Effective policy making: how to ensure desired changes through successful implementation of policies: conference proceeding publication: ReSPA 7th annual conference proceedings
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2013, April). Effective policy making: how to ensure desired changes through successful implementation of policies: conference proceeding publication: ReSPA 7th annual conference proceedings. Presented at 7th ReSPA Annual Conference, Danilovgrad, Montenegro
All Outputs (6)
China's military operations other than war (2013)
Journal Article
Hirono, M., & Xu, M. (2013). China's military operations other than war. RUSI Journal, 158(6), https://doi.org/10.1080/03071847.2013.869726Although political friction and ideological differences between China and the West can hamper co-operation on missions known as ‘Military Operations Other than War’, the UK and China have achieved a certain level of success in this regard, particular... Read More about China's military operations other than war.
Pretty faces, marginal races: Predicting election outcomes using trait assessments of British parliamentary candidates (2013)
Journal Article
Mattes, K., & Milazzo, C. (2014). Pretty faces, marginal races: Predicting election outcomes using trait assessments of British parliamentary candidates. Electoral Studies, 34, 177-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2013.11.004The conventional wisdom on Western European politics leads us to believe that all the "action" lies with parties, because the unified parliamentary delegations in Western Europe draw voters' attention to parties' policies and images. Though British e... Read More about Pretty faces, marginal races: Predicting election outcomes using trait assessments of British parliamentary candidates.
Explaining Party Positions on Decentralization (2013)
Journal Article
Toubeau, S., & Wagner, M. (2015). Explaining Party Positions on Decentralization. British Journal of Political Science, 45(1), 97-119. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123413000239© Cambridge University Press 2013. Debates about decentralization raise cultural questions of identity and economic questions of redistribution and efficiency. Therefore the preferences of statewide parties regarding decentralization are related to t... Read More about Explaining Party Positions on Decentralization.
The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace (2013)
Journal Article
Gegout, C. (2013). The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace. Third World Quarterly, 34(5), https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2013.800737The International Criminal Court (ICC) aims to promote not only justice, but also peace. It has been widely criticised for doing neither, yet it has to contend with some severe structural and political difficulties: it has limited resources, it faces... Read More about The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace.
When the Agent Knows Better than the Principal: The Effect of Education and Seniority on European Parliament Rapporteur Assignment: When the agent knows better than the principal (2013)
Journal Article
Daniel, W. T. (2013). When the Agent Knows Better than the Principal: The Effect of Education and Seniority on European Parliament Rapporteur Assignment: When the agent knows better than the principal. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(5), 832-848. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.12028This article examines the assignment of legislative rapporteurships to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Original data sources are used to test the assumption that committee reports are routinely awarded to MEPs with higher levels of educati... Read More about When the Agent Knows Better than the Principal: The Effect of Education and Seniority on European Parliament Rapporteur Assignment: When the agent knows better than the principal.