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The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study (2025)
Journal Article
Isah, A., Ezenri, G., Obi, O., Okibe, N. A., Ma’aji, H. U., Ugochukwu, E. J., Eze, C. C., Amoke, C. M., Ezeodimegwu, A., Idabor, C. C., Abubakar, M. M., Iloabuchi, F., Ugwu, I. J., Asogwa, C. M., Ukwe, C. V., & Ukoha-kalu, B. O. (2025). The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study. Discover Social Science and Health, 5(1), Article 8.

Background: This study aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention on knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay (WTP) for dapivirine vaginal ring (DPV-VR) by undergraduate female students at the University of Nigeria (UNN). Metho... Read More about The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study.

The unspoken value of water infrastructure (2025)
Journal Article
Valero, D., Pummer, E., Heller, V., Kramer, M., Bung, D. B., Mulligan, S., & Erpicum, S. (2025). The unspoken value of water infrastructure. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 212, Article 115378.

Water infrastructure forms the backbone of development, being pivotal for water, food and energy security. Both existing and new infrastructure must cope with global climatic challenges and increased human activity. Continuous investment in water inf... Read More about The unspoken value of water infrastructure.

The plurality principle: consumer ethics within an online brand community (2025)
Journal Article
Canavan, B. (2025). The plurality principle: consumer ethics within an online brand community. Consumption, Markets and Culture,

Agnes Heller's moral philosophy based around plurality is introduced in this article into consumer ethics. Plurality emphasises that open and tolerant societies make moral choices more readily available. Netnography explores moral evaluations of gend... Read More about The plurality principle: consumer ethics within an online brand community.

Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers (2025)
Journal Article
McDonnell, T., Banks, R. E., Taal, M. W., Vuilleumier, N., & Kalra, P. A. (2025). Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers. Nephron,

The ultimate goal of precision medicine is to tailor treatment to specific disease processes, thereby optimising patient outcomes. This approach moves beyond the one-size-fits-all model, recognising at an individual level the unique combinations of m... Read More about Personalised Care in CKD: Moving Beyond Traditional Biomarkers.

Chronic pancreatitis: a case ascertainment study (2025)
Journal Article
Quammie, S., Rashid, A., Munya, R., Nicholson, E. S., Clarke, C., Venkatachalapathy, S. V., Crooks, C. J., Aithal, G. P., & Aravinthan, A. D. (2025). Chronic pancreatitis: a case ascertainment study. Frontline Gastroenterology,

Background Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a debilitating condition, characterised by chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the pancreas. The population frequency of CP is poorly understood. Therefore, we used a broad pragmatic approach to estimate the f... Read More about Chronic pancreatitis: a case ascertainment study.

Self-reported and task-based impulsivity, aggression, and childhood trauma in the general population: A United- Kingdom-based online survey (2025)
Journal Article
Aubrey, O., Jones, K. A., & Paddock, E. (2025). Self-reported and task-based impulsivity, aggression, and childhood trauma in the general population: A United- Kingdom-based online survey. Journal of Criminal Psychology,

The societal, economic and personal costs of aggression are indisputable. Impulsivity and childhood trauma (CT) play a role in aggression but less is known about the potential mechanisms underlying these associations. This study aimed to inv... Read More about Self-reported and task-based impulsivity, aggression, and childhood trauma in the general population: A United- Kingdom-based online survey.

What do We Know About How Processes of Desistance Vary by Ethnicity? (2025)
Journal Article
Farrall, S., Warr, J., Shaw, A., & Sharma, K. (in press). What do We Know About How Processes of Desistance Vary by Ethnicity?. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,

This paper reviews what is known about ethnic identity and the processes by which people cease offending. Whilst the past 30 years have seen dramatic growths in what is known about desistance, in many jurisdictions there is a paucity of research whic... Read More about What do We Know About How Processes of Desistance Vary by Ethnicity?.

