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All Outputs (6)

Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia (2024)
Journal Article
Loveluck, C. P., Tielidze, L. G., Elashvili, M., Kurbatov, A. V., Gadrani, L., Erb-Satullo, N., von Suchodoletz, H., Dan, A., Laermanns, H., Brückner, H., Schlotzhauer, U., Sulava, N., & Chagelishvili, R. (2024). Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia. Sustainability, 16(16), Article 7116.

In the midlatitudes of the planet, we are facing the imminent disappearance of one of our best high-resolution (pre)historic climate and anthropogenic pollution archives, namely the loss of glacial ice, through accelerated global warming. To capture... Read More about Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia.

Casa Sinapsis (Synapse House) (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
GENTIL-FERNANDEZ, M. (2024). Casa Sinapsis (Synapse House). Seville, Spain

Project publication on the Synapse House by Baum Lab, an innovative sustainable building resolved with innovative construction techniques.