Trustworthy Airspaces of the Future: Hopes and concerns of experts regarding Uncrewed Traffic Management systems
Presentation / Conference Contribution
R. Cameron, H., McBride, N., Ochang, P., & C. Stahl, B. (2024, September). Trustworthy Airspaces of the Future: Hopes and concerns of experts regarding Uncrewed Traffic Management systems. Presented at Trustworthy Autonomous Systems International Symposium '24, Austin, Texas, USA
Uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) such as drones are an increasingly mundane part of our skies, and are expected as an industry to undergo exponential growth in the coming decade. In order to monitor and manage the airspace, Uncrewed Traffic Management (... Read More about Trustworthy Airspaces of the Future: Hopes and concerns of experts regarding Uncrewed Traffic Management systems.