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The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) (2025)
Journal Article
Walsh, D. A., & McWilliams, D. F. (2025). The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs). Osteoarthritis Imaging, 100261.

Osteoarthritis (OA) pain is associated with structural changes in the joint, which are usually quantified by imaging techniques. It is anticipated that structural disease modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) would reduce the burden of OA pain. However, nocice... Read More about The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs).

How does global agricultural research and innovation cooperation influence agricultural R&I system transformation in the South? Evidence from UK-China cooperation (2025)
Journal Article
Wu, B., Cao, C., Mosey, S., Daniell, T., Noy, P., Cui, Y., Rose, M., & Snape, J. (2025). How does global agricultural research and innovation cooperation influence agricultural R&I system transformation in the South? Evidence from UK-China cooperation. Food Policy, 131, Article 102813.

The need for agri-food system transformation has sparked extensive debates on reconfiguring the agricultural research and innovation system (ARIS) to tackle the multidimensional and interwoven challenges present across geographies and scales. This pa... Read More about How does global agricultural research and innovation cooperation influence agricultural R&I system transformation in the South? Evidence from UK-China cooperation.

Individual leaf microbiota tunes a genetic regulatory network to promote leaf growth (2025)
Journal Article
Custódio, V., Salas-González, I., Gopaulchan, D., Flis, P., Amorós-Hernández, R., Gao, Y.-Q., Jia, X., Moreno, Â., Carrera, E., Marcon, C., Hochholdinger, F., Margarida Oliveira, M., Salt, D. E., & Castrillo, G. (2025). Individual leaf microbiota tunes a genetic regulatory network to promote leaf growth. Cell Host and Microbe, 33,

In natural ecosystems, microbes have the ability to stably colonize plant leaves, overcoming the fluctuating environmental conditions that the leaves represent. How the phyllosphere microbiota influences the growth of individual leaves remains poorly... Read More about Individual leaf microbiota tunes a genetic regulatory network to promote leaf growth.

Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Skills in Healthcare Curricula: Recommendations from a Modified Delphi Study on Virtual Reality Integration (2025)
Journal Article
Pears, M., Antoniou, P., Schiza, E., Matsangidou, M., Pattichis, C. S., Bamidis, P. D., & Konstantinidis, S. T. (2025). Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Skills in Healthcare Curricula: Recommendations from a Modified Delphi Study on Virtual Reality Integration. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 57, Article 101810.

The incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) into healthcare education presents significant opportunities to enhance creativity, critical thinking, and overall learning outcomes, yet comprehensive frameworks to guide its implementation remain sparse. To... Read More about Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Skills in Healthcare Curricula: Recommendations from a Modified Delphi Study on Virtual Reality Integration.

Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model (2025)
Journal Article
Yu, L., Kok, Y. E., Parry, L., Özcan, E., & Maskery, I. (2025). Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model. Additive Manufacturing, Article 104712.

Advances in additive manufacturing (AM) have facilitated the fabrication of cellular structures inspired by those in the natural world. But the design of complex, tessellating cellular structures remains a challenge for human designers, and only a sm... Read More about Generating new cellular structures for additive manufacturing through an unconditional 3D latent diffusion model.

Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation (2025)
Journal Article
Long, G., Nica-Avram, G., Harvey, J., Lukinova, E., Mansilla, R., Welham, S., Engelmann, G., Dolan, E., Makokoro, K., Thomas, M., Powell, E., & Goulding, J. (2025). Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation. Food Policy, 131, Article 102826.

Deprivation pushes people to choose cheap, calorie-dense foods instead of nutritious but expensive alternatives. Diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascu-lar disease, and diabetes, resulting from these poor dietary choices place a significant burden on... Read More about Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation.

Computer-assisted stereoelectroencephalography planning: center-specific priors enhance planning (2025)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, D., Elliott, C. A., O’Keeffe, A. G., Rodionov, R., Li, K., Vakharia, V. N., Mirza, F. A., Tahir, M. Z., Tisdall, M. M., Miserocchi, A., McEvoy, A. W., Ourselin, S., Sparks, R. E., & Duncan, J. S. (2025). Computer-assisted stereoelectroencephalography planning: center-specific priors enhance planning. Frontiers in Neurology, 16, Article 1514442.

To refine computer-assisted planning (CAP) of SEEG implantations by adding constraints of prior spatial SEEG trajectories (‘Priors’) to improve safety, reduce manual adjustments required, without increasing planning time.

Retr... Read More about Computer-assisted stereoelectroencephalography planning: center-specific priors enhance planning.

China's solar dominance - Worker Rights in the Pursuit of a Just Transition (2025)
Journal Article
Jackson, B., & Burcu, O. (in press). China's solar dominance - Worker Rights in the Pursuit of a Just Transition. Business and Human Rights Journal,

This article examines the intersection between forced labour, supply chains risks, and environmental, social and governance concerns that pose a threat to the 'Just Transition'. It addresses how states, businesses, and other stakeholders drive or fai... Read More about China's solar dominance - Worker Rights in the Pursuit of a Just Transition.

Experiences of End-of-Life Decision-Making in Equine Veterinary and Charity Teams (2025)
Journal Article
Cameron, A., Geldard, M., Mair, T., England, G., Burford, J., Freeman, S., Pollock, K., & Wilson, E. (in press). Experiences of End-of-Life Decision-Making in Equine Veterinary and Charity Teams. Animals, 15(5), 678.

