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Host/pathogen interactions at mucosal surfaces: Immune consequences (2002)
Journal Article
Clare, S., Huett, A., & Dougan, G. (2002). Host/pathogen interactions at mucosal surfaces: Immune consequences. Research in Microbiology, 153(7), 455-459.

The mucosal immune system has evolved to protect the host against the establishment of infections at or through the mucosal surfaces of the body. Protective immunity must be activated to specific pathogenic agents or their products but inappropriate... Read More about Host/pathogen interactions at mucosal surfaces: Immune consequences.

The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection (2002)
Journal Article
Pui, B. H., Hayes-Gill, B., Clark, M., Somekh, M., See, C., Piéri, J. F., Morgan, S. P., & Ng, A. (2002). The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 32(1), 67-75.

The integration of photo-detectors onto a standard CMOS integrated circuit is presented. This device provides the optical front end for a real time centroid detection system to be used as part of a larger system for implementing a Shack-Hartmann wave... Read More about The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection.

Missverständnisse, Rollenspiele, Double Binds: Kommunikation und Bewusstsein im Werk Birgit Vanderbekes (2002)
Journal Article
Uecker, M. (2002). Missverständnisse, Rollenspiele, Double Binds: Kommunikation und Bewusstsein im Werk Birgit Vanderbekes. German Life and Letters, 5(3),

Abweichend von der dominierenden Strategie der Literaturkritik, die das Werk Birgit Vanderbekes in erster Linie auf seine soziologische Repräsentativität für Entwicklungen der deutschen Gesellschaft seit den fünfziger Jahren untersucht hat, konzentri... Read More about Missverständnisse, Rollenspiele, Double Binds: Kommunikation und Bewusstsein im Werk Birgit Vanderbekes.

New treatments for atopic dermatitis (2002)
Journal Article
Williams, H. (2002). New treatments for atopic dermatitis. British medical journal, 324,

Atopic dermatitis now affects 15% to 20% of chil­dren in developed countries, and prevalence in cities in developing countries undergoingrapid demographic changes is quickly following suit. [1] Most cases of atopic dermatitis in a given communityare... Read More about New treatments for atopic dermatitis.

Local variation in endoparasite intensities of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus )from ecologically similar sites: morphometric and endocrine correlates (2002)
Journal Article
Barnard, C., Behnke, J., Bajer, A., Bray, D., Race, T., Frake, K., Osmond, J., Dinmore, J., & Sinski, E. (2002). Local variation in endoparasite intensities of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus )from ecologically similar sites: morphometric and endocrine correlates. Journal of Helminthology, 76(2),

Much interest has centred recently on the role of adaptive trade-offs between the immune system and other components of life history in determining resistance and parasite intensities among hosts. Steroid hormones, particularly glucocorticoids and se... Read More about Local variation in endoparasite intensities of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus )from ecologically similar sites: morphometric and endocrine correlates.

A molecular phylogeny of nuclear and mitochondrial sequences in Hymenolepis nana (Cestoda) supports the existence of a cryptic species (2002)
Journal Article
MacNish, M., Morgan-Ryan, U., Monis, P., Behnke, J., & Thompson, R. (2002). A molecular phylogeny of nuclear and mitochondrial sequences in Hymenolepis nana (Cestoda) supports the existence of a cryptic species. Parasitology, 125(6),

Since isolates of Hymenolepis nana infecting humans and rodents are morphologically indistinguishable, the only way they can be reliably identified is by comparing the parasite in each host using molecular tools. In the current study, isolates of H.... Read More about A molecular phylogeny of nuclear and mitochondrial sequences in Hymenolepis nana (Cestoda) supports the existence of a cryptic species.

Homochiral 4-azalysine building blocks: Syntheses and applications in solid-phase chemistry (2002)
Journal Article
Chhabra, S. R., Mahajan, A., & Chan, W. C. (2002). Homochiral 4-azalysine building blocks: Syntheses and applications in solid-phase chemistry. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67(12), 4017-4029.

Anomalous amino acids not only play central roles as mimics of natural amino acids but also offer opportunities as unique building blocks for combinatorial chemistry. This paper describes the chiral syntheses and solid-phase applications of a versati... Read More about Homochiral 4-azalysine building blocks: Syntheses and applications in solid-phase chemistry.

Human T cells that have been conditioned by the proteolytic activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 trigger enhanced immunoglobulin E synthesis by B cells (2002)
Journal Article
Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Shakib, F. (2002). Human T cells that have been conditioned by the proteolytic activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 trigger enhanced immunoglobulin E synthesis by B cells. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 32(5), 728-732.

Background: We have previously demonstrated that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 selectively cleaves human CD25, the 55 kDa α subunit of the IL-2 receptor. As a result of cleavage of surface CD25, peripheral blood T cells produce less IFN-γ and m... Read More about Human T cells that have been conditioned by the proteolytic activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 trigger enhanced immunoglobulin E synthesis by B cells.

Characterization of the Campylobacter jejuni Heptosyltransferase II Gene, waaF, Provides Genetic Evidence that Extracellular Polysaccharide Is Lipid A Core Independent (2002)
Journal Article
Oldfield, N. J., Moran, A. P., Millar, L. A., Prendergast, M. M., & Ketley, J. M. (2002). Characterization of the Campylobacter jejuni Heptosyltransferase II Gene, waaF, Provides Genetic Evidence that Extracellular Polysaccharide Is Lipid A Core Independent. Journal of Bacteriology, 184(8), 2100-2107.

