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International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad (2010)
Journal Article
White, N. D. (2010). International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 59(3),

Examines the role that international law plays in UK institutions of government when considering the deployment of armed forces to conflict and post-conflict zones. This is put into the context of the debate in the UK about the introduction of a War... Read More about International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad.

Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa (2010)
Journal Article
Whitty, N. (2010). Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa. Human Rights Law Review, 10(4),

Digital media technologies provide new opportunities for the recording and publicising of human rights violations. In recent years, soldier photography during military conflicts has become one of the most controversial sources of images of abuse, esp... Read More about Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa.

Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India (2010)
Journal Article
ní Fhlathúin, M. (2010). Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India. Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film, 37(1),

This essay examines the spectacular and stage-managed mass executions carried out during the East India Company administration’s campaign against thug criminals during the 1830s. Drawing on Foucault’s concept of the execution as an occasion for the d... Read More about Staging criminality and colonial authority: the execution of thug criminals in British India.

CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow (2010)
Journal Article
Morgan, S., Hayes-Gill, B., & Crowe, J. (2010). CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow. Optics and Photonics News, 21(1), 32-37.

Smart CMOS sensors can extract parameters of interest from incoming signals at the sensor and therefore overcome the data bottleneck between sensor and processor. This enables full-field laser Doppler blood flow imaging to be obtained at a frame rate... Read More about CMOS sensors for imaging blood flow.

New percolation crossing formulas and second-order modular forms (2009)
Journal Article
Diamantis, N., & Kleban, P. (2009). New percolation crossing formulas and second-order modular forms. Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 3(4), 677–696.

We consider the three crossing probability densities for percolation recently found via conformal field theory [23]. We prove that all three of them (i) may be simply expressed in terms of Cardy’s [4] and Watts’ [24] crossing probabilities, (ii) are... Read More about New percolation crossing formulas and second-order modular forms.

Auditory Evidentiality in English and German: The Case of Perception Verbs (2009)
Journal Article
Whitt, R. (2009). Auditory Evidentiality in English and German: The Case of Perception Verbs. Lingua, 119(7), 1083-1095.

Evidentiality, the linguistic encoding of speaker's information source, is an understudied phenomenon in languages such as English and German, which do not encode evidential meaning in the grammar. However, there are several lexical means by which sp... Read More about Auditory Evidentiality in English and German: The Case of Perception Verbs.

Continuity, support, togetherness and trust: findings from an evaluation of a university-administered early professional development programme for teachers in England (2009)
Journal Article
McIntyre, J., Hobson, A. J., & Mitchell, N. (2009). Continuity, support, togetherness and trust: findings from an evaluation of a university-administered early professional development programme for teachers in England. Professional Development in Education, 35(3), 357--379.

This article discusses the evaluation of a unique university-based early professional development (EPD) programme in England that enabled newly and recently qualified teachers to have continued contact with their initial teacher preparation provider.... Read More about Continuity, support, togetherness and trust: findings from an evaluation of a university-administered early professional development programme for teachers in England.

Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way (2009)
Journal Article
Lee, S., & Blake, H. (2009). Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way. Health Psychology Update, 18(2), 8-13

Occupational stress levels amongst employees are a key area of concern for the National Health Service with Government calls for healthcare employers to provide a positive ‘health culture’ and facilities which encourage staff to consider their own he... Read More about Tackling NHS staff stress levels in an ‘eggstraordinary’ way.

Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex (2009)
Journal Article
Robinson, J., Sanderson, D. J., Aggleton, J. P., & Jenkins, T. A. (2009). Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(6), 1238-1250.

In 3 habituation experiments, rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex were found to be indistinguishable from control rats. Two of the habituation experiments examined the habituation of suppression of responding on an appetitive, inst... Read More about Suppression to visual, auditory, and gustatory stimuli habituates normally in rats with excitotoxic lesions of the perirhinal cortex.

Whole-cell patch clamping of isolated fiber cells confirms that spatially distinct Cl- influx and efflux pathways exist in the cortex of the rat lens (2009)
Journal Article
Webb, K. F., & Donaldson, P. J. (2009). Whole-cell patch clamping of isolated fiber cells confirms that spatially distinct Cl- influx and efflux pathways exist in the cortex of the rat lens. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50(8), 3808-3818.

PURPOSE. To test the hypothesis that lens fiber cells use different combinations of transport proteins to mediate Cl influx and efflux in order to regulate their steady state volume.

METHODS. Cells were isolated from rat lenses by enzymatic disso... Read More about Whole-cell patch clamping of isolated fiber cells confirms that spatially distinct Cl- influx and efflux pathways exist in the cortex of the rat lens.

Lithological mapping of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, using airborne LiDAR topographic data (2009)
Journal Article
Grebby, S., Cunningham, D., Naden, J., & Tansey, K. (2010). Lithological mapping of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, using airborne LiDAR topographic data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(4),

Traditional field-based lithological mapping can be a time-consuming, costly and challenging endeavour when large areas need to be investigated, where terrain is remote and difficult to access and where the geology is highly variable over short dista... Read More about Lithological mapping of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, using airborne LiDAR topographic data.

A Case of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome on the Acute Medical Unit (2009)
Journal Article
Heaps, T., & Cooper, N. (2009). A Case of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome on the Acute Medical Unit. Acute Medicine, 8(1), 1-52

We describe a case of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) in a young female, presenting several weeks after neurosurgery, to the Medical Admissions Unit. The diagnosis is discussed with reference to differential diagnosis, diagnostic cri... Read More about A Case of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome on the Acute Medical Unit.

A retrospective analysis of alcohol intake and management on the medical assessment unit (2009)
Journal Article
Hoye, S., Boundy, R., & Cooper, N. (2009). A retrospective analysis of alcohol intake and management on the medical assessment unit. Acute Medicine, 8(1), 43-47.

A retrospective case note analysis of 100 consecutive admissions to a Medical Assessment Unit to (a) review the current impact of alcohol, and (b) assess the quality of clinical management and adherence to local and national guidelines.

Top tips on being a medical educator (2009)
Journal Article
Cooper, N. (2009). Top tips on being a medical educator. CME Journal. Geriatric Medicine, 11(3), 115–117

Medical educators need to understand that teaching is not the same as learning, and that professional education is different to education in general. There are 4 key ingredients to becoming an expert. Doctors learn from practice in a clinical environ... Read More about Top tips on being a medical educator.

Evolution and stability of cosmic string loops with Y-junctions (2009)
Journal Article
Bevis, N., Copeland, E. J., Martin, P.-Y., Niz, G., Pourtsidou, A., Saffin, P. M., & Steer, D. (2009). Evolution and stability of cosmic string loops with Y-junctions. Physical Review D, 80(12),

We study the evolution of non-periodic cosmic string loops containing Y-junctions, such as may form during the evolution of a network of (p,q) cosmic superstrings. We set up and solve the Nambu-Goto equations of motion for a loop with junctions, focu... Read More about Evolution and stability of cosmic string loops with Y-junctions.