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All Outputs (192)

A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts (2025)
Greany, T., & Bernardes, E. (2025). A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts. Whole Education

This research explores how leaders in five Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are working to develop their organisations in ways which enhance their ability to deliver a ‘whole education’ for both staff and students. The five case study trusts - Anglian, Li... Read More about A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts.

Community engagement with English devolution (2025)
McCabe, H. Community engagement with English devolution. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

Successive governments have promoted greater devolution in England, but challenges remain about community engagement with the policy and local decision-making.

Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report (2025)
Greany, T., & Cousin, S. (in press). Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report. Association of Education Committees

The LocalED project (2022 - 2024) was designed to test new locality models for the English school system led by local authorities, combined authorities and school led partnerships. Each of the nine localities involved focussed on one of three ‘pilot’... Read More about Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report.

LGBT+ Welfare and Assets in Great Britain (2024)
Matthews, P., Barnett, C., Formby, E., Gregory, L., Lambert, P., & Mann, S. (2024). LGBT+ Welfare and Assets in Great Britain. Nuffield Foundation

This project aimed to understand the experiences of LGBT+ people when they access social security benefits. We use LGBT+ as an umbrella term to describe all people who are not heterosexual and/or not cisgender.

This mixed-methods research used se... Read More about LGBT+ Welfare and Assets in Great Britain.

The Researching the Arts in Primary Schools Project (2024)
Thomson, P., Hall, C., & Maloy, L. (in press). The Researching the Arts in Primary Schools Project. arts Freelands Foundation

Arts-rich primary schools are highly diverse. There is no one way to be arts-rich. However, there are patterns across the schools that can inform other schools and the school system more generally.

Arts-rich schools offer art and music to all chil... Read More about The Researching the Arts in Primary Schools Project.

Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness (2024)
Asquith, W., Jackson, B., Hutchison, K., Stalford, H., & Bracaj, E. (2024). Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (MSPEC)

There are increasing calls for researchers, research organisations and funders active in the field of modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) research to reflect on their own practices of engagement and co-production. Momentum has built on this... Read More about Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness.

Improving prisoner death statistics: policy brief October 2024 (2024)
Tomczak, P., & Mulgrew, R. (2024). Improving prisoner death statistics: policy brief October 2024. University of Nottingham

Prisoner mortality rates are up to 50% higher than rates in the community, forming a global human rights and health equity concern, and producing tremendous harms and costs. In 2023, a UN Special Rapporteur warned that ‘prisoners are … dying needless... Read More about Improving prisoner death statistics: policy brief October 2024.

Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly? (2024)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Buckley, . M., Poder, I., & Hughes, J. (2024). Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?. ESPRC and RAI UK

Generative AI is changing the way our economies and businesses operate, and SMEs could be receiving more benefits from this transition. Over the past 12 months in the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) project we have been wo... Read More about Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., & Cameron, H. Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report. ESPRC and RAI UK

On the 1st of July 2024, the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa (RAISE) project hosted its inaugural workshop, bringing together small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the United Kingdom and Africa. The workshop focused o... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report.

The potential of citizen mental health science (2024)
Batty, R., Florescu, A., Gulliksen, E., Wong, A., Kamvar, R., Pinfold, V., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Slade, M., & Todowede, O. (2024). The potential of citizen mental health science. London: Wellcome Trust

From Economic Inequality to Intolerance: The Role of Conspiracy Beliefs in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment (2024)
Jolley, D., Hattersley, M., Skipper, Y., & Douglas, K. (2024). From Economic Inequality to Intolerance: The Role of Conspiracy Beliefs in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment. University of Nottingham

On 31st December 2023, a disused pub in Dublin, Ireland, was set ablaze in a suspected arson attack. Earlier that month, the building had been subject to protests amid claims that the building would be used to house asylum seekers, leading to suggest... Read More about From Economic Inequality to Intolerance: The Role of Conspiracy Beliefs in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment.

Policy Brief: Autism and Policing (2024)
Ropar, D., & Holloway-George, C. (2024). Policy Brief: Autism and Policing. University of Nottingham

More than one in 100 people in the UK are autistic. Despite the prevalence of autism within society, autistic people face barriers in
their everyday lives. One example of this is within the criminal justice system.

Autistic people are more likely... Read More about Policy Brief: Autism and Policing.

How Will Drivers and Passengers Interact in Future Automated Vehicles? (2024)
Large, D. R., Harvey, C., & Burnett, G. (2024). How Will Drivers and Passengers Interact in Future Automated Vehicles?. RAC Foundation

The presence of one or more passengers has been shown to distract drivers during manual driving, with reported reductions in situational awareness, an increase in the risk of taking unsafe actions, and an increased risk of a fatal crash, particularly... Read More about How Will Drivers and Passengers Interact in Future Automated Vehicles?.

Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome (2024)
French, B., & Groom, M. (2024). Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome. University of Nottingham

Around 15-20% of the population is neurodivergent. Despite this, access to diagnoses and care for neurodivergent people is problematic and there is inconsistent support across the UK.

Research at the University of Nottingham focuses on the impor... Read More about Policy Brief: Access to care for neurodiversity - ADHD and Tourette Syndrome.

Policy Brief: Autism and Driving (2024)
Sheppard, E. (2024). Policy Brief: Autism and Driving. University of Nottingham

More than one in 100 people in the UK are autistic. Despite the prevalence of autism within society, autistic people face barriers in their everyday lives. One example of this is with learning to drive.

Research shows that autistic people are less... Read More about Policy Brief: Autism and Driving.