Campylobacter jejuni produces both lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and a higher-molecular-weight polysaccharide that is believed to form a capsule. The role of these surface polysaccharides in C jejuni-mediated enteric disease is unclear; however, epitopes... Read More about Characterization of the Campylobacter jejuni Heptosyltransferase II Gene, waaF, Provides Genetic Evidence that Extracellular Polysaccharide Is Lipid A Core Independent.

The interleukin-10 – 1082 G/A polymorphism: allele frequency in different populations and functional significance (2002)
Journal Article
Rees, L., Wood, N., Gillespie, K., Lai, K., Gaston, K., & Mathieson, P. (2002). The interleukin-10 – 1082 G/A polymorphism: allele frequency in different populations and functional significance. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 59(3), 560-569.

Genotypic variation in the human interleukin-10 (IL-10) promoter may account for marked inter-individual variation in IL-10 production and may influence susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. The G/A polymorphism at position -1082 has been linked to... Read More about The interleukin-10 – 1082 G/A polymorphism: allele frequency in different populations and functional significance.

Randomised controlled trial of short bursts of a potent topical corticosteroid versus prolonged use of a mild preparation for children with mild or moderate atopic eczema (2002)
Journal Article
Thomas, K., Armstrong, S., Avery, A., Li Wan Po, A., O'Neill, C., Young, S., & Williams, H. (2002). Randomised controlled trial of short bursts of a potent topical corticosteroid versus prolonged use of a mild preparation for children with mild or moderate atopic eczema. British medical journal, 324(7340),

Objective To determine whether a three day burst of
a potent corticosteroid is more effective than a mild
preparation used for seven days in children with mild
or moderate atopic eczema.
Design Randomised, double blind, parallel group
study of 1... Read More about Randomised controlled trial of short bursts of a potent topical corticosteroid versus prolonged use of a mild preparation for children with mild or moderate atopic eczema.

Failure to infect laboratory rodent hosts with human isolates of Rodentolepis(= Hymenolepis) nana (2002)
Journal Article
MacNish, M., Morgan, U., Behnke, J. M., & Thompson, R. (2002). Failure to infect laboratory rodent hosts with human isolates of Rodentolepis(= Hymenolepis) nana. Journal of Helminthology, 76(1),

Confusion exists over the species status and host-specificity of the tapeworm Rodentolepis (= Hymenolepis) nana. It has been described as one species, R. nana, found in both humans and rodents. Others have identified a subspecies; R. nana var. frater... Read More about Failure to infect laboratory rodent hosts with human isolates of Rodentolepis(= Hymenolepis) nana.

Indices of heart rate variability and performance during a response-conflict task are differently associated with ADHD and autism (2002)
Journal Article
Bellato, A., Arora, I., Kochhar, P., Hollis, C., & Groom, M. J. (2002). Indices of heart rate variability and performance during a response-conflict task are differently associated with ADHD and autism. Journal of Attention Disorders, 26(3), 434-446.

Objective. We investigated autonomic arousal, attention and response conflict, in ADHD and autism.

Method. Heart rate variability (HRV), and behavioural and electrophysiological indices of performance, were recorded during a task with low and hig... Read More about Indices of heart rate variability and performance during a response-conflict task are differently associated with ADHD and autism.

Predicting arsenic solubility in contaminated soils using isotopic dilution techniques (2002)
Journal Article
Tye, A. M., Young, S. D., Crout, N. M., Zhang, H., Preston, S., Bailey, E. H., Davison, W., McGrath, S. P., Paton, G. I., & Kilham, K. (2002). Predicting arsenic solubility in contaminated soils using isotopic dilution techniques. Environmental Science and Technology, 36(5), 982-988.

An isotopic dilution assay was developed to measure radiolabile As concentration in a diverse range of soils (pH 3.30-7.62; % C = 1.00-6.55). Soils amended with 50 mg of As kg-1 (as Na2HAsO4·7H2O) were incubated for over 800 d in an aerated "microcos... Read More about Predicting arsenic solubility in contaminated soils using isotopic dilution techniques.

An indirect genetic algorithm for set covering problems (2002)
Journal Article
Aickelin, U. (2002). An indirect genetic algorithm for set covering problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53(10), 1118-1126.

This paper presents a new type of genetic algorithm for the set covering problem. It differs from previous evolutionary approaches first because it is an indirect algorithm, i.e. the actual solutions are found by an external decoder function. The gen... Read More about An indirect genetic algorithm for set covering problems.

'Enhanced Direct and Indirect Genetic Algorithm Approaches for a Mall Layout and Tenant Selection Problem' (2002)
Journal Article
Aickelin, U., & Dowsland, K. (2002). 'Enhanced Direct and Indirect Genetic Algorithm Approaches for a Mall Layout and Tenant Selection Problem'. Journal of Heuristics, 8(5),

During our earlier research, it was recognised that in order to be successful with an indirect genetic algorithm approach using a decoder, the decoder has to strike a balance between being an optimiser in its own right and finding feasible solutions.... Read More about 'Enhanced Direct and Indirect Genetic Algorithm Approaches for a Mall Layout and Tenant Selection Problem'.

Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia spp. in wild rural rodents from the Mazury Lake District region of Poland (2002)
Journal Article
Bajer, A., Bednarska, M., Pawelczyk, A., Behnke, J. M., Gilbert, F. S., & Sinski, E. (2002). Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia spp. in wild rural rodents from the Mazury Lake District region of Poland. Parasitology, 125(1),

Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporodium parvum and Giardia spp. were studied in 3 species of rodents from forests and abandoned agricultural fields in N.E. Poland (Clethrionomys glareolus n=459; Microtus arvalis n=274; Apodemus flavicollis n=209)... Read More about Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia spp. in wild rural rodents from the Mazury Lake District region of Poland.