005)
Journal Article
Bailey, E., Mosselmans, J., & Young, S. (2005). Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid. Mineralogical Magazine, 69(5), 563-575.

Changes in the lability and local environment of Cd sorbed onto calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid have been investigated as a function of time (30 min–9 months) using a combination of X-ray adsorption spectroscopy (XAS) and isotopic dilution te... Read More about Time-dependent surface reactivity of Cd sorbed on calcite, hydroxylapatite and humic acid.

A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK (2005)
Journal Article
Bissell, P., Savage, I., & Anderson, C. (2006). A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK. Contraception, 73(3), 265-270.

To investigate pharmacists' views and experiences of supplying emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) via a group prescribing protocol in community pharmacies in the UK.

Qualitative study using depth interviews.

Community... Read More about A qualitative study of pharmacists' perspectives on the supply of emergency hormonal contraception via patient group direction in the UK.

Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2330-2338.

The number of muscle fibers within a muscle has been found to be of high importance for the growth potential of an animal, and this number is set during fetal development. The objective of this study was to identify the ontogeny of muscle cell differ... Read More about Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus.

Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus (2005)
Journal Article
Fahey, A. J., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., & Buttery, P. J. (2005). Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2330-2338

The number of muscle fibers within a muscle has been found to be of high importance for the growth potential of an animal, and this number is set during fetal development. The objective of this study was to identify the ontogeny of muscle cell differ... Read More about Ontogeny of factors associated with proliferation and differentiation of muscle in the ovine fetus.

Queering religious texts: An exploration of British non-heterosexual Christians’ and Muslims’ strategy of constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics. (2005)
Journal Article
Yip, A. (2005). Queering religious texts: An exploration of British non-heterosexual Christians’ and Muslims’ strategy of constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics. Sociology, 39(1),

Religious authority figures often use religious texts as the primary basis for censuring homosexuality. In recent years, however, non-heterosexual Christians and Muslims have begun to contest the discursively produced boundary of sexual morality.Draw... Read More about Queering religious texts: An exploration of British non-heterosexual Christians’ and Muslims’ strategy of constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics..

A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records (2005)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Roberts, C. N., Turkes, M., & Moyeed, R. (2005). A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records. Journal of Paleolimnology, 34(3), 391–411.

Comparisons between climate proxies and instrumental records through the last two centuries are often used to understand better the controls on palaeoarchives and to find relationships that can be used to quantify changes in pre-instrumental climate.... Read More about A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records.