How do management decisions impact butterfly assemblages in smallholding oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia?
Journal Article
Harianja, M. F., Stone, J., Mamat, W. Z. W., Hadi, M. A., Luke, S. H., Azhar, B., & Turner, E. C. (2024). How do management decisions impact butterfly assemblages in smallholding oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia?. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(4), 759-772.
In the world's leading palm oil-producing countries (Indonesia and Malaysia), smallholders make up about 40 per cent of total oil palm plantation area. Management in smallholdings can be highly variable, ranging from intensive monoculture to polycult... Read More about How do management decisions impact butterfly assemblages in smallholding oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia?.