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Real-time monitoring procedures for early detection of bubbles (2025)
Journal Article
Whitehouse, E., Harvey, D., & Leybourne, S. (2025). Real-time monitoring procedures for early detection of bubbles. International Journal of Forecasting,

Asset price bubbles and crashes can have severe consequences for the stability of financial and economic systems. Policymakers require timely identification of such bubbles in order to respond to their emergence. In this paper we propose new economet... Read More about Real-time monitoring procedures for early detection of bubbles.

Product differentiation, demand expansion and the welfare effects of cross-ownership (2025)
Journal Article
Banerjee, S., Mukherjee, A., & Poddar, S. (2025). Product differentiation, demand expansion and the welfare effects of cross-ownership. Canadian Journal of Economics, 58(1), 193-226.

We show the effects of cross-ownership on product differentiation, consumer surplus and welfare under Cournot and Bertrand competition. Under Cournot competition, cross-ownership increases (decreases) product differentiation if demand expansion follo... Read More about Product differentiation, demand expansion and the welfare effects of cross-ownership.

Legacies and Legalities: Bequests of Land to Ecclesiastical Institutions in England c. 1180-1300 (2025)
Journal Article
White, S. B. (2025). Legacies and Legalities: Bequests of Land to Ecclesiastical Institutions in England c. 1180-1300. Law and History Review, 1-22.

In English testamentary history, there is a clear divide between Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman testamentary practice, with the primary difference being that in the latter case, heritable land could not be bequeathed. Once the transfer of land required... Read More about Legacies and Legalities: Bequests of Land to Ecclesiastical Institutions in England c. 1180-1300.

Development of a prototype bridge scour sensor exploiting vortex-induced vibrations (2025)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Lydon, M., Taylor, S., Hamill, G., O'Higgins, C., Prendergast, L. J., O'Connor, A., & Nieuwland, R. (2025). Development of a prototype bridge scour sensor exploiting vortex-induced vibrations. Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering,

The ability to effectively manage the deterioration of a network-wide bridge stock condition from year to year is vital for the effective use of finite resources while maintaining public safety. The leading cause of bridge failures and deterioration... Read More about Development of a prototype bridge scour sensor exploiting vortex-induced vibrations.

Plant root carbon inputs drive methane production in tropical peatlands (2025)
Journal Article
Girkin, N. T., Siegenthaler, A., Lopez, O., Stott, A., Ostle, N., Gauci, V., & Sjögersten, S. (2025). Plant root carbon inputs drive methane production in tropical peatlands. Scientific Reports, 15(1), Article 3244.

Tropical peatlands are carbon-dense ecosystems that are significant sources of atmospheric methane (CH4). Recent work has demonstrated the importance of trees as an emission pathway for CH4 from the peat to the atmosphere. However, there remain quest... Read More about Plant root carbon inputs drive methane production in tropical peatlands.

Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae (2025)
Journal Article
Tamim, B., Salter, A., Parr, T., & Brameld, J. (2025). Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1-14.

An understanding of the impact of dietary nutritional composition on growth, development and composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae (mealworms) could help optimise production systems. Replicate containers of mealworms fed for 24 days on synthetic cel... Read More about Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae.

The impact of CLEANing on strong gravitational lens modelling (2025)
Journal Article
Maresca, J., & Dye, S. (2025). The impact of CLEANing on strong gravitational lens modelling. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(3), 2708-2725.

We present a comparison of image and uv-plane galaxy-galaxy strong lensing modelling results for simulated ALMA observations with different antenna configurations and on-source integration times. Image-plane modelling is carried out via use of the CL... Read More about The impact of CLEANing on strong gravitational lens modelling.

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody positivity on infection and hospitalisation rates in immunosuppressed populations during the omicron period: the MELODY study (2025)
Journal Article
Mumford, L., Hogg, R., Taylor, A., Lanyon, P., Bythell, M., McPhail, S., Chilcot, J., Powter, G., Cooke, G., Ward, H., Thomas, H., McAdoo, S. P., Lightstone, L., Lim, S. H., Pettigrew, G. J., Pearce, F. A., & Willicombe, M. (2025). Impact of SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody positivity on infection and hospitalisation rates in immunosuppressed populations during the omicron period: the MELODY study. Lancet, 405(10475), 314-328.

In the UK, booster COVID-19 vaccinations have been recommended biannually to people considered immune vulnerable. We investigated, at a population level, whether the absence of detectable anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein IgG antibody (anti-S... Read More about Impact of SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody positivity on infection and hospitalisation rates in immunosuppressed populations during the omicron period: the MELODY study.

An exploratory study of patients’ and carers’ preferences for post-discharge surgical wound monitoring using survey and interviews (2025)
Journal Article
Tanner, J., Brierley Jones, L., Westwood, N., Wloch, C., Rogers, L. J., Vaja, R., Dearling, J., Wilson, K., Brown, C., Harrington, P., & Murphy, G. J. (2025). An exploratory study of patients’ and carers’ preferences for post-discharge surgical wound monitoring using survey and interviews. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e087320.

To explore patients’ and carers’ preferences for post-discharge surgical wound monitoring.

Explanatory mixed methods study with an online survey followed by online interviews.

The online survey was distributed via... Read More about An exploratory study of patients’ and carers’ preferences for post-discharge surgical wound monitoring using survey and interviews.

Prompting droplet breakup by imposing an electric field (2025)
Journal Article
Chen, N., Gan, Y., & Yan, Y. (2025). Prompting droplet breakup by imposing an electric field. Physics of Fluids, 37(1), Article 013380.