Veterinary and charity teams are frequently involved in equine end-of-life decisions. These can cause ethical dilemmas and emotional burdens and complicate communication with owners. Semi-structured focus groups explored experiences of making decisio... Read More about Experiences of End-of-Life Decision-Making in Equine Veterinary and Charity Teams.

The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City (2025)
Journal Article
MERTON, J. (in press). The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City. Journal of Social History,

Recent historical scholarship has begun to explore the agency of grassroots actors in the ascent of neoliberalism in late twentieth century New York, uncovering a history of neoliberalism “from the bottom up”. This article builds upon this scholarshi... Read More about The Guardian Angels: crime, citizenship, and “popular neoliberalism” in crisis-era New York City.

Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling (2025)
Journal Article
Dari, S., O'Dea, R. D., & Fadai, N. T. (2025). Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Article 112083.

Understanding the biochemistry and pharmacodynamics of chronic wounds is of key importance, due to the millions of people in the UK affected and the significant cost to the NHS. Chronic wounds are characterised by elevated concentrations of matrix me... Read More about Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling.

Vital materiality and its constitution of knowing in craft practice (2025)
Journal Article
Li, M., Holstein, J., & Wedekind, V. (2025). Vital materiality and its constitution of knowing in craft practice. Management Learning,

Recent scholarship has acknowledged the importance of materiality, body senses and sensible knowledge in understanding knowing in practice, although humans and their practices are still privileged. In response, we examine how vital materiality, or th... Read More about Vital materiality and its constitution of knowing in craft practice.

Quantifying arm swing in Parkinson’s disease: a method accounting for arm activities during free-living gait (2025)
Journal Article
Post, E., Van Laarhoven, T., Raykov, Y. P., Little, M. A., Nonnekes, J., Heskes, T. M., Bloem, B. R., & Evers, L. J. W. (2025). Quantifying arm swing in Parkinson’s disease: a method accounting for arm activities during free-living gait. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 22(1), Article 37.

Accurately measuring hypokinetic arm swing during free-living gait in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is challenging due to other concurrent arm activities. We developed a method to isolate gait segments without these arm activities.

Methods... Read More about Quantifying arm swing in Parkinson’s disease: a method accounting for arm activities during free-living gait.

Prevalence, risk factors, and regional insights of bovine fasciolosis in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Lan, Z., Zhang, Y.-X., Zhang, A.-H., Wang, Y.-Y., Qiu, H.-Y., Gao, J.-F., Cheng, G.-F., Elsheikha, H., & Wang, C.-R. (2025). Prevalence, risk factors, and regional insights of bovine fasciolosis in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Tropica, 263, Article 107570.

Fasciolosis, a significant zoonotic disease with considerable economic and public health implications, presents a serious challenge to both animal husbandry and human health. Despite numerous reports on bovine fasciolosis, a comprehensive understandi... Read More about Prevalence, risk factors, and regional insights of bovine fasciolosis in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass (2025)
Journal Article
De Iasio, A., Ghiassi, B., Briganti, R., & Milani, G. (2025). Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass. Engineering Structures, 330, Article 119928.

To evaluate the structural safety against waterborne debris impacts, the impact loads are usually computed with analytical models such as those proposed by ASCE/SEI 7–22. These models often assume a massless structure to simplify the analytical formu... Read More about Waterborne debris impact forces on wall structures: Elastic analytical model integrating the effects of the structural mass.

Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation (2025)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Booth, V., das Nair, R., Evangelou, N., Hassard, J., Ford, H. L., Newsome, I., & Radford, K. (2025). Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation. PLoS ONE, 20(2), Article e0319287.

There is limited evidence about how vocational rehabilitation (VR) for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be delivered through the United Kingdom’s (UK) National Health Service (NHS) and how it works.

To understand the mechan... Read More about Vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the national health service of the United Kingdom: A realist evaluation.

Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom (2025)
Journal Article
Wilson, L. E., Knaggs, R. D., Avery, A. J., Thornley, T., Moss, J., Baamer, R. M., & Boyd, M. J. (2025). Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom. PAIN Reports, 10(2), Article e1246.

Knowledge of the potential for harm and adverse effects from long-term opioid medicines has led to reduced prescribing in recent years. However, the number of patients receiving opioid prescriptions from primary care in England remains... Read More about Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom.

Enhanced localized pressure-mediated non-viral gene delivery (2025)
Journal Article
Dixon, J. E., Wellington, V., Elnima, A., Savers, A., Ferreras, B., Jalal, A. R., & Eltaher, H. M. (in press). Enhanced localized pressure-mediated non-viral gene delivery. Drug Delivery and Translational Research,

Central aspects of pain associated with physical activity: results from the IMH&W cohort (2025)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Habib, M., Chaplin, W., Millar, B., McWilliams, D., & Walsh, D. (in press). Central aspects of pain associated with physical activity: results from the IMH&W cohort. PAIN Reports,

Knee pain reduces activity, while inactivity can increase pain. The central nervous system modulates both pain and activity. The 8-item Central Aspects of Pain (CAP) questionnaire measures self-reported symptoms associated with current a... Read More about Central aspects of pain associated with physical activity: results from the IMH&W cohort.