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All Outputs (138)

Practitioners preferences of care coordination for older people: A discrete choice experiment (2017)
Journal Article
Jasper, R., Chester, H., Hughes, J., Abendstern, M., Loynes, N., Sutcliffe, C., Davies, L., & Challis, D. (2018). Practitioners preferences of care coordination for older people: A discrete choice experiment. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(2), 151-170.

© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. These findings demonstrate the importance of organisations providing care coordination for older people receiving long-term funding. Further research is required to investigate the influence of service setting on... Read More about Practitioners preferences of care coordination for older people: A discrete choice experiment.

European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on forensic psychiatry: evidence based assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders (2017)
Journal Article
Völlm, B. A., Clarke, M., Tort, V., Seppanen, A. O., Gosek, P., Heitzman, J., & Bulten, E. (in press). European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on forensic psychiatry: evidence based assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders. European Psychiatry, 51,

Forensic psychiatry in Europe is a specialty primarily concerned with individuals who have either offended or present a risk of doing so, and who also suffer from a psychiatric condition. These mentally disordered offenders (MDOs) are often cared for... Read More about European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on forensic psychiatry: evidence based assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders.

Direct to public peer support and e-therapy program versus information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety: protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Kaylor-Hughes, C., Rawsthorne, M., Coulson, N. S., Simpson, S., Simons, L., Guo, B., James, M., Moran, P., Simpson, J., Hollis, C., Avery, A., Tata, L. J., Williams, L., & Morriss, R. (in press). Direct to public peer support and e-therapy program versus information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6(12), Article e231.

Regardless of geography or income, effective help for depression and anxiety only reaches a small proportion of those who might benefit from it. The scale of the problem suggests a role for effective, safe, anonymised public health driven online serv... Read More about Direct to public peer support and e-therapy program versus information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes (2017)
Journal Article
Broome, E., Schneider, J. M., & Dening, T. (in press). Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes. Journal of Dementia Care,

There is a growing body of evidence that demonstrates that the arts have an important role in the care of people with dementia. The Baring Foundation, a UK based organisation which aims to improve the quality of life of those who may be disadvantaged... Read More about Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes.

Co-research with adults with Intellectual Disability: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Birt, L., & Hassiotis, A. (2018). Co-research with adults with Intellectual Disability: a systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(5), 669-686.

Background. Co-research with people with intellectual disability (ID) is a distinct form of patient and public involvement (PPI). This systematic review summarises published studies and protocols to report on the process of co-research in social and... Read More about Co-research with adults with Intellectual Disability: a systematic review.

Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives (2017)
Journal Article
Broome, E., Dening, T., & Schneider, J. M. (2019). Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11(1), 54-66.

This study explores factors affecting the successful facilitation of a residential arts programme. The aim was to identify barriers and describe how they could be overcome, this was both formative, to help shape the programme, and summa... Read More about Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives.

Patient characteristics and outcome measurement in a low secure forensic hospital (2017)
Journal Article
Longdon, L., Edworthy, R., Resnick, J., Byrne, A., Clarke, M., Cheung, N., & Khalifa, N. (2018). Patient characteristics and outcome measurement in a low secure forensic hospital. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 28(3), 255-269.

Background: Health services are increasingly required to measure outcomes after treatment, which can be reported to the funding body and may be scrutinised by the public. Extensive high quality measurements are time consuming. Routinely collected cli... Read More about Patient characteristics and outcome measurement in a low secure forensic hospital.

Age, memory loss and perceptions of dementia in South Asian ethnic minorities (2017)
Journal Article
Giebel, C. M., Worden, A., Challis, D., Jolley, D., Bhui, K. S., Lambat, A., Kampanellou, E., & Purandare, N. (2019). Age, memory loss and perceptions of dementia in South Asian ethnic minorities. Aging and Mental Health, 23(2), 173-182.

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Background: South Asian older adults are represented less frequently in mainstream mental health services or those for people with dementia. This study aimed to explore in detail the per... Read More about Age, memory loss and perceptions of dementia in South Asian ethnic minorities.

What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home (2017)
Journal Article
Vallejos, E. P., Baker, C., McGarry, J., Joyes, E., Carletti, L., Bartel, H., Jacobs, R., Gale-Feeny, A., & Higginbottom, R. (2017). What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 8(3), 341-355.