Various means for manipulating droplets based on pressure, magnetic, optical, or other external fields have emerged. Despite the remarkable progress, the existing modalities of droplet formation control and manipulation still deserve further investig... Read More about Prompting droplet breakup by imposing an electric field.

Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD (2025)
Journal Article
Forbes, E. J., Tiego, J., Langmead, J., Unruh, K. E., Mosconi, M. W., Finlay, A., Kallady, K., Maclachlan, L., Moses, M., Cappel, K., Knott, R., Chau, T., Sindhu, V. P. M., Bellato, A., Groom, M. J., Kerestes, R., Bellgrove, M. A., & Johnson, B. P. (2025). Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,

Oculomotor characteristics, including accuracy, timing, and sensorimotor processing, are considered sensitive intermediate phenotypes for understanding the etiology of neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism and ADHD. Oculomotor characteristics... Read More about Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD.

Pro-competitive horizontal merger with cost reducing investments and network externalities (2025)
Journal Article
Banerjee, S., Mukherjee, A., & Poddar, S. (2025). Pro-competitive horizontal merger with cost reducing investments and network externalities. Economic Theory Bulletin,

We show that a merger can be pro-competitive in an industry with horizontally differentiated network goods and cost reducing investments. If there is firm-specific (industry-wide) network compatibility, the merged firm may produce all the products or... Read More about Pro-competitive horizontal merger with cost reducing investments and network externalities.

Policy Review: The Digital Arts Policy (2023–2025) in the Service of the Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon’s Making Great Art Work Strategy (2025)
Journal Article
Mutibwa, D. (2025). Policy Review: The Digital Arts Policy (2023–2025) in the Service of the Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon’s Making Great Art Work Strategy. Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, 11(1), 39-58

The Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon (ACI) launched its first Digital Arts Policy (2023–2025) — abbreviated throughout this review article to DAP — in early November 2023. It did so in the capacity of a national development agency that i... Read More about Policy Review: The Digital Arts Policy (2023–2025) in the Service of the Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon’s Making Great Art Work Strategy.

HCat-GNet: a Human-Interpretable GNN Tool for Ligand Optimization in Asymmetric Catalysis (2025)
Journal Article
Aguilar-Bejarano, E., Özcan, E., Rit, R. K., Li, H., Lam, H. W., Moore, J. C., Woodward, S., & Figueredo, G. (2025). HCat-GNet: a Human-Interpretable GNN Tool for Ligand Optimization in Asymmetric Catalysis. iScience, 28(3), Article 111881.

Optimization of metal-ligand asymmetric catalysts is usually done by empirical trials, where the ligand is arbitrary modified, and the new catalyst is re-evaluated in the lab. This procedure is not efficient and alternative strategies are highly desi... Read More about HCat-GNet: a Human-Interpretable GNN Tool for Ligand Optimization in Asymmetric Catalysis.

Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions (2025)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, J. L., Thompson, J. O. F., Benda, J., Chapman, R. T., Hockett, P., Makhija, V., Mašín, Z., Reid, K. L., Springate, E., Wyatt, A. S., Zhang, Y., & Minns, R. S. (2025). Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions. Physical Review A, 111(1), Article 012815.

Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) provide the full available detail of the photoionization process. Careful analysis of the evolving photoelectron angular distribution during the coherent rotation of a nonadiabatically alig... Read More about Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions.

Black holes in multimetric gravity. II. Hairy solutions and linear stability of the non- and partially proportional branches (2025)
Journal Article
Wood, K., Saffin, P. M., & Avgoustidis, A. (2025). Black holes in multimetric gravity. II. Hairy solutions and linear stability of the non- and partially proportional branches. Physical Review D, 111(2), Article 024057.

Owing to our work in part I of this series of papers, it is understood that the analytically known black hole solutions in the theory of ghost-free multimetric gravity can be split into three distinct classes and that one of these classes—the proport... Read More about Black holes in multimetric gravity. II. Hairy solutions and linear stability of the non- and partially proportional branches.

Diffusion weighted imaging to predict longer term response in Crohn’s disease patients commencing biological therapy: Results from the MOTILITY Trial (2025)
Journal Article
Hameed, M., Taylor, S. A., Ahmed, N., Chowdhury, K., Patel, A., Helbren, E., Bhagwanani, A., Hyland, R., Bhatnagar, G., Sidhu, H., Lambie, H., Franklin, J., Mohsin, M., Thomson, E., Boone, D., Tolan, D., Rahman, S., Sakai, N. S., Moran, G. W., Hart, A., …Plumb, A. A. (2025). Diffusion weighted imaging to predict longer term response in Crohn’s disease patients commencing biological therapy: Results from the MOTILITY Trial. British Journal of Radiology,


Predicting longer term response to biological therapy for small bowel Crohn’s disease (SBCD) is an unmet clinical need. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) may indicate disease activity, but its predictive ability, if any, is unknown. W... Read More about Diffusion weighted imaging to predict longer term response in Crohn’s disease patients commencing biological therapy: Results from the MOTILITY Trial.

Donor Variability Alters the Characteristics of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells (2025)
Journal Article
Ya, J., & Bayraktutan, U. (in press). Donor Variability Alters the Characteristics of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 47(2), Article 73.

Primary brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) are widely used in a large number of in vitro studies each year to better mimic their physiological characteristics in vivo. However, potential changes in primary endothelial cells stemming from d... Read More about Donor Variability Alters the Characteristics of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells.