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Cross-linguistic similarity norms for Japanese-English translation equivalents (2013)
Journal Article
Allen, D., & Conklin, K. (2014). Cross-linguistic similarity norms for Japanese-English translation equivalents. Behavior Research Methods, 46, 540-563.

Formal and semantic overlap across languages plays an important role in bilingual language processing systems. In the present study, Japanese (first language; L1)-English (second language; L2) bilinguals rated 193 Japanese-English word pairs, includi... Read More about Cross-linguistic similarity norms for Japanese-English translation equivalents.

Cross-linguistic similarity and task demands in Japanese-English bilingual processing (2013)
Journal Article
Allen, D. B., & Conklin, K. (2013). Cross-linguistic similarity and task demands in Japanese-English bilingual processing. PLoS ONE, 8(8), Article e72631.

Even in languages that do not share script, bilinguals process cognates faster than matched noncognates in a range of tasks. The current research more fully explores what underpins the cognate ‘advantage’ in different script bilinguals (Japanese-Engl... Read More about Cross-linguistic similarity and task demands in Japanese-English bilingual processing.

Mucedorus (2013)
Book Chapter
Kirwan, P. (2013). Mucedorus. In A. Kesson, & E. Smith (Eds.), The Elizabethan top ten: defining print popularity in early modern England. Routledge

Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure (2013)
Journal Article
Bisson, M.-J., van Heuven, W. J., Conklin, K., & Tunney, R. J. (2013). Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure. PLoS ONE, 8(4), Article 7.

First language acquisition requires relatively little effort compared to foreign language acquisition and happens more naturally through informal learning. Informal exposure can also benefit foreign language learning, although evidence for this has b... Read More about Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure.

Phrases in literary contexts: patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens’s novels (2013)
Journal Article
Mahlberg, M., Smith, C., & Preston, S. (2013). Phrases in literary contexts: patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens’s novels. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 18(1),

This paper addresses relations between lexico-grammatical patterns and texts. Our focus is on a specific linguistic unit, the ‘suspended quotation’ (or ‘suspension’), which has received particular attention in Dickens studies. The suspended quotation... Read More about Phrases in literary contexts: patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens’s novels.

Outside the gate: sub-urban legal practices in early medieval England (2013)
Journal Article
Baker, J., & Brookes, S. (2013). Outside the gate: sub-urban legal practices in early medieval England. World Archaeology, 45(5),

Many aspects of English early medieval (Anglo-Saxon) legal landscapes can be discerned in archaeological and toponymic evidence, ranging from the locations of legislative councils and judicial assemblies to sites of capital punishment. Among the corp... Read More about Outside the gate: sub-urban legal practices in early medieval England.

Runes and words: runic lexicography in context (2013)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2013). Runes and words: runic lexicography in context. Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies, 4,

The paper begins by noting the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of Scandi­navian runic inscriptions, as well as the absence of the runic evidence from most dictionaries of the early Scandinavian languages, and considers possible reasons for this. R... Read More about Runes and words: runic lexicography in context.

Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora (2013)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2013). Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora. Journal of the North Atlantic, 4,

Kali Kolsson, later Rögnvaldr, Earl of Orkney, is a truly international figure who was born in Norway, travelled to England, came to power in Northern Scotland, and then made a memorable journey through Europe and the Mediterranean to the Holy Land.... Read More about Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora.