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Sculpting the soil microbiota (2021)
Journal Article
Custódio, V., Gonin, M., Stabl, G., Bakhoum, N., Oliveira, M. M., Gutjahr, C., & Castrillo, G. (2022). Sculpting the soil microbiota. Plant Journal, 109(3), 508-522.

Soil is a living ecosystem, the health of which depends on fine interactions among its abiotic and biotic components. These form a delicate equilibrium maintained through a multilayer network that absorbs certain perturbations and guarantees soil fun... Read More about Sculpting the soil microbiota.

Phosphorylated B6 vitamer deficiency in SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 4 mutants compromises shoot and root development (2021)
Journal Article
Gorelova, V., Colinas, M., Dell’Aglio, E., Flis, P., Salt, D. E., & Fitzpatrick, T. B. (2022). Phosphorylated B6 vitamer deficiency in SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 4 mutants compromises shoot and root development. Plant Physiology, 188(1), 220-240.

Stunted growth in saline conditions is a signature phenotype of the Arabidopsis SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE mutants (sos1-5) affected in pathways regulating the salt stress response. One of the mutants isolated, sos4, encodes a kinase that phosphorylates p... Read More about Phosphorylated B6 vitamer deficiency in SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 4 mutants compromises shoot and root development.

Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, B. J., Minne, M., Brunoni, F., Plačková, L., Petřík, I., Sun, Y., …De Rybel, B. (2021). Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development. Nature Plants, 7(11), 1485-1494.

During plant development, a precise balance of cytokinin is crucial for correct growth and patterning, but it remains unclear how this is achieved across different cell types and in the context of a growing organ. Here we show that in the root apical... Read More about Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development.

Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy (2021)
Journal Article
Kümpers, B. M. C., Han, J., Vaughan-Hirsch, J., Redman, N., Ware, A., Atkinson, J. A., …Bishopp, A. (2022). Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy. Plant Physiology, 188(1), 56-69.

Studying the developmental genetics of plant organs, requires following gene expression in specific tissues. To facilitate this, we have developed the Dual Expression Anatomy Lines (DEAL), which incorporate a red plasma membrane marker alongside a fl... Read More about Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy.

Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops (2021)
Journal Article
Scharff, L. B., Saltenis, V. L., Jensen, P. E., Baekelandt, A., Burgess, A. J., Burow, M., …Pribil, M. (2022). Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops. Food and Energy Security, 11(1), Article e327.

A growing world population as well as the need to enhance sustainability and health create challenges for crop breeding. To address these challenges, not only quantitative but also qualitative improvements are needed, especially regarding the macro-... Read More about Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops.

Modifying the m6A brain methylome by ALKBH5-mediated demethylation: a new contender for synaptic tagging (2021)
Journal Article
Martinez De La Cruz, B., Markus, R., Malla, S., Haig, M. I., Gell, C., Sang, F., …Knight, H. M. (2021). Modifying the m6A brain methylome by ALKBH5-mediated demethylation: a new contender for synaptic tagging. Molecular Psychiatry, 26(12), 7141-7153.

Synaptic plasticity processes, which underlie learning and memory formation, require RNA to be translated local to synapses. The synaptic tagging hypothesis has previously been proposed to explain how mRNAs are available at specific activated synapse... Read More about Modifying the m6A brain methylome by ALKBH5-mediated demethylation: a new contender for synaptic tagging.

Out of Africa: characterising the natural variation in dynamic photosynthetic traits in a diverse population of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) (2021)
Journal Article
Cowling, S. B., Treeintong, P., Ferguson, J., Soltani, H., Swarup, R., Mayes, S., & Murchie, E. H. (2022). Out of Africa: characterising the natural variation in dynamic photosynthetic traits in a diverse population of African rice (Oryza glaberrima). Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(10), 3283–3298.

African rice (Oryza glaberrima) has adapted to challenging environments and is a promising source of genetic variation. We analysed dynamics of photosynthesis and morphology in a reference set of 155 O. glaberrima accessions. Plants were grown in an... Read More about Out of Africa: characterising the natural variation in dynamic photosynthetic traits in a diverse population of African rice (Oryza glaberrima).

Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Reyt, G., Ramakrishna, P., Salas-Gonzalez, I., Fujita, S., Love, A., Tiemessen, D., …Salt, D. E. Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis

Lignin is a complex polymer precisely deposited in the cell wall of specialised plant cells, where it provides essential cellular functions. Plants coordinate timing, location, abundance and composition of lignin deposition in response to endogenous... Read More about Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis.

Sodium hyperaccumulators in the Caryophyllales are characterized by both abnormally large shoot sodium concentrations and [Na]shoot/[Na]root quotients greater than unity (2021)
Journal Article
Neugebauer, K., Broadley, M. R., El-Serehy, H. A., George, T. S., Graham, N. S., Thompson, J. A., …White, P. J. (2022). Sodium hyperaccumulators in the Caryophyllales are characterized by both abnormally large shoot sodium concentrations and [Na]shoot/[Na]root quotients greater than unity. Annals of Botany, 129(1), 65-78.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Some Caryophyllales species accumulate abnormally large shoot sodium (Na) concentrations in non-saline environments. It is not known whether this is a consequence of altered Na partitioning between roots and shoots. This paper te... Read More about Sodium hyperaccumulators in the Caryophyllales are characterized by both abnormally large shoot sodium concentrations and [Na]shoot/[Na]root quotients greater than unity.

Physiological screening for drought tolerance traits in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) germplasm (2021)
Journal Article
Jamalluddin, N., Massawe, F. J., Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., Singh, A., & Symonds, R. C. (2021). Physiological screening for drought tolerance traits in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) germplasm. Agriculture, 11(10), Article 994.

Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor), an underutilized climate smart crop, is highly nutritious and possesses diverse drought tolerance traits, making it an ideal crop to thrive in a rapidly changing climate. Despite considerable studies on the growth and... Read More about Physiological screening for drought tolerance traits in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) germplasm.

Yield Losses and Control by Sedaxane and Fludioxonil of Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium Species in Winter Wheat (2021)
Journal Article
Brown, M., Jayaweera, D. P., Hunt, A., Woodhall, J. W., & Ray, R. V. (2021). Yield Losses and Control by Sedaxane and Fludioxonil of Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium Species in Winter Wheat. Plant Disease, 105(9), 2521–2530.

Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium species are major causal agents of seedling and stem-base diseases of wheat. Currently, seed treatments are considered the most effective solution for their control. Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis gro... Read More about Yield Losses and Control by Sedaxane and Fludioxonil of Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium Species in Winter Wheat.

Good soil management can reduce dietary zinc deficiency in Zimbabwe (2021)
Journal Article
Manzeke-Kangara, M. G., Joy, E. J. M., Mtambanengwe, F., Chopera, P., Watts, M. J., Broadley, M. R., & Mapfumo, P. (2021). Good soil management can reduce dietary zinc deficiency in Zimbabwe. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2(1), Article 36.

Background Dietary zinc (Zn) deficiency is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with adverse impacts on human health. Agronomic biofortification with Zn fertilizers and improved soil fertility management, using mineral and organic nutrient resourc... Read More about Good soil management can reduce dietary zinc deficiency in Zimbabwe.

The rice EP3 and OsFBK1 E3 ligases alter plant architecture and flower development, and affect transcript accumulation of microRNA pathway genes and their targets (2021)
Journal Article
Borna, R. S., Murchie, E. H., Pyke, K. A., Roberts, J. A., & Gonzalez-Carranza, Z. H. (2022). The rice EP3 and OsFBK1 E3 ligases alter plant architecture and flower development, and affect transcript accumulation of microRNA pathway genes and their targets. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20(2), 297-309.

ERECTA PANICLE 3 (EP3) and ORYZA SATIVA F-BOX KELCH 1 (OsFBK1) proteins share 57% and 54% sequence identity with the Arabidopsis F-box protein HAWAIIAN SKIRT (HWS). Previously we showed that EP3 is a functional orthologue of HWS. Here we demonstrate... Read More about The rice EP3 and OsFBK1 E3 ligases alter plant architecture and flower development, and affect transcript accumulation of microRNA pathway genes and their targets.

Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB (2021)
Journal Article
Shamanin, V. P., Flis, P., Savin, T. V., Shepelev, S. S., Kuzmin, O. G., Chursin, A. S., …Morgounov, A. I. (2021). Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB. Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research / Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki I Selektsii i Ekologicheskaya genetika, 25(5), 543-551.

Spring bread wheat is the staple crop in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, a significant portion of which goes for export. Wheat breeding with a high level of zinc in wheat grain is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to address zi... Read More about Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB.

CG7379 and ING1 suppress cancer cell invasion by maintaining cell–cell junction integrity (2021)
Journal Article
Rusu, A. D., Cornhill, Z. E., Coutiño, B. C., Uribe, M. C., Lourdusamy, A., Markus, Z., …Georgiou, M. (2021). CG7379 and ING1 suppress cancer cell invasion by maintaining cell–cell junction integrity. Open Biology, 11(9), Article 210077.

Approximately 90% of cancer-related deaths can be attributed to a tumour's ability to spread. We have identified CG7379, the fly orthologue of human ING1, as a potent invasion suppressor. ING1 is a type II tumour suppressor with well-established role... Read More about CG7379 and ING1 suppress cancer cell invasion by maintaining cell–cell junction integrity.

Assessing land suitability for rainfed paddy rice production in Zambia (2021)
Journal Article
Makungwe, M., Chabala, L. M., Van Dijk, M., Chishala, B. H., & Lark, R. M. (2021). Assessing land suitability for rainfed paddy rice production in Zambia. Geoderma Regional, 27, Article e00438.

Rice is one of the staple food crops and is a profitable smallholder cash crop in Zambia. It has the potential to contribute significantly to increased incomes and employment among rural producers. However, rice is the only staple crop in the country... Read More about Assessing land suitability for rainfed paddy rice production in Zambia.

The effect of canopy architecture on the patterning of “windflecks” within a wheat canopy (2021)
Journal Article
Burgess, A. J., Durand, M., Retkute, R., Gibbs, J. A., Robson, T. M., & Murchie, E. H. (2021). The effect of canopy architecture on the patterning of “windflecks” within a wheat canopy. Plant, Cell and Environment, 44(11), 3524-3537.

Under field conditions, plants are subject to wind-induced movement which creates fluctuations of light intensity and spectral quality reaching the leaves, defined here as windflecks. Within this study, irradiance within two contrasting wheat (Tritic... Read More about The effect of canopy architecture on the patterning of “windflecks” within a wheat canopy.

Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared alleles (2021)
Journal Article
Konečná, V., Bray, S., Vlček, J., Bohutínská, M., Požárová, D., Choudhury, R. R., …Kolář, F. (2021). Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared alleles. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 4979.

Relative contributions of pre-existing vs de novo genomic variation to adaptation are poorly understood, especially in polyploid organisms. We assess this in high resolution using autotetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa, which repeatedly adapted to toxic... Read More about Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared alleles.

Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution (2021)
Journal Article
Pascut, F. C., Couvreur, V., Dietrich, D., Leftley, N., Reyt, G., Boursiac, Y., …Webb, K. F. (2021). Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-7.

A key impediment to studying water-related mechanisms in plants is the inability to non-invasively image water fluxes in cells at high temporal and spatial resolution. Here, we report that Raman microspectroscopy, complemented by hydrodynamic modelli... Read More about Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution.

Target Gene Identification and sgRNA Design for Waterlogging Tolerance in Foxtail Millet via CRISPR-Based Transcriptional Activation (2021)
Journal Article
Nor Akmar Abdullah, S., Abdullah, A., & Mayes, S. (2021). Target Gene Identification and sgRNA Design for Waterlogging Tolerance in Foxtail Millet via CRISPR-Based Transcriptional Activation. Current Chinese Science, 1(5), 523-533.

Background: CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) uses non-functional Cas9 endonuclease (dCas9) but retains the genome targeting ability through its single guide RNAs (sgRNAs). CRISPRa is widely utilised as a gene activation system exploiting its ability in r... Read More about Target Gene Identification and sgRNA Design for Waterlogging Tolerance in Foxtail Millet via CRISPR-Based Transcriptional Activation.