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All Outputs (7)

Evaluating quality and impact of acute paediatric inpatient care: Defining the domains for a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) in children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders (2015)
Manning, J. C., Bean, D., Coad, J., Blake, I., Bingham, V., Cooper, J., Carter, T., Turner, A., Hendron, E., Rychwalska-Brown, L., Wood, D., & Latter, K. (2015). Evaluating quality and impact of acute paediatric inpatient care: Defining the domains for a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) in children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders. NHS

Background and purpose:
In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of children and young people (CYP), up to the age of 18 years, accessing acute paediatric inpatient care with mental health problems is increasing, with self-harm and eating disorders par... Read More about Evaluating quality and impact of acute paediatric inpatient care: Defining the domains for a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) in children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders.

Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse (2015)
Christie, M., Nandi, M., Borg, Y., Carapella, V., Mirams, G., Aston, P., Bayram, S., D. Simitev, R., Siggers, J., & Chakrabarti, B. Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse. NC3Rs

The CVS is composed of numerous interacting and dynamically regulated physiological subsystems which each generate measurable periodic components such that the CVS can itself be presented as a system of weakly coupled oscillators. The interactions be... Read More about Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse.

Report on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Workshop (2015)
Hadley Kershaw, E., Hartley, S., & Pearce, W. (2015). Report on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Workshop

The potential for an ongoing interdisciplinary conversation about RRI at the University of Nottingham (UoN) was identified during a research project conducted in summer 2014 to investigate how RRI is being interpreted within UoN (Pearce et al., 2014)... Read More about Report on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Workshop.

Quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors in England: report on a national survey of colorectal cancer survivors using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) (2015)
Wood, C., Lawton, S., Downing, A., Morris, E., Glaser, A. W., Thomas, J., Wright, P., Finan, P., Sebag-Montefiore, D., Kind, P., Feltbower, R., Foster, C., Recio-Saucedo, A., Simon, M., Hunt, K., Wagland, R., Corner, J., Vernon, S., & Richards, M. (2015). Quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors in England: report on a national survey of colorectal cancer survivors using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)

Modern slavery research: the UK picture (2015)
Bales, K., Hedwards, B., Silverman, B., Costaguta, L., Trodd, Z., & Wright, N. (2015). Modern slavery research: the UK picture. Independent Anti Slavery Commissioner's Office