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All Outputs (6)

Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations (2025)
Journal Article
Rodriguez Huerta, E., Leao, L., & Landmann, T. (in press). Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional,

This paper explores the theoretical and conceptual nexus between climate change, workers’ health, decent work, human rights, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using the case of agricultural workers in Brazil. It posits the overall relat... Read More about Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations.

Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns (2025)
Ahmed, S., Ayangunna, R., Barrow, J., Jackson, B., Ojo, T., Ojo, K., Parker, P., West, P., & Wright, N. (2025). Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns. Rights Lab Survivor Research Advisory Board, University of Nottingham

The paper explores three priority threats upon health and work, resulting from climate change identified through a series of collaborative workshops with lived experience survivors of modern slavery. Areas highlighted which require collaborative acti... Read More about Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns.

Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Loayza, J., Taylor, C., Renstrom, J., Grasmeder Allen, R., Jackson, S., & Bast, T. (2025). Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats

Tourette syndrome has been linked to reduced GABAergic inhibition, so called neural disinhibition, in the dorsal striatum. Dorsal-striatal neural disinhibition in animal models, caused by local microinfusion of GABA-A-receptor antagonists, produces s... Read More about Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats.

Identifying the Health Educational Needs of Refugees: Empirical Evidence from a Delphi Study (2024)
Journal Article
Harjani, M. G., Stathakarou, N., Konstantinidis, S. T., Dratsiou, I., Varella, A., Salcedo, V. T., Segura Segura, M., Tsoupouroglou, I., Bamidis, P. D., & Karlgren, K. (2024). Identifying the Health Educational Needs of Refugees: Empirical Evidence from a Delphi Study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 26, 984-997.

Refugees experience poorer health outcomes especially which can be exacerbated by or can be a result of low health literacy of refugee populations. To address poor health outcomes, health literacy, and health usage in refugee populations, it is essen... Read More about Identifying the Health Educational Needs of Refugees: Empirical Evidence from a Delphi Study.

Influence of ripening stage on the microwave-assisted pectin extraction from banana peels: A feasibility study targeting both the Homogalacturonan and Rhamnogalacturonan-I region. (2024)
Journal Article
Mao, Y., Dewi, S. R., Harding, S. E., & Binner, E. (2024). Influence of ripening stage on the microwave-assisted pectin extraction from banana peels: A feasibility study targeting both the Homogalacturonan and Rhamnogalacturonan-I region. Food Chemistry, 460(Pt 1), Article 140549.

This work investigated a sustainable and efficient approach of pectin extraction for banana peel waste valorisation and studied the influence of banana ripening stages (RS at 2,5 and 7). Although pectin content in banana peel raw material decreased d... Read More about Influence of ripening stage on the microwave-assisted pectin extraction from banana peels: A feasibility study targeting both the Homogalacturonan and Rhamnogalacturonan-I region..

Integration furniture for migrants (2021)
Exhibition / Performance
GENTIL-FERNANDEZ, M., BARRERA-ALTEMIR, M., & CARO-DOMINGUEZ, J. Integration furniture for migrants. 22 May 2021 - 21 November 2021

Contribution with an exhibited project and piece to the Spanish Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale. The curatorial committee selected a series of architectural projects to be exhibited and presented during the biennale.

I presented a subversiv... Read More about Integration furniture for migrants.