The non-local Lotka-Volterra system with a top hat kernel - Part 1: dynamics and steady states with small diffusivity
Journal Article
Billingham, J., & Needham, D. J. (2023). The non-local Lotka-Volterra system with a top hat kernel - Part 1: dynamics and steady states with small diffusivity. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 479(2277), Article 20230381.
We study the dynamics of the non-local Lotka-Volterra system ut=Duuxx+u(1-φ - u-αv), vt=Dvvxx+v(1-φ - v-βu), where a star denotes the spatial convolution and the kernel φ is a top hat function. We initially focus on the case of small, equal diffusivi... Read More about The non-local Lotka-Volterra system with a top hat kernel - Part 1: dynamics and steady states with small diffusivity.