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All Outputs (149)

Neuromedin U partially mediates leptin-induced hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) stimulation and has a physiological role in the regulation of the HPA axis in the rat (2006)
Journal Article
Jethwa, P. H., Smith, K. L., Small, C. J., Abbott, C. R., Darch, S. J., Murphy, K. G., …Bloom, S. R. (2006). Neuromedin U partially mediates leptin-induced hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) stimulation and has a physiological role in the regulation of the HPA axis in the rat. Endocrinology, 147(6), 2886-2892.

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of the hypothalamic neuropeptide neuromedin U (NMU) or the adipostat hormone leptin increases plasma ACTH and corticosterone. The relationship between leptin and NMU in the regulation of the hypothalamo-pi... Read More about Neuromedin U partially mediates leptin-induced hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) stimulation and has a physiological role in the regulation of the HPA axis in the rat.

Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science (2006)
Journal Article
Wright, N., & Nerlich, B. (2006). Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science. Public Understanding of Science, 15(3),

The "deficit model" as an explanation of the public understanding of science has attracted sustained criticism. While acknowledging the limitations of the deficit model, we argue that researchers should not abandon all interest in exploring it. Our r... Read More about Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science.

Comparative investigation of the pathogenicity of three Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants defective in the synthesis of p-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives (2006)
Journal Article
Stadthagen, G., Jackson, M., Charles, P., Boudoua, F., Barilonea, N., Huerree, M., Constant, P., Liav, A., Bottova, I., Nigou, J., Brandod, T., Puzo, G., Daffé, M., Benjamin, P., Coade, S., Buxton, R. S., Tascon, R. E., Rae, A., Robertson, B. D., Lowrie, D. B., …Griffin, R. (in press). Comparative investigation of the pathogenicity of three Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants defective in the synthesis of p-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives. Microbes and Infection, 8(8),

p-Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives (p-HBADs) are glycoconjugates secreted by all Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates whose contribution to pathogenicity remains to be determined. The pathogenicity of three transposon mutants of M. tuberculosis deficie... Read More about Comparative investigation of the pathogenicity of three Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants defective in the synthesis of p-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives.

The structure of uniform discrete defective crystals (2006)
Journal Article
Cermelli, P., & Parry, G. P. (2006). The structure of uniform discrete defective crystals. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 18(1-2),

In the continuum context, a uniform crystal has dislocation density tensor constant in space. A simple iteration procedure generates an infinite set of points which is associated with uniform defective crystals. When certain necessary conditions are... Read More about The structure of uniform discrete defective crystals.

Quantification of pore clogging characteristics in potential permeable reactive barrier (PRB) substrates using image analysis (2006)
Journal Article
Wantanaphong, J., Mooney, S. J., & Bailey, E. H. (2006). Quantification of pore clogging characteristics in potential permeable reactive barrier (PRB) substrates using image analysis. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 86(3-4), 299-320.

Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are now an established approach for groundwater remediation. However, one concern is the deterioration of barrier material performance due to pore clogging. This study sought to quantify the effect of pore clogging... Read More about Quantification of pore clogging characteristics in potential permeable reactive barrier (PRB) substrates using image analysis.

M-theory on seven-dimensional manifolds with SU(3) structure (2006)
Journal Article
Micu, A., Palto, E., & Saffin, P. (2006). M-theory on seven-dimensional manifolds with SU(3) structure. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(5),

In this paper we study M-theory compactifications on seven-dimensional manifolds with SU(3) structure. As such manifolds naturally pick out a specific direction, the resulting effective theory can be cast into a form which is similar to type IIA comp... Read More about M-theory on seven-dimensional manifolds with SU(3) structure.

A resolution for the coiling direction paradox in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (2006)
Journal Article
Darling, K. F., Kucera, M., Kroon, D., & Wade, C. M. (2006). A resolution for the coiling direction paradox in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. Paleoceanography, 21(2), Article PA2011.

We present new data on genotypic differences and biogeographic distribution of coiling types in the living planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. The genetic evidence demonstrates that coiling direction in N. pachyderma i... Read More about A resolution for the coiling direction paradox in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.

A comparison of microbial contamination on sheep/goat carcasses in a modern Indian abattoir and traditional meat shops (2006)
Journal Article
Bhandare, S. G., Sherikar, A. T., Paturkar, A. M., Waskar, V. S., & Zende, R. J. (2007). A comparison of microbial contamination on sheep/goat carcasses in a modern Indian abattoir and traditional meat shops. Food Control, 18(7), 854-858.

The microbial load on sheep/goat carcasses was investigated in Deonar abattoir and traditional meat shops in Mumbai. A total of 96 swab samples from carcass sites were collected and analysed from the abattoir, while 144 swab samples from carcass site... Read More about A comparison of microbial contamination on sheep/goat carcasses in a modern Indian abattoir and traditional meat shops.

Expression of the insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) hormone-receptor (LGR8) system in the testis (2006)
Journal Article
Anand-Ivell, R. J., Relan, V., Balvers, M., Coiffec-Dorval, I., Fritsch, M., Bathgate, R. A., & Ivell, R. (2006). Expression of the insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) hormone-receptor (LGR8) system in the testis. Biology of Reproduction, 74(5), 945-953.

