Minimum expectations for market authorization of continuous glucose monitoring devices in Europe—‘eCGM’ compliance status
Journal Article
Mathieu, C., Irace, C., Wilmot, E. G., Akra, B., Del Prato, S., Cuesta, M., Adolfsson, P., Klupa, T., Renard, E., & Battelino, T. (2024). Minimum expectations for market authorization of continuous glucose monitoring devices in Europe—‘eCGM’ compliance status. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism,
All Outputs (40468)
Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management (2024)
Journal Article
Mason, R. J., Johnson, M. F., Wohl, E., Russell, C. E., Olden, J. D., Polvi, L. E., Rice, S. P., Hemsworth, M. J., Sponseller, R. A., & Thorne, C. R. (2025). Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 12(1), Article e1766. connectivity between rivers and terrestrial landscapes is critical for both river and landscape health. Due to widespread anthropogenic degradation of riverscapes, river management is aiming to connect rivers to floodplains, riparian zones, a... Read More about Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management.
Specialist clinical pathways in audiology services for adults living with coexisting hearing loss and dementia: a scoping review protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Wenje, S. M., Calvert, S., Henshaw, H., Spriggs, R. V., Dening, T., Hendron, E., & Heffernan, E. (2024). Specialist clinical pathways in audiology services for adults living with coexisting hearing loss and dementia: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 14(12), Article e087418. Both hearing loss and dementia are associated with ageing, and it is thought that many individuals living with dementia also live with hearing loss. Despite the large comorbidity between these two disorders, there remains a clear lack of... Read More about Specialist clinical pathways in audiology services for adults living with coexisting hearing loss and dementia: a scoping review protocol.
Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions (2024)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, C., Tucker, S., Hughes, J., Hothersall, G., Patterson, M., Gillan, V., & Challis, D. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions. Journal of Long-Term Care, 2024, 489-499.
Meeting the healthcare needs of care home residents is an international concern. In England, three approaches to enhance usual care provided by primary care general practitioners have been identified: additional direct (face-to-face) sup... Read More about Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions.
Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers (2024)
Journal Article
Alhasani, A., Modasia, A., Anodiyil, M., Corsetti, M., Aliyu, A., Crooks, C., MARCIANI, L., Reid, J., Yakubov, G., Avery, A., Harris, H., Warren, F., & Spiller, R. (2024). Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers. Journal of Nutrition,
Recent studies show that the increase in breath hydrogen (BH2) and symptoms after ingestion of inulin are reduced by coadministering psyllium (PI).
To determine if slowing delivery of inulin to the colon by administering it... Read More about Mode of Action of Psyllium in Reducing Gas Production from Inulin and its Interaction with Colonic Microbiota: A 24-hour, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Healthy Human Volunteers.
Assessing the Impact of Board Sustainability Committees on Greenhouse Gas Performance: Evidence From Industrialised European Countries (2024)
Journal Article
Morrison, E. A., Adu, D. A., Yongsheng, G., Kimani, D., & Saa, V. Y. (2025). Assessing the Impact of Board Sustainability Committees on Greenhouse Gas Performance: Evidence From Industrialised European Countries. Business Strategy and the Environment, 34(2), 2529-2555. study examines the impact of executive compensation (EC) and board sustainability integration index (BSII) on both greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) and greenhouse gas management processes (GGMP). Additionally, it investigates the relationship bet... Read More about Assessing the Impact of Board Sustainability Committees on Greenhouse Gas Performance: Evidence From Industrialised European Countries.
Seasonal and intraday effects on spectral mismatch corrections for photovoltaic performance modelling in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
Daxini, R., Wilson, R., & Wu, Y. (2025). Seasonal and intraday effects on spectral mismatch corrections for photovoltaic performance modelling in the United Kingdom. Energy Reports, 13, 759-769.
Modelling photovoltaic (PV) performance is essential for improving system design and operation. Current models to account for the spectral influence on PV performance (spectral correction functions, SCFs) are typically developed and validated on a... Read More about Seasonal and intraday effects on spectral mismatch corrections for photovoltaic performance modelling in the United Kingdom.
Exploring soil erosion in the lake basins of Michoacán, Mexico: From sediment cores to conservation policies (2024)
Journal Article
Aguilera Lara, J., & Metcalfe, S. E. (2024). Exploring soil erosion in the lake basins of Michoacán, Mexico: From sediment cores to conservation policies. Journal of Quaternary Science, soil erosion, its history and links to potential drivers such as land use (particularly agriculture and deforestation), different cultural perspectives and climate change are crucial for the development of effective management and conse... Read More about Exploring soil erosion in the lake basins of Michoacán, Mexico: From sediment cores to conservation policies.
We(o)ndun, Symeon of Durham and the battle of Brunanburh (2024)
Journal Article
Cavill, P. (2024). We(o)ndun, Symeon of Durham and the battle of Brunanburh. Medium Ævum, 93(1), 46-69The battle of Brunanburh in 937 was seen as significant throughout the medieval period, and some account of the conflict between the English and the invading men of Alba and Dublin- Norse occurs in dozens of medieval records. There are some variation... Read More about We(o)ndun, Symeon of Durham and the battle of Brunanburh.
Heat-moisture-mechanical bidirectional coupling multiphase porous media model for microwave vacuum drying of pitaya (2024)
Journal Article
Han, L., & Yan, Y. (2025). Heat-moisture-mechanical bidirectional coupling multiphase porous media model for microwave vacuum drying of pitaya. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 112, Article 109731. vacuum drying (MVD) is widely adopted in the food industry helping maintain high product quality but the impact of shrinkage on heat and mass transfer is often overlooked. In the present study, the popular fruit, pitaya, was selected for a... Read More about Heat-moisture-mechanical bidirectional coupling multiphase porous media model for microwave vacuum drying of pitaya.
Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia (2024)
Journal Article
McGowan, S., Lacey, J. H., Engels, S., Boyle, J., Briddon, C., Leng, M. J., Moorhouse, H. L., Panizzo, V., & Shafiq, M. (2024). Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia. Journal of Quaternary Science, bodies located in floodplains and tropical forests are known to be important carbon stores, but many are subjected to intensive pressures from damming, land use and climate changes. Sedimentary records preserve long-term archives for understand... Read More about Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia.
On Lateness: The Ethics of Running Behind Schedule in General Practice (2024)
Journal Article
Armitage, R. C. (2025). On Lateness: The Ethics of Running Behind Schedule in General Practice. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 31(1), Article e14293. GPs, at least in the United Kingdom, often run behind schedule in their clinics. This lateness is an inherently ethical problem due to the negative consequences it generates. Methods: The paper outlines these negative consequences, atte... Read More about On Lateness: The Ethics of Running Behind Schedule in General Practice.
Advances in human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis: challenges of conventional methods and opportunities for emergent tools (2024)
Journal Article
Fashedemi, O. O., Ozoemena, O. C., Peteni, S., Haruna, A. B., Shai, L. J. J., Chen, A., Rawson, F. J., Cruickshank, M. E., Grant, D. M., Ola, O., & Ozoemena, K. I. (2024). Advances in human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis: challenges of conventional methods and opportunities for emergent tools. Analytical Methods, 17(7), 1428-1450. papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main cause of cervical cancer and other cancers such as anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers. The prevention screening and treatment of cervical cancer has remained one of the top priorities of the World He... Read More about Advances in human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis: challenges of conventional methods and opportunities for emergent tools.
Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations (2024)
Journal Article
Pushparaj, N., Cormier, L., Cappelletti, C., & Portapas, V. (2024). Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations. Atmosphere, 15(12), Article 1543., or condensation trails, left by aircraft, significantly contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Despite their critical role in climate dynamics, the environmental impact of contrails remains underexplored.... Read More about Real-Time Contrail Monitoring and Mitigation Using CubeSat Constellations.
Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Salahi-Niri, A., Nabavi-Rad, A., Monaghan, T. M., Rokkas, T., Doulberis, M., Sadeghi, A., Zali, M. R., Yamaoka, Y., Tacconelli, E., & Yadegar, A. (in press). Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medicine, 22(1), Article 598.
Helicobacter pylori infection causes gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer. The infection is typically acquired in childhood and persists throughout life. The major impediment to successful therapy is antibiotic resistance. This sy... Read More about Global prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance among children in the world health organization regions between 2000 and 2023: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243 (2024)
Journal Article
Grishin, K. A., Mei, S., Chilingarian, I. V., Lepore, M., Tozzi, P., Gonzalez, A., Hatch, N., Stanford, S. A., & Wylezalek, D. (2025). Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 693, 11. clusters are the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe and therefore are a powerful tool for studying mass assembly at different epochs. At z > 2, they provide the unique opportunity to place solid constraints not only on th... Read More about Spectroscopic confirmation of the galaxy clusters CARLA J0950+2743 at z = 2.363 and CARLA-Ser J0950+2743 at z = 2.243.
The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings (2024)
Journal Article
Bianchi, L., Kelemen, M., Shivji, A. K., Tallant, J., & Timmons, S. (2025). The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings. Sociology of Health and Illness, 47(1), Article e13870. paper investigates the impact of boundary spanning activities on building trust as a means of tackling health inequalities in hardly reached communities. Lack of trust has been identified as a barrier to engagement with healthcare services, resu... Read More about The Role of Boundary Spanning in Building Trust: A Place‐Based Study on Engaging Hardly Reached Groups in Community Healthcare Settings.
Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims (2024)
Journal Article
Baron, T. (2024). Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims. Moral Philosophy and Politics, paper examines the legitimacy of retrospective parental rights-claims through the lens of so-called ‘thwarted father’ cases: men who are unaware of their progeny’s existence until the window for establishing legal parentage (and associated right... Read More about Justice for Thwarted Fathers? Problems for Retrospective Parental Rights Claims.
G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ (2024)
Journal Article
Bell, R. H. (2024). G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ. Hegel Bulletin, 1-27.'s early work The Life of Jesus (Das Leben Jesu) of 1795 presents Jesus as a teacher of Kantian morality and ends abruptly with his death, anointing of his body, and burial, such that Jesus could appear to be merely a figure of the remote past.... Read More about G. W. F. Hegel and Richard Wagner on the Death of Jesus Christ.
Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle (2024)
Journal Article
Large, D., Harvey, C., Shaw, E., Khandeparker, S., Burnett, G., & Box, E. (in press). Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle. Advances in Transportation Studies, 66, 125-144To explore the impact of a front-seat passenger during SAE level 3 (L3) automation, eighteen established driver-passenger pairings undertook three 30-minute journeys framed as ‘days-out’ in a L3 driving simulator. Participants were reminded of their... Read More about Two For The Road: An Exploratory Study Investigating Driver and Co-Passenger Interactions during Automation and the Transition of Control in a Level 3 Automated Vehicle.