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Financial networks and the globalization of transnational corporations: the case of educational services (2014)
Journal Article
Hall, S. (2015). Financial networks and the globalization of transnational corporations: the case of educational services. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(3),

In this article, I advance understandings of the intersection between financial and educational services from an economic geographical perspective by examining the importance of financial networks in shaping the internationalization activities of for... Read More about Financial networks and the globalization of transnational corporations: the case of educational services.

Aquatic invertebrate communities in tank bromeliads: how well do classic ecological patterns apply? (2014)
Journal Article
Jocque, M., & Field, R. (2014). Aquatic invertebrate communities in tank bromeliads: how well do classic ecological patterns apply?. Hydrobiologia, 730(1),

Tank bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) often occur in high densities in the Neotropics and represent a key freshwater habitat in montane forests, housing quite complex invertebrate communities. We tested the extent to which there are species richness–altitud... Read More about Aquatic invertebrate communities in tank bromeliads: how well do classic ecological patterns apply?.

Forest disturbance and regeneration: a mosaic of discrete gap dynamics and open matrix regimes? (2014)
Journal Article
Blackburn, G. A., Abd Latif, Z., & Boyd, D. S. (2014). Forest disturbance and regeneration: a mosaic of discrete gap dynamics and open matrix regimes?. Journal of Vegetation Science, 25(6),

Question: Recent research in boreal forest suggests that an ‘open matrix’ model may be more appropriate than the traditional model of spatially discrete gap dynamics for describing forest disturbance and regeneration, but what is the evidence from te... Read More about Forest disturbance and regeneration: a mosaic of discrete gap dynamics and open matrix regimes?.

Knowing weather in place: the Helm Wind of Cross Fell (2014)
Journal Article
Veale, L., Endfield, G., & Naylor, S. (2014). Knowing weather in place: the Helm Wind of Cross Fell. Journal of Historical Geography, 45,

The Helm Wind of Cross Fell, North Pennines, is England's only named wind. As a product of the particular landscape found at Cross Fell, the Helm is a true local wind, and a phenomenon that has come to assume great cultural as well as environmental s... Read More about Knowing weather in place: the Helm Wind of Cross Fell.

Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions (2014)
Journal Article
Snelling, A. M., Swann, G. E. A., Pike, J., & Leng, M. J. (2014). Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions. Climate of the Past Discussions, 10(5), 1837-1842.

Oxygen isotope analyses of different size fractions of Pliocene diatoms (δ18Odiatom) from the Bering Sea show no evidence of an isotope offset and support the use of bulk diatom species samples for palaeoceanographic reconstructions. Additional sampl... Read More about Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions.

The implementation of decentralised biogas plants in Assam, NE India: the impact and effectiveness of the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (2014)
Journal Article
Raha, D., Mahanta, P., & Clarke, M. L. (2014). The implementation of decentralised biogas plants in Assam, NE India: the impact and effectiveness of the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme. Energy Policy, 68,

The Indian Government’s National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) aims to deliver renewable energy services to households across the country by incentivising the deployment of family-sized (<6m3) anaerobic (biogas) digesters. We investi...

Sea ice diatom contributions to Holocene nutrient utilization in East Antarctica (2014)
Journal Article
Panizzo, V., Crespin, J., Crosta, X., Shemesh, A., Masse, G., Yam, R., Mattielli, N., & Cardinal, D. (2014). Sea ice diatom contributions to Holocene nutrient utilization in East Antarctica. Paleoceanography, 29(4),

Combined high-resolution Holocene δ30Sidiat and δ13Cdiat paleorecords are presented from theSeasonal Ice Zone, East Antarctica. Both data sets reflect periods of increased nutrient utilization by diatomsduring the Hypsithermal period (circa 7800 to 35... Read More about Sea ice diatom contributions to Holocene nutrient utilization in East Antarctica.

Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change (2014)
Journal Article
Olofsson, P., Foody, G. M., Herold, M., Stehman, S. V., Woodcock, C. E., & Wulder, M. A. (2014). Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, 42-57.

The remote sensing science and application communities have developed increasingly reliable, consistent, and robust approaches for capturing land dynamics to meet a range of information needs. Statistically robust and transparent approaches for asses... Read More about Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change.

Project risk screening matrix for stream management and restoration (2014)
Journal Article
Thorne, C., Castro, J., Cluer, B., Skidmore, P., & Shea, C. (2014). Project risk screening matrix for stream management and restoration. River Research and Applications, 31(5),

The ‘Project Risk Screening Matrix’ derives from a broader effort to assist US government agency staff in reviewing proposed stream management and restoration projects more efficiently and effectively. The River Restoration Analysis Tool (RiverRAT) d... Read More about Project risk screening matrix for stream management and restoration.

BIOFRAG - a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation (2014)
Journal Article
Pfeifer, M., Lefebvre, V., Gardner, T. A., Arroyo-Rodriguez, V., Baeten, L., Banks-Leite, C., Barlow, J., Betts, M. G., Brunet, J., Cerezo, A., Cisneros, L. M., Collard, S., D'Cruze, N., da Silva Motta, C., Duguay, S., Eggermont, H., Eigenbrod, F., Hadley, A. S., Hanson, T. R., Hawes, J. E., …Ewers, R. M. (2014). BIOFRAG - a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation. Ecology and Evolution, 4(9), 1524-1537.

