Enterprise groups in insolvency: recent international developments
Book Chapter
Mevorach, I. (2013). Enterprise groups in insolvency: recent international developments. In J. P. Sarra (Ed.), Annual Review of Insolvency Law. Carswell
All Outputs (181)
What can intellectual property law learn from happiness research? (2013)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2013). What can intellectual property law learn from happiness research?. In G. B. Dinwoodie (Ed.), Methods and Perspectives in Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar
Re-thinking Herczegfalvy: the ECHR and the control of psychiatric treatment (2012)
Book Chapter
Bartlett, P. (2012). Re-thinking Herczegfalvy: the ECHR and the control of psychiatric treatment. In E. Brems (Ed.), Diversity and human rights: rewriting judgments of the ECHR (352-381). Cambridge University PressThis chapter forms part of a E Brems (ed.), Diversity and Human Rights: Rewriting Judgments of the ECHR (Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming 2013), in which lawyers and academics re-write judgments of the ECHR in a number of human rights areas.
This cha... Read More about Re-thinking Herczegfalvy: the ECHR and the control of psychiatric treatment.
The European Union and copyright (2012)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E., Smulders, B., & Cohen Jehoram, H. (2012). The European Union and copyright. In P. Geller (Ed.), International copyright law and practice. LexisNexis
Thinking about the rest of the world: mental health and rights outside the ‘First World’ (2010)
Book Chapter
Bartlett, P. (2010). Thinking about the rest of the world: mental health and rights outside the ‘First World’. In B. McSherry, & P. Weller (Eds.), Rethinking rights-based mental health laws. Hart
Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc (2009)
Book Chapter
Varney, E. (2009). Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc. In C. Tietje, & A. Brouder (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes. Brill Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004163300.i-1081.418Non-governmental organizations, transnational business associations, private standard-setting bodies, public-private partnerships, and institutionalized incentive schemes now occupy a central place in the regulation and governance of transnational ec... Read More about Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
Digital Video Broadcasting Project (2009)
Book Chapter
Varney, E. (2010). Digital Video Broadcasting Project. In C. Tietje, & A. Brouder (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes (533–544). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004163300.i-1081.450
Distributed Management Task Force, Inc (2009)
Book Chapter
Varney, E. (2009). Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. In C. Tietje, & A. Brouder (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes (545-551). Brill Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004163300.i-1081.461
ECMA International (2009)
Book Chapter
Varney, E. (2010). ECMA International. In C. Tietje, & A. Brouder (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes (553–560). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004163300.i-1081.472
Institute Of Electrical And Electronic Engineers, Inc (2009)
Book Chapter
Varney, E. (2010). Institute Of Electrical And Electronic Engineers, Inc. In C. Tietje, & A. Brouder (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes (561-571). Brill Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004163300.i-1081.483
Repair and recycle between IP rights, end user license agreements and encryption (2009)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2009). Repair and recycle between IP rights, end user license agreements and encryption. In C. Heath, & A. Kamperman Sanders (Eds.), Spares, repairs and intellectual property rights: IEEM international intellectual property programmes. Kluwer Law International
Does the Directive on the re-use of public sector information affect the State’s database sui generis right? (2008)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2008). Does the Directive on the re-use of public sector information affect the State’s database sui generis right?. In J.-L. Gaster, E. Schweighofer, & P. P. Sint (Eds.), KnowRight 2008: knowledge rights - legal, societal and related technological aspects. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Intellectual property rights and human rights: coinciding and cooperating. (2008)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2008). Intellectual property rights and human rights: coinciding and cooperating. In P. Torremans (Ed.), Intellectual property rights and human rights: enhanced edition of Copyright and human rights. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Grounded? Air Passenger Rights in the European Union (2007)
Book Chapter
Varney, E., & Varney, M. (2007). Grounded? Air Passenger Rights in the European Union. In C. Twigg-Flesner, D. Parry, G. Howells, & A. Nordhausen (Eds.), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2008 (171-199). Ashgate Publishing
Can and should misappropriation also protect databases? A comparative approach (2007)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2007). Can and should misappropriation also protect databases? A comparative approach. In P. Torremans (Ed.), Copyright law: a handbook of contemporary research. Edward Elgar
Copyright contracts, public policy and antitrust. A. Introduction: can adhesion contracts override copyright limits? (2007)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2007). Copyright contracts, public policy and antitrust. A. Introduction: can adhesion contracts override copyright limits?. In C. Heath, & K.-C. Liu (Eds.), Copyright law and the information society in Asia. Hart
Database sui generis right: the need to take the public’s right to information and freedom of expression into account (2007)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2007). Database sui generis right: the need to take the public’s right to information and freedom of expression into account. In F. Macmillan (Ed.), New directions in copyright law. Edward Elgar
Exploitation of databases, intellectual property, competition law and the sport industry: a missed goal? (2007)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2007). Exploitation of databases, intellectual property, competition law and the sport industry: a missed goal?. In B. Bogusz, A. Cygan, & E. Szyszczak (Eds.), The regulation of sport in the European Union. Edward Elgar
Abuses of dominant position and intellectual property rights: an attempt to clarify the case law of the Community courts (2004)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2004). Abuses of dominant position and intellectual property rights: an attempt to clarify the case law of the Community courts. In C. Graham, & F. Smith (Eds.), Competition, regulation and the new economy. Hart
Revisiting the case against a separate concessions regime in the light of the Concessions Directive: a specific directive without specificities?
Book Chapter
Arrowsmith, S. (in press). Revisiting the case against a separate concessions regime in the light of the Concessions Directive: a specific directive without specificities?. . Cambridge University Press. Manuscript submitted for publication