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Valuing map validation: the need for rigorous land cover map accuracy assessment in economic valuations of ecosystem services (2015)
Journal Article
Foody, G. M. (2015). Valuing map validation: the need for rigorous land cover map accuracy assessment in economic valuations of ecosystem services. Ecological Economics, 111(March),

Valuations of ecosystem services often use data on land cover class areal extent. Area estimates from land cover maps may be biased by misclassification error resulting in flawed assessments and inaccurate valuations. Adjustment for misclassification... Read More about Valuing map validation: the need for rigorous land cover map accuracy assessment in economic valuations of ecosystem services.

Gordon Valentine Manley and his contribution to the study of climate change: a review of his life and work (2015)
Journal Article
Endfield, G. H., Veale, L., & Hall, A. (2015). Gordon Valentine Manley and his contribution to the study of climate change: a review of his life and work. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change,

British climatologist and geographer, Gordon Manley (1902–1980), is perhaps best known for his pioneering work on climate variability in the UK, for establishing the Central England Temperature series and, for his pivotal role in demonstrating the po... Read More about Gordon Valentine Manley and his contribution to the study of climate change: a review of his life and work.

Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e (2015)
Journal Article
Swann, G., & Snelling, A. M. (2015). Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e. Climate of the Past, 11(1),

In comparison to other sectors of the marine system, the palaeoceanography of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean is poorly constrained. New diatom isotope records of δ13C, δ18O δ30Si (δ13Cdiatom, δ18Odiatom and δ30Sidiatom) are presented alongside exi... Read More about Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e.

Biochar-mediated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from soil amended with anaerobic digestates (2015)
Journal Article
Martin, S. L., Clarke, M. L., Othman, M., Ramsden, S. J., & West, H. M. (2015). Biochar-mediated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from soil amended with anaerobic digestates. Biomass and Bioenergy, 79,

This investigation examines nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil with simultaneous amendments of anaerobic digestates and biochar. The main source of anthropogenic emissions of N2O is agriculture and in particular, manure and slurry application to fi... Read More about Biochar-mediated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from soil amended with anaerobic digestates.

A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties (2015)
Journal Article
Frieler, K., Levermann, A., Elliott, J., Heinke, J., Arneth, A., Bierkens, M., Ciais, P., Clark, D., Deryng, D., Doll, P., Falloon, P., Fekete, B., Folberth, C., Friend, A., Gelhorn, C., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Khabarov, N., Lomas, M., Masaki, Y., …Schellnhuber, H. (2015). A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties. Earth System Dynamics, 6(2), 447-460.

Climate change and its impacts already pose considerable challenges for societies that will further increase with global warming (IPCC, 2014a, b). Uncertainties of the climatic response to greenhouse gas emissions include the potential passing of lar... Read More about A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties.

Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp. (2015)
Journal Article
Hendry, K., Swann, G. E., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Goodwin, C., Berman, J., & Maldonado, M. (2015). Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp. Biogeosciences, 12,

The stable isotope composition of benthic sponge spicule silica is a potential source of palaeoceanographic information about past deep seawater chemistry. The silicon isotope composition of spicules has been shown to relate to the silicic acid conce... Read More about Silica stable isotopes and silicification in a carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma sp..

Moderate drinking before the unit: medicine and life assurance in Britain and the US c.1860–1930 (2015)
Journal Article
Kneale, J., & French, S. (2015). Moderate drinking before the unit: medicine and life assurance in Britain and the US c.1860–1930. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 22(2),

This article describes the way in which “Anstie’s Limit” – a particular definition of moderate drinking first defined in Britain in the 1860s by the physician Francis Edmund Anstie (1833–1874) – became established as a useful measure of moderate alco... Read More about Moderate drinking before the unit: medicine and life assurance in Britain and the US c.1860–1930.

The interrogation of Sándor Radó: geography, communism and espionage between World War Two and the Cold War (2015)
Journal Article
Heffernan, M. (2015). The interrogation of Sándor Radó: geography, communism and espionage between World War Two and the Cold War. Journal of Historical Geography, 47,

This essay uses recently released intelligence files to consider a pivotal episode in the long and eventful career of Alexander (Sándor) Radó (1899–1981), geographer, journalist and Soviet intelligence agent who lived and worked in various European c... Read More about The interrogation of Sándor Radó: geography, communism and espionage between World War Two and the Cold War.

The press and the pledge: Father Theobald Mathew’s 1843 temperance tour of Britain (2014)
Journal Article
Beckingham, D. (2014). The press and the pledge: Father Theobald Mathew’s 1843 temperance tour of Britain. Historical Geography, 42,

This article examines Father Theobald Mathew’s temperance tour of Britain in 1843. Estimates vary, but by this point some 6 million people in Ireland may have made a personal pledge to abstain from consuming alcohol. This pledge involved more than... Read More about The press and the pledge: Father Theobald Mathew’s 1843 temperance tour of Britain.

Communicating employability: the role of communicative competence for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK (2014)
Journal Article
Madziva, R., McGrath, S., & Thondhlana, J. (2014). Communicating employability: the role of communicative competence for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 17(1),

Skilled migration is an increasingly important topic for both policy and research internationally. OECD governments in particular are wrestling with tensions between their desire to use skilled migration to be on the winning side in the ‘global war f... Read More about Communicating employability: the role of communicative competence for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK.

Globalizing Cartography? The International Map of the World, The International Geographical Union, and the United Nations (2014)
Journal Article
Heffernan, M., & Pearson, A. (2014). Globalizing Cartography? The International Map of the World, The International Geographical Union, and the United Nations. Imago Mundi, 67(1), 58-80.

Few maps mirror the history of the twentieth century as closely as the International Map of the World (IMW). A proposal for a map of the entire globe on a scale of 1:1 million, using standard conventional signs, was presented at the Fifth Internation... Read More about Globalizing Cartography? The International Map of the World, The International Geographical Union, and the United Nations.

Continuous summer export of nitrogen-rich organic matter from the greenland ice sheet inferred by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (2014)
Journal Article
Lawson, E. C., Bhatia, M. P., Jemma, W. L., & Elizabeth, K. B. (2014). Continuous summer export of nitrogen-rich organic matter from the greenland ice sheet inferred by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(24), 14248-14257.

Runoff from glaciers and ice sheets has been acknowledged as a potential source of bioavailable dissolved organic matter (DOM) to downstream ecosystems. This source may become increasingly significant as glacial melt rates increase in response to fut... Read More about Continuous summer export of nitrogen-rich organic matter from the greenland ice sheet inferred by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry.

Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape: living with the risks of Chernobyl (2014)
Journal Article
Davies, T., & Polese, A. (2015). Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape: living with the risks of Chernobyl. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 6(1), 34-45.

Recent debates on informal economic activities have partially switched away from a pure monetary logic towards a more complex one, embedded in long term relations and reckoning with non materialistic paradigms. The role of informality in certain aspe... Read More about Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape: living with the risks of Chernobyl.

Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations (2014)
Journal Article
Everall, N. C., Johnson, M. F., Wilby, R. L., & Bennett, C. J. (2015). Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations. Ecological Entomology, 40(2),

1. Rising water temperatures under climate change are expected to affect the phenology of aquatic insects, including the mayfly Ephemera danica Müller which is widespread throughout Europe.

2. To assess temporal and spatial variability in mayfly e... Read More about Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations.

δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms (2014)
Book Chapter
Leng, M., Barker, P., Swann, G., & Snelling, A. (2014). δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms. .

Diatom silica is a form of biogenic opal (SiO2⋅ nH2O) that contains oxygen isotopes that can be used in lacustrine and marine paleoenvironmental studies. Here we describe the various analytical considerations and methodologies to achieve good environ... Read More about δ18O Records from Fossil Diatoms.

Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey (2014)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, N., Jones, M. D., Yiğitbaşıoğlu, H., Allcock, S. L., Woodbridge, J., Metcalfe, S. E., & Leng, M. J. (2015). Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey. Journal of Hydrology, 529(2), 608-621.

Palaeo-hydrological interpretations of lake sediment proxies can benefit from a robust understanding of the modern lake environment. In this study, we use Nar Gölü, a non-outlet, monomictic maar lake in central Turkey, as a field site for a natural e... Read More about Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey.

The impacts of climate change across the globe: a multi-sectoral assessment (2014)
Journal Article
Arnell, N. W., Brown, S., Gosling, S. N., Gottschalk, P., Hinkel, J., Huntingford, C., Lloyd-Hughes, B., Lowe, J. A., Nicholls, R. J., Osborn, T. J., Osborne, T. M., Rose, G. A., Smith, P., Wheeler, T. R., & Zelazowski, P. (2016). The impacts of climate change across the globe: a multi-sectoral assessment. Climatic Change, 134(3), 457-474.

© 2014, The Author(s). The overall global-scale consequences of climate change are dependent on the distribution of impacts across regions, and there are multiple dimensions to these impacts. This paper presents a global assessment of the potential i... Read More about The impacts of climate change across the globe: a multi-sectoral assessment.

Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: genetic versus environmental effects (2014)
Journal Article
Schrodt, F., Domingues, T. F., Feldpausch, T. R., Saiz, G., Quesada, C. A., Schwarz, M., Ishida, F. Y., Compaore, H., Diallo, A., Djagbletey, G., Hien, F., Sonké, B., Toedoumg, H., Zapfack, L., Hiernaux, P., Mougin, E., Bird, M. I., Grace, J., Lewis, S. L., Veenendaal, E. M., & Lloyd, J. (2014). Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: genetic versus environmental effects. Functional Plant Biology, 42(1), 63-83.

Variations in leaf mass per unit area (Ma) and foliar concentrations of N, P, C, K, Mg and Ca were determined for 365 trees growing in 23 plots along a West African precipitation gradient ranging from 0.29 to 1.62 m a–1. Contrary to previous studies,... Read More about Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: genetic versus environmental effects.