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Plasma and Urine Pharmacokinetics of Long-Acting Injectable Omeprazole Following Intramuscular Administrations to Healthy Thoroughbred Horses (2025)
Journal Article
Harding, C., Viljanto, M., Hincks, P., Habershon-Butcher, J., & Paine, S. W. (2025). Plasma and Urine Pharmacokinetics of Long-Acting Injectable Omeprazole Following Intramuscular Administrations to Healthy Thoroughbred Horses. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

Omeprazole is a gastric acid secretion inhibitor used as an effective anti-ulcer drug. Based on oral administration studies, its International Screening Limit (ISL) was established in plasma and urine at 1 ng/mL with a Detection Time (DT) of 48 h. A... Read More about Plasma and Urine Pharmacokinetics of Long-Acting Injectable Omeprazole Following Intramuscular Administrations to Healthy Thoroughbred Horses.

The Role of Individual Differences and Attitude in Willingness to Participate in TMS Studies (2025)
Journal Article
Lolansen, C., Howard, C. J., Mitra, S., & Badham, S. P. (in press). The Role of Individual Differences and Attitude in Willingness to Participate in TMS Studies. Behavior Research Methods,

Finding neurophysiological research participants can be challenging, especially when the technology used in the research study is less known such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Despite this well-known phenomenon, there is limited literat... Read More about The Role of Individual Differences and Attitude in Willingness to Participate in TMS Studies.

Shortening duration of untreated illness in young people with first episode eating disorders: protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a smartphone friendly multi-modal decision-making tool (FREED-M) to improve help-seeking (2025)
Journal Article
Grycuk, L., Monssen, D., Davies, M. R., Sharpe, H., Allen, K. L., Prasad, V., Potterton, R., Popat, P., Mountford, V. A., McNeil, S., Lawrence, V., Grant, N., Goldsmith, K. A., Glennon, D., Byford, S., Brown, A., & Schmidt, U. (2025). Shortening duration of untreated illness in young people with first episode eating disorders: protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a smartphone friendly multi-modal decision-making tool (FREED-M) to improve help-seeking. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 11(1),

Early intervention gives young people the best chance to recover from eating disorders (EDs). An important focus of early intervention is shortening the time between a person first developing symptoms and starting treatment (duration of u... Read More about Shortening duration of untreated illness in young people with first episode eating disorders: protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a smartphone friendly multi-modal decision-making tool (FREED-M) to improve help-seeking.

Cancel culture: the decline of political comedy on British television in the early 2020s (2025)
Journal Article
Andrews, H., & Frame, G. (2025). Cancel culture: the decline of political comedy on British television in the early 2020s. Comedy Studies,

The early 2020s saw a string of cancellations of British political comedy programmes: Mock the Week, a topical panel show; The Mash Report, a news parody; Frankie Boyle’s New World Order, a comic debate; and Spitting Image, a short-lived reboot of th... Read More about Cancel culture: the decline of political comedy on British television in the early 2020s.

Technical, economic and lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions analyses of solid sorbent direct air capture technologies (2025)
Journal Article
Lilonfe, S., Rodgers, S., Abdul-Manan, A. F., Dimitriou, I., & McKechnie, J. (2025). Technical, economic and lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions analyses of solid sorbent direct air capture technologies. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 15, Article 100380.

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 will require the development of cost-effective and CO2-efficient direct air capture (DAC) technology to remove atmospheric CO2. This study presents a comprehensive assessment of five solid sorbents under different... Read More about Technical, economic and lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions analyses of solid sorbent direct air capture technologies.

In Silico Analysis and Characterization of the Immunogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii Rhoptry Protein 18 (2025)
Journal Article
Foroutan, M., Karimipour-Saryazdi, A., Dalir Ghaffari, A., Majidiani, H., Arzani Birgani, A., Karimzadeh-Soureshjani, E., Soltani, S., & Elsheikha, H. M. (2025). In Silico Analysis and Characterization of the Immunogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii Rhoptry Protein 18. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 19,

Rhoptry protein 18 (ROP18) is a key virulence factor secreted into host cells during the invasion of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of infection. Due to its potential as a vaccine candidate, this study a... Read More about In Silico Analysis and Characterization of the Immunogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii Rhoptry Protein 18.

Implementation strategies for inpatient continuous glucose monitoring-based diabetes management: a systematic review (2025)
Journal Article
Olsen, M. T., Liarakos, A. L., Wilmot, E. G., Dhatariya, K., Thabit, H., Sánchez-García, D., Nørgaard, K., Pedersen-Bjergaard, U., Hansen, K. B., Vangoitsenhoven, R., Mathieu, C., Kristensen, P. L., & Mader, J. K. (2025). Implementation strategies for inpatient continuous glucose monitoring-based diabetes management: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) provides real-time glucose data that has revolutionised outpatient diabetes care; however, its impact on inpatient care remains limited, likely due to the lack of standardised CGM-based insulin titrat... Read More about Implementation strategies for inpatient continuous glucose monitoring-based diabetes management: a systematic review.

