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All Outputs (93)

The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns (2024)
Journal Article
Boyd, D. S., Jackson, B., Sparks, J. D., Foody, G. M., Girindran, R., Gosling, S., Trodd, Z., Bhriain, L. H., & Rodriguez-Huerta, E. (2024). The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns. Sustainable Development,

The impacts of climate change-induced heat stress on workers are most prevalent in sectors with decent work deficits and this requires consideration for sustainable development. This paper focuses on the informal economy of brick kilns in India, a se... Read More about The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns.

Diets cannot be sustainable without ensuring the well-being of communities, workers and animals in food value chains (2024)
Journal Article
Tichenor Blackstone, N., Battaglia, K., Rodríguez-Huerta, E., Bell, B. M., Decker Sparks, J. L., Cash, S. B., Conrad, Z., Nikkhah, A., Jackson, B., Matteson, J., Gao, S., Fuller, K., Zhang, F. F., & Webb, P. (2024). Diets cannot be sustainable without ensuring the well-being of communities, workers and animals in food value chains. Nature Food, 5(10), 818–824.

The social dimension of sustainable diets, which addresses the impacts of food value chains on people, animals and communities, is under-represented in the food systems field. We present a definition of the social dimension of sustainable diets, clar... Read More about Diets cannot be sustainable without ensuring the well-being of communities, workers and animals in food value chains.

Access to health and rights of children in street situations and working children: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Jörgensen, E., Napier-Raman, S., Macleod, S., Seth, R., Goodman, M., Howard, N., Einarsdóttir, J., Banerjee, M., & Raman, S. (2024). Access to health and rights of children in street situations and working children: a scoping review. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8(1), Article e002870.

Background: Street and working children (SWC) and young people (YP) are highly vulnerable to violence, exploitation, hazardous environments and human rights violations. While the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the International Labour Or... Read More about Access to health and rights of children in street situations and working children: a scoping review.

Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process (2024)
Journal Article
Lumley-Sapanski, A., Rodriguez-Huerta, E., Schwarz, K., Nicholson, A., & Young, M. (2024). Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process. Journal of Social Policy,

The United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying potential victims of modern slavery (slavery, servitude, forced labour or human trafficking) and ensuring that they receive adequate care. This research explores di... Read More about Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process.

Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data (2024)
Journal Article
Abubakar, A. M., Seymour, R. G., Gardner, A., Lambert, I., Fyson, R., & Wright, N. (2024). Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data. Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 498-505.

Exploitation poses a significant public health concern. This paper highlights ‘jigsaw pieces’ of statistical evidence, indicating cognitive impairment as a pre- or co-existing factor in exploitation.

We reviewed English Safegu... Read More about Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data.

Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Lambert, I., Wright, N., Gardner, A., Fyson, R., Abubakar, A., & Clawson, R. (2024). Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse,

Exploitation is a form of abuse that occurs when one person unfairly manipulates another for profit or personal gain. Various individual and social characteristics have the potential to increase an individual’s risk of being exploited. Cognitive impa... Read More about Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review.

Can a ‘structural competency’ approach improve the safeguarding of diverse marginalised communities from exploitation? (2024)
Journal Article
Khazbak, R., Gardner, A., Burcu, O., & Gray, C. (2024). Can a ‘structural competency’ approach improve the safeguarding of diverse marginalised communities from exploitation?. Critical Social Policy,

This article examines if a ‘structural competency’ approach can help with understanding and addressing deficiencies in identifying potential exploitation victims among marginalised communities. Through a case study of multi-agency work within a unita... Read More about Can a ‘structural competency’ approach improve the safeguarding of diverse marginalised communities from exploitation?.

Comparative judgement modeling to map forced marriage at local levels (2024)
Journal Article
Seymour, R., Nyarko-Agyei, A., Mccabe, H., Severn, K., Sirl, D., Kypraios, T., & Taylor, A. (in press). Comparative judgement modeling to map forced marriage at local levels. Annals of Applied Statistics,

Forcing someone into marriage against their will is a violation of their human rights. In 2021, the county of Nottinghamshire, UK, launched a strategy to tackle forced marriage and violence against women and girls. We set out to map the risk of force... Read More about Comparative judgement modeling to map forced marriage at local levels.

‘Becoming restrained’: Conceptualising restrictive practices in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings (2024)
Journal Article
Mwale, S., Northcott, A., Lambert, I., & Featherstone, K. (2024). ‘Becoming restrained’: Conceptualising restrictive practices in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings. Sociology of Health & Illness, 46(8), 1730-1748.

The use of restrictive practices within health and social care has attracted policy and practice attention, predominantly focusing on children and young people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities and autism. However, despite growing... Read More about ‘Becoming restrained’: Conceptualising restrictive practices in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings.

The effect of element interactivity and mental rehearsal on working memory resource depletion and the spacing effect (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, O., Kai Yin Chan, B., Anderson, E., O'sullivan, R., Jay, T., Ouwehand, K., Paas, F., & Sweller, J. (2024). The effect of element interactivity and mental rehearsal on working memory resource depletion and the spacing effect. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 77, Article 102281.

The spacing effect occurs when learning with rest periods is superior to learning without rest periods. Cognitive load theory has explained this superiority by working memory resource depletion, under which resources are depleted during cognitive act... Read More about The effect of element interactivity and mental rehearsal on working memory resource depletion and the spacing effect.

Forced marriage and reproductive exploitation in modern slave narratives (2024)
Journal Article
Eglen, L. (2024). Forced marriage and reproductive exploitation in modern slave narratives. CLIO, Women, Gender, History, 2024/1(59), 105-124

In this article, I explore first-hand accounts of forced marriage as a form of modern slavery to understand how socio-political conceptions of gender and the body shape women’s and girls’ lived experience of exploitation. I do so through analysis of... Read More about Forced marriage and reproductive exploitation in modern slave narratives.

A public health approach to modern slavery in the United Kingdom: a codeveloped framework (2024)
Journal Article
Such, E., Campos-Matos, I., Hayes, K., Smith, A., Thornton, S., & Woodward, J. (2024). A public health approach to modern slavery in the United Kingdom: a codeveloped framework. Public Health, 232, 146-152.

Objectives: Modern slavery is a public health challenge. The objective of this research was to build and refine a public health approach to addressing it. Study design: This was a participatory qualitative study with a proof-of-concept exercise. Meth... Read More about A public health approach to modern slavery in the United Kingdom: a codeveloped framework.

Taking Back Control: Human Rights and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
Landman, T., Brewster, B., & Thornton, S. (2024). Taking Back Control: Human Rights and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom. Societies, 14(4), Article 47.

Modern slavery and human trafficking are well recognized as significant problems in need of legislation, policies, and actions from a wide range of stakeholders in the United Kingdom. The passage of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 is a hallmark of the... Read More about Taking Back Control: Human Rights and Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom.

The Role of Fundamental Movement Skills and Spatial Abilities in the Relationship between Physical Activity and Mathematics Achievement in Primary School Children (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, J., Jay, T., & Spray, C. M. (2024). The Role of Fundamental Movement Skills and Spatial Abilities in the Relationship between Physical Activity and Mathematics Achievement in Primary School Children. Journal of Intelligence, 12(2), Article 22.

Research has demonstrated positive relationships between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and mathematics achievement in children, and this relationship may be mediated by spatial ability. Engaging in physical activity (PA) may also have positive ou... Read More about The Role of Fundamental Movement Skills and Spatial Abilities in the Relationship between Physical Activity and Mathematics Achievement in Primary School Children.