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All Outputs (215)

Residual effects of cannabis-use on neuropsychological functioning (2021)
Journal Article
Wendel, L. K., Daedelow, L., Kaminski, J., Banaschewski, T., Millenet, S., Bokde, A. L., …Walter, H. (2021). Residual effects of cannabis-use on neuropsychological functioning. Cognitive Development, 59, Article 101072.

Non-acute effects of cannabis on neurocognition in adolescents remain unclear with most studies being cross-sectional. Therefore, the aim of this longitudinal, multi-center study was to examine the effects of cannabis use on cognitive abilities in pa... Read More about Residual effects of cannabis-use on neuropsychological functioning.

Exactness of Mean-Field Equations for Open Dicke Models with an Application to Pattern Retrieval Dynamics (2021)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., & Lesanovsky, I. (2021). Exactness of Mean-Field Equations for Open Dicke Models with an Application to Pattern Retrieval Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 126(23), Article 230601.

Open quantum Dicke models are paradigmatic systems for the investigation of light-matter interaction in out-of-equilibrium quantum settings. Albeit being structurally simple, these models can show intriguing physics. However, obtaining exact results... Read More about Exactness of Mean-Field Equations for Open Dicke Models with an Application to Pattern Retrieval Dynamics.

Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films (2021)
Journal Article
Lekoui, F., Amrani, R., Filali, W., Garoudja, E., Sebih, L., Bakouk, I. E., …Henini, M. (2021). Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films. Optical Materials, 118, Article 111236.

The control of the optical properties of ZnO nanostructured thin films by using different dopant elements paves the way for the development of potential materials for photonic and optoelectronic applications. In this work manganese (Mn) doped ZnO thi... Read More about Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films.

Deconstructing higher order clockwork gravity (2021)
Journal Article
Avgoustidis, A., Niedermann, F., Padilla, A., & Saffin, P. M. (2021). Deconstructing higher order clockwork gravity. Physical Review D, 103(12), Article 124007.

We consider the higher order clockwork theory of gravitational interactions, whereby a number of gravitons are coupled together with TeV strength, but nevertheless generate a Planck scale coupling to matter without the need for a dilaton. It is shown... Read More about Deconstructing higher order clockwork gravity.

Planar Coil Optimization in a Magnetically Shielded Cylinder (2021)
Journal Article
Packer, M., Hobson, P. J., Holmes, N., Leggett, J., Glover, P., Brookes, M. J., …Fromhold, T. M. (2021). Planar Coil Optimization in a Magnetically Shielded Cylinder. Physical Review Applied, 15(6), Article 064006.

Hybrid magnetic shields with both active field generating components and high-permeability magnetic shielding are increasingly needed for various technologies and experiments that require precision-controlled magnetic field environments. However, the... Read More about Planar Coil Optimization in a Magnetically Shielded Cylinder.

Disorder enhanced quantum many-body scars in Hilbert hypercubes (2021)
Journal Article
van Voorden, B., Marcuzzi, M., Schoutens, K., & Minář, J. (2021). Disorder enhanced quantum many-body scars in Hilbert hypercubes. Physical Review B, 103(22), Article L220301.

We consider a model arising in facilitated Rydberg chains with positional disorder which features a Hilbert space with the topology of a d-dimensional hypercube. This allows for a straightforward interpretation of the many-body dynamics in terms of a... Read More about Disorder enhanced quantum many-body scars in Hilbert hypercubes.

Optimal sampling of dynamical large deviations via matrix product states (2021)
Journal Article
Causer, L., Bañuls, M. C., & Garrahan, J. P. (2021). Optimal sampling of dynamical large deviations via matrix product states. Physical Review E, 103(6), Article 062144.

The large deviation statistics of dynamical observables is encoded in the spectral properties of deformed Markov generators. Recent works have shown that tensor network methods are well suited to compute accurately the relevant leading eigenvalues an... Read More about Optimal sampling of dynamical large deviations via matrix product states.

On the perturbative expansion at high temperature and implications for cosmological phase transitions (2021)
Journal Article
Gould, O., & Tenkanen, T. V. I. (2021). On the perturbative expansion at high temperature and implications for cosmological phase transitions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(06), Article 69.

We revisit the perturbative expansion at high temperature and investigate its convergence by inspecting the renormalisation scale dependence of the effective potential. Although at zero temperature the renormalisation group improved effective potenti... Read More about On the perturbative expansion at high temperature and implications for cosmological phase transitions.

A Tutorial on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Nanogap Electrodes for Biosensing Applications (2021)
Journal Article
Kemp, N. T. (2021). A Tutorial on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Nanogap Electrodes for Biosensing Applications. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(20), 22232-22245.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful measurement technique used by scientists and engineers to characterize and understand the interfacial behavior of liquid-solid interfaces. Such investigations are important in numerous applic... Read More about A Tutorial on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Nanogap Electrodes for Biosensing Applications.

Measuring resting cerebral haemodynamics using MRI arterial spin labelling and transcranial Doppler ultrasound: comparison in younger and older adults (2021)
Journal Article
Burley, C. V., Francis, S. T., Whittaker, A. C., Mullinger, K. J., & Lucas, S. J. E. (2021). Measuring resting cerebral haemodynamics using MRI arterial spin labelling and transcranial Doppler ultrasound: comparison in younger and older adults. Brain and Behavior, 11(7), Article e02126.