Habitat fragmentation studies have produced complex results that are challenging to synthesize. Inconsistencies among studies may result from variation in the choice of landscape metrics and response variables, which is often compounded by a lack of... Read More about BIOFRAG - a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation.

Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance (2014)
Journal Article
Espírito-Santo, F. D., Gloor, M., Keller, M., Malhi, Y., Saatchi, S., Nelson, B., Oliveira, R. C. J., Pereira, C., Lloyd, J., Frolking, S., Palace, M., Shimabukuro, Y. E., Duarte, V., Monteagudo Mendoza, A., López-González, G., Baker, T. R., Feldpausch, T. R., Brienen, R. J., Asner, G. P., Boyd, D. S., & Phillips, O. L. (2014). Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance. Nature Communications, 5, Article e3434.

Forest inventory studies in the Amazon indicate a large terrestrial carbon sink. However, field plots may fail to represent forest mortality processes at landscape-scales of tropical forests. Here we characterize the frequency distribution of disturb... Read More about Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance.

Evolutionary stasis and lability in thermal physiology in a group of tropical lizards (2014)
Journal Article
Muñoz, M. M., Stimola, M. A., Algar, A. C., Cosover, A., Rodriguez, A. J., Landestoy, M. A., Bakken, G. A., & Losos, J. B. (2014). Evolutionary stasis and lability in thermal physiology in a group of tropical lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1778), 1-9.

Understanding how quickly physiological traits evolve is a topic of great interest, particularly in the context of how organisms can adapt in response to climate warming. Adjustment to novel thermal habitats may occur either through behavioural adjus... Read More about Evolutionary stasis and lability in thermal physiology in a group of tropical lizards.

The impacts of climate change on river flood risk at the global scale (2014)
Journal Article
Arnell, N., & Gosling, S. N. (2016). The impacts of climate change on river flood risk at the global scale. Climatic Change, 134(3), 387-401.

This paper presents an assessment of the implications of climate change for global river flood risk. It is based on the estimation of flood frequency relationships at a grid resolution of 0.5×0.5°, using a global hydrological model with climate scena... Read More about The impacts of climate change on river flood risk at the global scale.

First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble (2014)
Journal Article
Dankers, R., Arnell, N. W., Clark, D. B., Falloon, P. D., Fekete, B. M., Gosling, S. N., Heinke, J., Kim, H., Masaki, Y., Satoh, Y., Stacke, T., Wada, Y., & Wisser, D. (2014). First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9), 3257-3261.

Climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of precipitation events, which is likely to affect the probability of flooding into the future. In this paper we use river flow simulatio... Read More about First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble.

Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global multimodel ensemble experiment (2014)
Journal Article
Prudhomme, C., Giuntoli, I., Robinson, E. L., Clark, D. B., Arnell, N. W., Dankers, R., Fekete, B. M., Franssen, W., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Hagemann, S., Hannah, D. M., Kim, H., Masaki, Y., Satoh, Y., Stacke, T., Wada, Y., & Wisser, D. (2014). Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global multimodel ensemble experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9), 3262-3267.

Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are expected to modify the global water cycle with significant consequences for terrestrial hydrology. We assess the impact of climate change on hydrological droughts in a multimodel exp... Read More about Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global multimodel ensemble experiment.

Animal perception in gravel-bed rivers: scales of sensing and environmental controls on sensory information (2014)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. F., & Rice, S. P. (2014). Animal perception in gravel-bed rivers: scales of sensing and environmental controls on sensory information. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 71(6), 945-957.

Animals make decisions based on the sensory information that they obtain from the environment and other organisms within that environment. In a river, this information is transported, transmitted, masked, and filtered by fluvial factors and processes... Read More about Animal perception in gravel-bed rivers: scales of sensing and environmental controls on sensory information.

A glossary for biometeorology (2014)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., Bryce, E. K., Dixon, P. G., Gabriel, K. M., Gosling, E. Y., Hanes, J. M., Hondula, D. M., Liang, L., Mac Lean, P. A. B., Muthers, S., Nascimento, S. T., Petralli, M., Vanos, J. K., & Wanka, E. R. (2014). A glossary for biometeorology. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(2),

Here we present, for the first time, a glossary of biometeorological terms. The glossary aims to address the need for a reliable source of biometeorological definitions, thereby facilitating communication and mutual understanding in this rapidly expa... Read More about A glossary for biometeorology.

Including spatial distribution in a data-driven rainfall-runoff model to improve reservoir inflow forecasting in Taiwan (2014)
Journal Article
Meng-Jung, T., Abrahart, R., Mount, N. J., & Chang, F.-J. (2014). Including spatial distribution in a data-driven rainfall-runoff model to improve reservoir inflow forecasting in Taiwan. Hydrological Processes, 28(3),

Multi-step ahead inflow forecasting has a critical role to play in reservoir operation and management in Taiwan during typhoons as statutory legislation requires a minimum of 3-hours warning to be issued before any reservoir releases are made. Howeve... Read More about Including spatial distribution in a data-driven rainfall-runoff model to improve reservoir inflow forecasting in Taiwan.