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Mental health and violence against women in Afghanistan, India, and Sri Lanka: a situation analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Quinlan-Davidson, M., Ahmad, A., ASHER, L., Bhatia, U., Daruwalla, N., Devakumar, D., Nadkarni, A., Palfreyman, A., Saboor, L., Samanmalee, R., & Osrin, D. (in press). Mental health and violence against women in Afghanistan, India, and Sri Lanka: a situation analysis. F1000Research,


Globally, 10-53% of ever-partnered women have experienced physical or sexual intimate partner violence over their lifetime. Women survivors of violence are at high risk of poor mental health. In this study, we investigate women’s expo... Read More about Mental health and violence against women in Afghanistan, India, and Sri Lanka: a situation analysis.

Decoding physical sensor signals to reveal chip formation and surface deformation: An example in machining nickel-based superalloys (2025)
Journal Article
Mypati, O., Robles-Linares, J. A., Zan, S., Axinte, D., & Liao, Z. (2025). Decoding physical sensor signals to reveal chip formation and surface deformation: An example in machining nickel-based superalloys. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 225, Article 112297.

The current research aims to provide a basic understanding of decoding sensor signals with chip formation and surface integrity during the machining of Ni-based superalloys. Force signal analysis provides cutting energy information, offering insight... Read More about Decoding physical sensor signals to reveal chip formation and surface deformation: An example in machining nickel-based superalloys.

Feasibility within-subject RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during period of Immobility (IMMI) (2025)
Journal Article
Alqurashi, H. B., Masud, T., Gordon, A. L., Piasecki, M., O’Connor, D., Robinson, K., & Gladman, J. R. F. (2025). Feasibility within-subject RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during period of Immobility (IMMI). European Geriatric Medicine,

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a potentially effective intervention to improve outcomes after a fragility fracture, but its feasibility in this group has not been established.

A feasibility study was conducte... Read More about Feasibility within-subject RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during period of Immobility (IMMI).

Local quantum detection of the cosmological expansion: Unruh-DeWitt detectors in spatially compact Milne cosmology (2025)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, A. S., & Louko, J. (2025). Local quantum detection of the cosmological expansion: Unruh-DeWitt detectors in spatially compact Milne cosmology. Physical Review D, 111(2), Article 025008.

We analyze the excitations and deexcitations of an inertial Unruh-DeWitt detector in the (1+1)-dimensional expanding Milne cosmology with compact spatial sections, coupled to a real massless scalar field with either untwisted or twisted boundary cond... Read More about Local quantum detection of the cosmological expansion: Unruh-DeWitt detectors in spatially compact Milne cosmology.

Round Number Preferences and Left-Digit Bias: Evidence from Credit Card Repayments (2025)
Journal Article
Sakaguchi, H., Gathergood, J., & Stewart, N. (in press). Round Number Preferences and Left-Digit Bias: Evidence from Credit Card Repayments. Management Science,

We examine round number preferences and left-digit bias in credit card repayments. We show half of all manual credit card payments are at a small set of round-number values, although all values between the statement minimum and balance were permissib... Read More about Round Number Preferences and Left-Digit Bias: Evidence from Credit Card Repayments.

On Medical Tourism Overseas: Ethical Analysis of the Duties of NHS Doctors in Managing the Negative Health Consequences of Accessing Medical Treatments Abroad (2025)
Journal Article
Armitage, R. C. (2025). On Medical Tourism Overseas: Ethical Analysis of the Duties of NHS Doctors in Managing the Negative Health Consequences of Accessing Medical Treatments Abroad. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 31(1), Article e14300.

Introduction: An increasing number of UK residents are travelling overseas to access medical treatments, the negative health consequences of which are largely managed by NHS doctors. Methods: This paper performs an ethical analysis, using the ethical... Read More about On Medical Tourism Overseas: Ethical Analysis of the Duties of NHS Doctors in Managing the Negative Health Consequences of Accessing Medical Treatments Abroad.

Comprehensive prediction of subaerial landslide-tsunamis via slide model- and water body geometry-invariant machine learning techniques (2025)
Journal Article
Jenkins, D. G., Heller, V., & Giannakidis, A. (2025). Comprehensive prediction of subaerial landslide-tsunamis via slide model- and water body geometry-invariant machine learning techniques. Ocean Engineering, 320, Article 120197.