The relationship between frailty, ethnicity and health inequality – a scoping review (2025)
Journal Article
Cluley, V., Vanhoutte, B., Banerjee, J., & Pickard, S. (2025). The relationship between frailty, ethnicity and health inequality – a scoping review. Journal of Global Aging,

This scoping review highlights the need for research to address the intersectional relationship between racialisation, health inequality and frailty in older age. We map research addressing the relationship between frailty and ethnicity across liter... Read More about The relationship between frailty, ethnicity and health inequality – a scoping review.

On the dynamics of intersectional (in)visibility: Women early career researchers negotiating authenticity at work (2025)
Journal Article
Torbor, M., Sarpong, D., Maclean, M., & Fletcher, L. (in press). On the dynamics of intersectional (in)visibility: Women early career researchers negotiating authenticity at work. Human Relations,

How do women negotiate and express authenticity in professional contexts where their presence and identities are largely rendered (in)visible? We draw on intersectional invisibility as our conceptual lens to explore how women early-career researchers... Read More about On the dynamics of intersectional (in)visibility: Women early career researchers negotiating authenticity at work.

The (non)enactment of intelligent accountability through stakeholder engagement: A micro-processual perspective (2025)
Journal Article
Bianchi, L., Passetti, E., & Contrafatto, M. (2025). The (non)enactment of intelligent accountability through stakeholder engagement: A micro-processual perspective. British Accounting Review, Article 101590.

This paper examines the role of individual actions in shaping accountability relationships by adopting a micro-level perspective. Drawing on the concept of intelligent accountability, it presents a three-phase processual model to analyse the unfoldin... Read More about The (non)enactment of intelligent accountability through stakeholder engagement: A micro-processual perspective.

Moisture-responsive root-branching pathways identified in diverse maize breeding germplasm (2025)
Journal Article
Kieber, J., Zheng, Z., Schnable, P. S., Dinneny, J. R., Banda, J., Sturrock, C. J., Pandey, B. K., Bennett, M., Scharwies, J. D., Clarke, T., Dinneny, A., Birkeland, S., Veltman, M. A., Torres-Martínez, H. H., Viana, W. G., & Khare, R. (2025). Moisture-responsive root-branching pathways identified in diverse maize breeding germplasm. Science, 387(6734), 666-673.

Plants grow complex root systems to extract unevenly distributed resources from soils. Spatial differences in soil moisture are perceived by root tips, leading to the patterning of new root branches toward available water in a process called hydropat... Read More about Moisture-responsive root-branching pathways identified in diverse maize breeding germplasm.

Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture (2025)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Vorgia, D. T., & Brenner, E. (2025). Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture. Perception,

Searching for a target amongst distractors is faster when moving an aperture over the search display than when moving the search display beneath an aperture. Is this because when moving the aperture, each item is sampled at a different position, whil... Read More about Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture.

Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension (2025)
Journal Article
Jiang, C., & Filik, R. (2025). Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension. Memory and Cognition,

Communication frequently involves discussions about real-world implausible events. Since most prior research used specific contextual cues to indicate a strong bias towards real-world knowledge violations, it remains unclear how real-world and contex... Read More about Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension.

Into the Here and Now: Explorations within a New Acoustic Virtual Reality (2025)
Journal Article
Cliffe, L. (2025). Into the Here and Now: Explorations within a New Acoustic Virtual Reality. Leonardo, 118-124.

The author reflects upon listeners’ experiences and the practice of developing a number of audio augmented reality sound installations deployed between 2019 and 2020. The installations realized audio augmented objects: physical real-world objects aug... Read More about Into the Here and Now: Explorations within a New Acoustic Virtual Reality.

Epimorphisms and acyclic types in univalent foundations (2025)
Journal Article
Buchholtz, U., De Jong, T., & Rijke, E. (in press). Epimorphisms and acyclic types in univalent foundations. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1-36.

We characterize the epimorphisms in homotopy type theory (HoTT) as the fiberwise acyclic maps and develop a type-theoretic treatment of acyclic maps and types in the context of synthetic homotopy theory as developed in univalent foundations. We prese... Read More about Epimorphisms and acyclic types in univalent foundations.

Marshallian agglomeration, labour pooling and skills matching (2025)
Journal Article
Corradini, C., Morris, D., & Vanino, E. (in press). Marshallian agglomeration, labour pooling and skills matching. Cambridge Journal of Economics,

Better skills matching has long been proposed as one of the key advantages of agglomeration economies. Yet, support for this improved matching has remained largely founded upon indirect proxies for skills such as wages and education. This paper contr... Read More about Marshallian agglomeration, labour pooling and skills matching.

Locating the Ethics of ChatGPT — Ethical Issues as Affordances in AI Ecosystems (2025)
Journal Article
Carsten Stahl, B. (2025). Locating the Ethics of ChatGPT — Ethical Issues as Affordances in AI Ecosystems. Information, 16(2), Article 104.

ChatGPT is a high-profile technology that has inspired broad discussions about its capabilities and likely consequences. There has been much debate concerning ethical issues that it raises which are typically described as potentially harmful (or bene... Read More about Locating the Ethics of ChatGPT — Ethical Issues as Affordances in AI Ecosystems.