This feasibility study was framed under the notion of creative practices as mutual recovery – the idea that shared creativity, collective experience and mutual benefit can promote resilience in mental health and well-being. The study evaluated the im... Read More about What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home.

Development of the short version of the Scales of General Well-Being: the 14-item SGWB (2017)
Journal Article
Longo, Y., Coyne, I., & Joseph, S. (2018). Development of the short version of the Scales of General Well-Being: the 14-item SGWB. Personality and Individual Differences, 124,

The Scales of General Well-Being (SGWB, Longo, Coyne, & Joseph, 2017) is a 65-item tool assessing fourteen different constructs. The aim of this study was to develop a short 14-item version. One item was chosen from each of the fourteen scales follow... Read More about Development of the short version of the Scales of General Well-Being: the 14-item SGWB.

The effects of using the PReDicT Test to guide the antidepressant treatment of depressed patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Kingslake, J., Dias, R., Dawson, G. R., Simon, J., Goodwin, G. M., Harmer, C. J., Morriss, R., Brown, S., Guo, B., Dourish, C. T., Ruhé, H. G., Lever, A. G., Veltman, D. J., van Schaik, A., Deckert, J., Reif, A., Stäblein, M., Menke, A., Gorwood, P., Voegeli, G., …Browning, M. (2017). The effects of using the PReDicT Test to guide the antidepressant treatment of depressed patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 18(1), Article 558.


Antidepressant medication is commonly used to treat depression. However, many patients do not respond to the first medication prescribed and improvements in symptoms are generally only detectable by clinicians 4–6 weeks after the medica... Read More about The effects of using the PReDicT Test to guide the antidepressant treatment of depressed patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Childhood bullying, paranoid thinking, and the misappraisal of social threat: trouble at school (2017)
Journal Article
Jack, A. H., & Egan, V. (2018). Childhood bullying, paranoid thinking, and the misappraisal of social threat: trouble at school. School Mental Health, 10(1), 26-34.

Background:Experiences of bullying predict the development of paranoia in school-age adolescents. While many instances of psychotic phenomena are transitory, maintained victimization can lead to increasingly distressing paranoid thinking. Furthermore... Read More about Childhood bullying, paranoid thinking, and the misappraisal of social threat: trouble at school.

Systematic review: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts - Stage 2, effectiveness of home support interventions (2017)
Journal Article
Clarkson, P., Hughes, J., Roe, B., Giebel, C. M., Jolley, D., Poland, F., Abendstern, M., Chester, H., Challis, D., & Members of the HoSt-D (Home Support in Dementia) Programme Management Group. (2018). Systematic review: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts - Stage 2, effectiveness of home support interventions. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(3), 507-527.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aim: The aim of this study was to explicate the outcomes of home support interventions for older people with dementia and/or their carers to inform clinical practice, policy and research. Background: Most people with de... Read More about Systematic review: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts - Stage 2, effectiveness of home support interventions.

Using interactive digital technology to predict and prevent childhood overweight (2017)
Journal Article
Rose, J., Redsell, S. A., Wharrad, H., Siriwardena, A. N., Swift, J. A., Dilip, N., Weng, S. F., Atkinson, P., Ablewhite, J., Watson, V., & Glazebrook, C. (in press). Using interactive digital technology to predict and prevent childhood overweight. Acta Paediatrica, 106(S470),

Background: Obesity risk factors can be identified during infancy, providing an opportunity for early intervention. ProAsk is an interactive digital intervention that supports health professionals to quantify and communicate an infant's overweight ri... Read More about Using interactive digital technology to predict and prevent childhood overweight.

The closing of forensic psychiatric hospitals in Italy: determinants, current status and future perspectives: a scoping review (2017)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Castelletti, L., Lega, I., Gualco, B., Scarpa, F., & Völlm, B. (in press). The closing of forensic psychiatric hospitals in Italy: determinants, current status and future perspectives: a scoping review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 55,

Introduction. Italy is the only country in the world to have closed forensic psychiatric hospitals and converted to fully-residential services. The international interest around this reform has not been matched by research. This scoping review aims t... Read More about The closing of forensic psychiatric hospitals in Italy: determinants, current status and future perspectives: a scoping review.