Subaerial landslide-tsunamis (SLTs) are generated by mass movements impacting water bodies. These phenomena are responsible for substantial loss of life and damage to properties making their prediction vital. There is limited literature on deriving c... Read More about Comprehensive prediction of subaerial landslide-tsunamis via slide model- and water body geometry-invariant machine learning techniques.

Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation (2025)
Journal Article
Houlgreave, M. S., Dyke, K., Berrington, A., & Jackson, S. R. (2025). Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation. Brain and Behavior, 15(1), Article e70250.

Background: Rhythmic median nerve stimulation (MNS) at 10Hz has been shown to cause a substantial reduction in tic frequency in individuals with Tourette syndrome. The mechanism of action is currently unknown but is hypothesized to involve entrainmen... Read More about Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation.

Effectiveness of SRG in shear strengthening of deep and slender concrete beams (2025)
Journal Article
Liu, X., & Thermou, G. E. (2025). Effectiveness of SRG in shear strengthening of deep and slender concrete beams. Structures, 71, Article 108197.

This study investigates Steel-Reinforced Grout (SRG) jackets’ efficiency in enhancing the shear strength in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with various shear span-to-depth (a/d) ratios, comparing them with Carbon Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Mortar... Read More about Effectiveness of SRG in shear strengthening of deep and slender concrete beams.

Prospects of a statistical detection of the 21-cm forest and its potential to constrain the thermal state of the neutral IGM during reionization (2025)
Journal Article
Šoltinský, T., Kulkarni, G., Tendulkar, S. P., & Bolton, J. S. (2025). Prospects of a statistical detection of the 21-cm forest and its potential to constrain the thermal state of the neutral IGM during reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(1), 364-378.

⁠The 21-cm forest signal is a promising probe of the Epoch of Reionization complementary to other 21-cm line observables and Ly α forest signal. Prospects of detecting it have significantly improved in the last decade thanks to the disco very of more... Read More about Prospects of a statistical detection of the 21-cm forest and its potential to constrain the thermal state of the neutral IGM during reionization.

Five year mortality in an RCT of a lung cancer biomarker to select people for low dose CT screening (2025)
Journal Article
Sullivan, F. M., Mair, F. S., Anderson, W., Chew, C., Dorward, A., Haughney, J., Hogarth, F., Kendrick, D., Littleford, R., McConnachie, A., McCowan, C., McMeekin, N., Patel, M., Rauchhaus, P., Daly, F., Ritchie, L., Robertson, J., Sarvesvaran, J., Sewell, H., Taylor, T., …Schembri, S. (2025). Five year mortality in an RCT of a lung cancer biomarker to select people for low dose CT screening. PLoS ONE, 20(1), Article e0306163.

The role of biomarkers in risk-based early detection of lung cancer may enable screening to become cost effective and widely accessible. EarlyCDT-Lung is an example of such a blood-based autoantibody biomarker which may improve accessibility to Low d... Read More about Five year mortality in an RCT of a lung cancer biomarker to select people for low dose CT screening.

Diet Quality and Caloric Accuracy in AI-Generated Diet Plans: A Comparative Study Across Chatbots (2025)
Journal Article
Kaya Kaçar, H., Kaçar, Ö. F., & Avery, A. (2025). Diet Quality and Caloric Accuracy in AI-Generated Diet Plans: A Comparative Study Across Chatbots. Nutrients, 17(2), Article 206.

Background/Objectives: With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in nutrition and healthcare, AI-driven chatbots are increasingly recognised as potential tools for generating personalised diet plans. This study aimed to evaluate the capabilities... Read More about Diet Quality and Caloric Accuracy in AI-Generated Diet Plans: A Comparative Study Across Chatbots.

Reliability analysis of deteriorated post-tensioned concrete bridges considering bond effect: The case study of Ynys-y-Gwas bridge in UK (2025)
Journal Article
Al-Mosawe, D., Neves, L., & Owen, J. (in press). Reliability analysis of deteriorated post-tensioned concrete bridges considering bond effect: The case study of Ynys-y-Gwas bridge in UK. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,

Bond between pre-stressing tendons and concrete is an important characteristic which allows the stresses to transfer from steel to concrete. The expansion of corrosion products around the tendons will lead to stress the concrete and thereby the concr... Read More about Reliability analysis of deteriorated post-tensioned concrete bridges considering bond effect: The case study of Ynys-y-Gwas bridge in UK.

Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition (2025)
Journal Article
Monteath, A. J., Jensen, B. J., Davies, L. J., Bolton, M. S., Hughes, P. D., Mackay, H., Edwards, M. E., Finkenbinder, M., Booth, R. K., Cwynar, L. C., Harvey, J., Pyne-O’Donnell, S., Papp, C. N., Froese, D. G., Mallon, G., Amesbury, M. J., & Mayfield, R. J. (2025). Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130(1), Article e2024JD042135.

The number of cryptotephra (non-visible volcanic ash) records from northeastern North America is unique in the continent. The resulting tephrostratigraphic framework includes ash deposits sourced from volcanic arcs across the Northern Hemisphere and... Read More about Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition.

Robust Series Arc Detection for DC MEA Power Systems Using Windowed Fractal Dimension (2025)
Journal Article
Seeley, D., Sumner, M., Thomas, D. W., & Greedy, S. (2025). Robust Series Arc Detection for DC MEA Power Systems Using Windowed Fractal Dimension. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,

The rapid development of more-electric transportation has led to increased use of higher voltage DC circuit architecture and battery storage. These developing technologies create a higher risk of DC arc failure resulting from component or insulation... Read More about Robust Series Arc Detection for DC MEA Power Systems Using Windowed Fractal Dimension.

Data integration framework for multi-level information modelling and numerical analysis of deteriorated RC bridges (2025)
Journal Article
Alsharif, M. A., Thermou, G., Ninic, J., & Tizani, W. (2025). Data integration framework for multi-level information modelling and numerical analysis of deteriorated RC bridges. Advances in Engineering Software, 202, Article 103860.

Structural assessment of deteriorated bridges is a vital step in the decision-making process for asset management. This paper proposes a novel Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Finite Element (FE) integration framework to analyse and retrofit... Read More about Data integration framework for multi-level information modelling and numerical analysis of deteriorated RC bridges.

Untrustworthiness (2025)
Journal Article
Tallant, J. (2025). Untrustworthiness. Ratio, 38(1), 56-62.

Discussions of trustworthiness are not ubiquitous in the philosophical literature (compare remarks by Jones 2012, 61). Nonetheless, there are some attempted analyses and there is excellent work ongoing. The goal of this paper is to focus on trustwort... Read More about Untrustworthiness.

COLOFIT: Development and Internal-External Validation of Models Using Age, Sex, Faecal Immunochemical and Blood Tests to Optimise Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer in Symptomatic Patients (2025)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Jones, J., Hamilton, W., Bailey, S. E., Abel, G., Banerjea, A., Rees, C. J., Tamm, A., Nicholson, B. D., Benton, S. C., Hunt, N., COLOFIT, R. G., & Humes, D. J. (2025). COLOFIT: Development and Internal-External Validation of Models Using Age, Sex, Faecal Immunochemical and Blood Tests to Optimise Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer in Symptomatic Patients. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 61(5), 852-864.

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the United Kingdom and the second largest cause of cancer death. Aim: To develop and validate a model using available information at the time of faecal immunochemical testing (FIT... Read More about COLOFIT: Development and Internal-External Validation of Models Using Age, Sex, Faecal Immunochemical and Blood Tests to Optimise Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer in Symptomatic Patients.

The clinical and cost effectiveness of a STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and adolescents with emotional difficulties (STADIA); multi- centre randomised controlled trial (2025)
Journal Article
Sayal, K., Wyatt, L., Partlett, C., Ewart, C., Bhardwaj, A., Dubicka, B., Marshall, T., Gledhill, J., Lang, A., Sprange, K., Thomson, L., Moody, S., Holt, G., Bould, H., Upton, C., Keane, M., Cox, E., James, M., & Montgomery, A. (in press). The clinical and cost effectiveness of a STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and adolescents with emotional difficulties (STADIA); multi- centre randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,


Standardised Diagnostic Assessment tools, such as the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA), may aid detection and diagnosis of emotional disorders but there is limited real-world evidence of their clinical or cost effectiveness... Read More about The clinical and cost effectiveness of a STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and adolescents with emotional difficulties (STADIA); multi- centre randomised controlled trial.