SLC1A5 is a key regulator of glutamine metabolism and a prognostic marker for aggressive luminal breast cancer (2025)
Journal Article
Alfarsi, L. H., El Ansari, R., Erkan, B., Fakroun, A., Craze, M. L., Aleskandarany, M. A., Cheng, K. W., Ellis, I. O., Rakha, E. A., & Green, A. R. (2025). SLC1A5 is a key regulator of glutamine metabolism and a prognostic marker for aggressive luminal breast cancer. Scientific Reports, 15(1), Article 2805.

Cancer cells exhibit altered metabolism, often relying on glutamine (Gln) for growth. Breast cancer (BC) is a heterogeneous disease with varying clinical outcomes. We investigated the role of the amino acid transporter SLC1A5 (ASCT2) and its associat... Read More about SLC1A5 is a key regulator of glutamine metabolism and a prognostic marker for aggressive luminal breast cancer.

The Influence of Ownership and Control on Corporate Social Responsibility in East Asia (2025)
Journal Article
Chen, S.-Y., Adegbite, E., Muthuri, J. N., & Nguyen, T. H. (in press). The Influence of Ownership and Control on Corporate Social Responsibility in East Asia. Corporate Governance,

Research Question/Issue
Underpinned by an eclectic theoretical framework of agency theory and stakeholder theory, this study examines whether control by family, institutional investors, or governments affects a firm's corporate social responsibility... Read More about The Influence of Ownership and Control on Corporate Social Responsibility in East Asia.

Probing and manipulating the Mexican hat-shaped valence band of In2Se3 (2025)
Journal Article
Felton, J., Harknett, J., Page, J., Yang, Z., Alghofaili, N., O’Shea, J. N., Eaves, L., Kohama, Y., Greenaway, M. T., & Patanè, A. (2025). Probing and manipulating the Mexican hat-shaped valence band of In2Se3. Nature Communications, 16, Article 922.

Ferroelectrics based on van der Waals semiconductors represent an emergent class of materials for disruptive technologies ranging from neuromorphic computing to low-power electronics. However, many theoretical predictions of their electronic properti... Read More about Probing and manipulating the Mexican hat-shaped valence band of In2Se3.

On face value: a ghost driver field study investigating interactions between pedestrians and a driverless vehicle with anthropomorphic displays (2025)
Journal Article
Large, D. R., Harvey, C., Hallewell, M., Li, X., & Burnett, G. (2025). On face value: a ghost driver field study investigating interactions between pedestrians and a driverless vehicle with anthropomorphic displays. Ergonomics,

In a novel, on-road study, using a ‘Ghost Driver’ to emulate an automated vehicle (AV), we captured over 10 hours of video (n = 520) and 64 survey responses documenting the behaviour and attitudes of pedestrians in response to the AV. Three prototype... Read More about On face value: a ghost driver field study investigating interactions between pedestrians and a driverless vehicle with anthropomorphic displays.

Unravelling the relationship among corporate sustainability initiatives, executive compensation and corporate carbon performance: new insights from African countries (2025)
Journal Article
Saa, V. Y., Morrison, E. A., Adu, D. A., & Joseph, D. (in press). Unravelling the relationship among corporate sustainability initiatives, executive compensation and corporate carbon performance: new insights from African countries. Journal of Accounting Literature,

Although listed firms in Africa are increasingly establishing board sustainability committees, their impact on corporate outcomes in the region remain relatively understudied. This study investigates the effect of executive compensation (EC... Read More about Unravelling the relationship among corporate sustainability initiatives, executive compensation and corporate carbon performance: new insights from African countries.

Unleashing creative potential: The role of stable institutional ownership in exploratory innovation (2025)
Journal Article
Deng, X., Ali, H., & Aboelkheir, H. (2025). Unleashing creative potential: The role of stable institutional ownership in exploratory innovation. Research Policy, 54(3), Article 105166.

This study investigates the impact of institutional ownership (IO) stability on firms’ pursuit of exploratory innovation. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset of public U.S. firms from 1990 to 2018, we provide robust evidence that firms with stable IO a... Read More about Unleashing creative potential: The role of stable institutional ownership in exploratory innovation.

Evaluating the Cost‐Effectiveness of Antenatal Screening for Major Structural Anomalies During the First Trimester of Pregnancy: A Decision Model (2025)
Journal Article
Campbell, H. E., Karim, J. N., Papageorghiou, A. T., Wilson, E. C., Rivero-Arias, O., & ACCEPTS Study. (2025). Evaluating the Cost‐Effectiveness of Antenatal Screening for Major Structural Anomalies During the First Trimester of Pregnancy: A Decision Model. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of modifying current antenatal screening by adding first trimester structural anomaly screening to standard of care second trimester anomaly screening.

Design: Health economic decision model. Setting: N... Read More about Evaluating the Cost‐Effectiveness of Antenatal Screening for Major Structural Anomalies During the First Trimester of Pregnancy: A Decision Model.

Food insecurity amongst Universal Credit claimants: the Benefits and Nutrition Study (BEANS), a cross-sectional online study (2025)
Journal Article
Thomas, M., Rose, P., Coneyworth, L., Harvey, J., Goulding, J., Stone, J., Padley, M., O’Reilly, P., & Welham, S. (in press). Food insecurity amongst Universal Credit claimants: the Benefits and Nutrition Study (BEANS), a cross-sectional online study. European Journal of Nutrition,

Increasing food insecurity (FIS) in the UK presents a major challenge to public health. Universal Credit (UC) claimants are disproportionately impacted by FIS but research on socio-demographic factors and consequent nutritional security is... Read More about Food insecurity amongst Universal Credit claimants: the Benefits and Nutrition Study (BEANS), a cross-sectional online study.

Bear Journeys in Early Modern England (2025)
Journal Article
Davies, C., Bloxam, A., O’Regan, H., Charlton, S., Lewis, L., & Wright, E. (in press). Bear Journeys in Early Modern England. Seventeenth Century,

This article offers unprecedented insight into the domestic movements of early modern commercial entertainment producers based on fresh archival and archaeological details about bears and bearwards, centring on a surviving two-month journey record.... Read More about Bear Journeys in Early Modern England.

Interplay between genetics and epigenetics in lung fibrosis (2025)
Journal Article
Valand, A., Rajasekar, P., Wain, L. V., & Clifford, R. L. (2025). Interplay between genetics and epigenetics in lung fibrosis. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 180, Article 106739.

Lung fibrosis, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), is a complex and devastating disease characterised by the progressive scarring of lung tissue leading to compromised respiratory function. Aberrantly activated fibroblasts deposit extracel... Read More about Interplay between genetics and epigenetics in lung fibrosis.

Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women (2025)
Journal Article
Parks, R. M., & Cheung, K.-L. (2025). Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women. Cancers, 17(3), Article 346.

The global population is ageing and the risk of breast cancer increases with age. Therefore, we can expect an increase in the number of cases of breast cancer worldwide in the next 20 years. Currently, there are few age-specific guidelines for the ma... Read More about Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women.

Monocyte eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2) signalling differentiates 17-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid levels and pain (2025)
Journal Article
Gowler, P. R., Arendt-Tranholm, A., Turnbull, J., Jha, R. R., Onion, D., Kelly, T., Kouraki, A., Millns, P., Gohir, S., Franks, S., Barrett, D. A., Valdes, A. M., & Chapman, V. (2025). Monocyte eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2) signalling differentiates 17-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid levels and pain. iScience, 28(2), Article 111862.

Our goal was to probe the potential transcriptomic basis for the relationship between plasma levels of the specialized pro-resolving precursor, 17-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (17-HDHA) and chronic pain. Participants with osteoarthritis (average age... Read More about Monocyte eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2) signalling differentiates 17-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid levels and pain.