The new peptide hormone insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a member of the insulin-relaxin family, yet, unlike insulin, it signals through a new G-protein coupled receptor, LGR8, distantly related to the receptors for LH and FSH. INSL3 is produced in... Read More about Expression of the insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) hormone-receptor (LGR8) system in the testis.

In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of plant cysteine proteinases against the rodent gastrointestinal nematode, Trichuris muris (2006)
Journal Article
Stepek, G., Lowe, A., Buttle, D. J., Duce, I., & Behnke, J. M. (2006). In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of plant cysteine proteinases against the rodent gastrointestinal nematode, Trichuris muris. Parasitology, 132(5),

Extracts of plants, such as papaya, pineapple and fig, are known to be effective at killing intestinal nematodes that inhabit anterior sites in the small intestine, such as Heligmosomoides polygyrus. In this paper, we demonstrate that similar in vitr... Read More about In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of plant cysteine proteinases against the rodent gastrointestinal nematode, Trichuris muris.

A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Roberts, C. N., Leng, M. J., & Türkeş, M. (2006). A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate. Geology, 34(5), 361-364.

A high resolution proxy record of precipitation and evaporation variability through the past 1700 yr from δ18O analysis of a varved lake sequence from central Turkey shows rapid shifts between dry periods (AD 300–500 and AD 1400–1950) and wetter inte... Read More about A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate.

The Dynamics of coset dimensional reduction (2006)
Journal Article
Karthauser, J. L., & Saffin, P. M. (2006). The Dynamics of coset dimensional reduction. Physical Review D, 73(8),

The evolution of multiple scalar fields in cosmology has been much studied, particularly when the potential is formed from a series of exponentials. For a certain subclass of such systems it is possible to get `assisted` behaviour, where the presence... Read More about The Dynamics of coset dimensional reduction.

Toric Fano three-folds with terminal singularities (2006)
Journal Article
Kasprzyk, A. M. (2006). Toric Fano three-folds with terminal singularities. TÔhoku Mathematical Journal, 58(1), 101-121.

This paper classifies all toric Fano 3-folds with terminal singularities. This is achieved by solving the equivalent combinatoric problem; that of finding, up to the action of GL(3,Z), all convex polytopes in Z^3 which contain the origin as the only... Read More about Toric Fano three-folds with terminal singularities.

Clinical outcome after first and recurrent hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain arteriovenous malformation (2006)
Journal Article
Choi, J. H., Mast, H., Sciacca, R. R., Hartmann, A., Khaw, A. V., Mohr, J. P., …Stapf, C. (2006). Clinical outcome after first and recurrent hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain arteriovenous malformation. Stroke, 37(5), 1243-1247

Background and Purpose: The morbidity from spontaneous hemorrhage of untreated brain arteriovenous malformations
(AVM) is not well described.
Methods: The 241 consecutive AVM patients (mean age 3716 years, 52% women) from the prospective Columbia... Read More about Clinical outcome after first and recurrent hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain arteriovenous malformation.

Effects of biomass-generated producer gas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T (2006)
Journal Article
Ahmed, A., Cateni, B. G., Huhnke, R. L., & Lewis, R. S. (2006). Effects of biomass-generated producer gas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T. Biomass and Bioenergy, 30(7), 665-672.

In our previous work, we demonstrated that biomass-generated producer gas can be converted to ethanol and acetic acid using a microbial catalyst Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T. Results showed that the producer gas (1) induced cell dormancy, (2) inhi... Read More about Effects of biomass-generated producer gas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T.

Evolutionary relationships among the Pulmonate land snails and slugs (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora) (2006)
Journal Article
Wade, C. M., Mordan, P. B., & Naggs, F. (2006). Evolutionary relationships among the Pulmonate land snails and slugs (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 87(4), 593-610.

We have incorporated an additional 56 species of land snails and slugs in our ribosomal (r) RNA molecular phylogeny. The new taxa include representatives of several important groups. The molecular tree now includes 160 species of stylommatophoran lan... Read More about Evolutionary relationships among the Pulmonate land snails and slugs (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora).

Tocopherol: an intrinsic component of sunflower seed oil bodies (2006)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., White, D. A., Carvalho, A., & Gray, D. A. (2006). Tocopherol: an intrinsic component of sunflower seed oil bodies. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 83(4), 341-344.

Oil bodies were removed from mature sunflower through wet grinding followed by filtration then centrifugation and recovered as the buoyant fraction. Washing this fraction with buffer (water‐washed oil bodies, WWOB) or 9 M urea (urea‐washed oil bodies... Read More about Tocopherol: an intrinsic component of sunflower seed oil bodies.

Case Based Heuristic Selection for Timetabling Problems (2006)
Journal Article
Burke, E., Petrovic, S., & Qu, R. (2006). Case Based Heuristic Selection for Timetabling Problems. Journal of Scheduling, 9(2),

This paper presents a case-based heuristic selection approach for automated university course and exam timetabling. The method described in this paper is motivated by the goal of developing timetabling systems that are fundamentally more general than... Read More about Case Based Heuristic Selection for Timetabling Problems.