Introduction: Resting cerebral blood flow (CBF) and perfusion measures have been used to determine brain health. Studies showing variation in resting CBF with age and fitness level using different imaging approaches have produced mixed findings. We a... Read More about Measuring resting cerebral haemodynamics using MRI arterial spin labelling and transcranial Doppler ultrasound: comparison in younger and older adults.

The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication (2021)
Journal Article
Jain, S., & Dewey, R. S. (2021). The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Volume 12, 513-518.

Purpose: Advanced methodical learning and optimised learning leads to better-trained doctors. Such teaching typically comprises the illustration of features and access to facilities. This article explores the role of “Special clinics” in medical educ... Read More about The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication.

Selective-sampling Raman imaging techniques for ex vivo assessment of surgical margins in cancer surgery (2021)
Journal Article
Lizio, M. G., Boitor, R., & Notingher, I. (2021). Selective-sampling Raman imaging techniques for ex vivo assessment of surgical margins in cancer surgery. Analyst, 146(12), 3799-3809.

One of the main challenges in cancer surgery is to ensure the complete excision of the tumour while sparing as much healthy tissue as possible. Histopathology, the gold-standard technique used to assess the surgical margins on the excised tissue, is... Read More about Selective-sampling Raman imaging techniques for ex vivo assessment of surgical margins in cancer surgery.

Cosmic Evolution of the H2 Mass Density and the Epoch of Molecular Gas (2021)
Journal Article
Garratt, T. K., Coppin, K. E. K., Geach, J. E., Almaini, O., Hartley, W. G., Maltby, D. T., …van der Werf, P. (2021). Cosmic Evolution of the H2 Mass Density and the Epoch of Molecular Gas. Astrophysical Journal, 912(1), Article 62.

We present new empirical constraints on the evolution of ${\rho }_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}$, the cosmological mass density of molecular hydrogen, back to z ≈ 2.5. We employ a statistical approach measuring the average observed 850 μm flux density of near-inf... Read More about Cosmic Evolution of the H2 Mass Density and the Epoch of Molecular Gas.

Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R., Ward, C., Junor, A., & Horobin, A. (2021). Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants. Health Expectations, 24(4), 1137-1144.

Context: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an invaluable diagnostic and research tool. Having an MRI scan is not always comfortable and may deter people from taking part in MRI research. Maximising comfort during scanning will improve participants'... Read More about Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants.

Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals (2021)
Journal Article
Cottam, N. D., Zhang, C., Wildman, J. L., Patanè, A., Turyanska, L., & Makarovsky, O. (2021). Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals. Advanced Optical Materials, 9(13), Article 2100104.

Inorganic perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) have demonstrated a number of unique optical and electronic properties for optoelectronic applications. However, the physical properties of these nanostructures, such as the dynamics of charge carriers on diffe... Read More about Light-Induced Stark Effect and Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching in Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals.

Near infrared integrated photonic switches for portable quantum sensors (2021)
Journal Article
Saleeb-Mousa, B., Moss, J. L., Maclean, J. O., Campion, R. P., & Mellor, C. J. (2021). Near infrared integrated photonic switches for portable quantum sensors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1919(1), 1-8.

A novel integrated semiconductor photonic switch, based on carrier-induced refractive index changes, has been designed and fabricated for use at near infrared wavelengths (890-920 nm, 750-780 nm and 745-775 nm). These switches are intended for use in... Read More about Near infrared integrated photonic switches for portable quantum sensors.

Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics (2021)
Journal Article
Mazza, P. P., Zietlow, D., Carollo, F., Andergassen, S., Martius, G., & Lesanovsky, I. (2021). Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics. Physical Review Research, 3(2), Article 023084.

In the study of closed many-body quantum systems one is often interested in the evolution of a subset of degrees of freedom. On many occasions it is possible to approach the problem by performing an appropriate decomposition into a bath and a system.... Read More about Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics.

Artificial bee colony algorithm: a novel strategy for optical constants and thin film thickness extraction using only optical transmittance spectra for photovoltaic applications (2021)
Journal Article
Garoudja, E., Amrani, R., Filali, W., Lekoui, F., Oussalah, S., Cuminal, Y., …Henini, M. (2021). Artificial bee colony algorithm: a novel strategy for optical constants and thin film thickness extraction using only optical transmittance spectra for photovoltaic applications. Optik, 241, Article 167030.

An effective approach to determine thin film thickness (d) and optical constants
(n, k, α) from transmittance spectrum with interference fringes is proposed. The developed strategy is based on applying the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and... Read More about Artificial bee colony algorithm: a novel strategy for optical constants and thin film thickness extraction using only optical transmittance spectra for photovoltaic applications.

Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit (2021)
Journal Article
Malz, D., & Smith, A. (2021). Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit. Physical Review Letters, 126(16), Article 163602.

Current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices constitute powerful platforms for analogue quantum simulation. The exquisite level of control offered by state-of-the-art quantum computers make them especially promising to implement time-depen... Read More about Topological two-dimensional Floquet lattice on a single superconducting qubit.