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All Outputs (80)

Large Deviation Full Counting Statistics in Adiabatic Open Quantum Dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Paulino, P. J., Lesanovsky, I., & Carollo, F. (2024). Large Deviation Full Counting Statistics in Adiabatic Open Quantum Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 132(26), Article 260402.

The state of an open quantum system undergoing an adiabatic process evolves by following the instantaneous stationary state of its time-dependent generator. This observation allows one to characterize, for a generic adiabatic evolution, the average d... Read More about Large Deviation Full Counting Statistics in Adiabatic Open Quantum Dynamics.

Large-scale universality in quantum reaction-diffusion from Keldysh field theory (2024)
Journal Article
Gerbino, F., Lesanovsky, I., & Perfetto, G. (2024). Large-scale universality in quantum reaction-diffusion from Keldysh field theory. Physical Review B, 109(22), Article L220304.

We consider the quantum reaction-diffusion dynamics in d spatial dimensions of a Fermi gas subject to binary annihilation reactions A+A→∅. These systems display collective nonequilibrium long-time behavior, which is signalled by an algebraic decay of... Read More about Large-scale universality in quantum reaction-diffusion from Keldysh field theory.

Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions (2024)
Journal Article
Hamlyn, T. J., Zhang, C., Lesanovsky, I., & Li, W. (2024). Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions. Physical Review Research, 6(2), Article 023223.

We investigate a tripartite quantum Rabi model (TQRM) wherein a bosonic mode concurrently couples to two spin-1/2 particles through a spin-spin interaction, resulting in a spin-spin-boson coupling - a departure from conventional quantum Rabi models f... Read More about Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions.

Spectral Signatures of Vibronic Coupling in Trapped Cold Ionic Rydberg Systems (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. W., Li, W., & Lesanovsky, I. (2024). Spectral Signatures of Vibronic Coupling in Trapped Cold Ionic Rydberg Systems. Physical Review Letters, 132(22), Article 223401.

Atoms and ions confined with electric and optical fields form the basis of many current quantum simulation and computing platforms. When excited to high-lying Rydberg states, long-ranged dipole interactions emerge which strongly couple the electronic... Read More about Spectral Signatures of Vibronic Coupling in Trapped Cold Ionic Rydberg Systems.

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals (2024)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., Lesanovsky, I., Antezza, M., & De Chiara, G. (2024). Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals. Quantum Science and Technology, 9(3), Article 035024.

Time-translation symmetry breaking is a mechanism for the emergence of non-stationary many-body phases, so-called time-crystals, in Markovian open quantum systems. Dynamical aspects of time-crystals have been extensively explored over the recent year... Read More about Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals.

Inferring interpretable dynamical generators of local quantum observables from projective measurements through machine learning (2024)
Journal Article
Cemin, G., Carnazza, F., Andergassen, S., Martius, G., Carollo, F., & Lesanovsky, I. (2024). Inferring interpretable dynamical generators of local quantum observables from projective measurements through machine learning. Physical Review Applied, 21(4), Article L041001.

To characterize the dynamical behavior of many-body quantum systems, one is usually interested in the evolution of so-called order parameters rather than in characterizing the full quantum state. In many situations, these quantities coincide with the... Read More about Inferring interpretable dynamical generators of local quantum observables from projective measurements through machine learning.

Quantum reaction-limited reaction–diffusion dynamics of noninteracting Bose gases (2024)
Journal Article
Rowlands, S., Lesanovsky, I., & Perfetto, G. (2024). Quantum reaction-limited reaction–diffusion dynamics of noninteracting Bose gases. New Journal of Physics, 26(4), Article 043010.

We investigate quantum reaction–diffusion (RD) systems in one-dimension with bosonic particles that coherently hop in a lattice, and when brought in range react dissipatively. Such reactions involve binary annihilation (A + A → ∅) and coagulation (A... Read More about Quantum reaction-limited reaction–diffusion dynamics of noninteracting Bose gases.

Coherent Spin-Phonon Scattering in Facilitated Rydberg Lattices (2024)
Journal Article
Magoni, M., Nill, C., & Lesanovsky, I. (2024). Coherent Spin-Phonon Scattering in Facilitated Rydberg Lattices. Physical Review Letters, 132(13), Article 133401.

We investigate the dynamics of a one-dimensional spin system with facilitation constraint that can be studied using Rydberg atoms in arrays of optical tweezer traps. The elementary degrees of freedom of the system are domains of Rydberg excitations t... Read More about Coherent Spin-Phonon Scattering in Facilitated Rydberg Lattices.

Numerical simulation of long-range open quantum many-body dynamics with tree tensor networks (2024)
Journal Article
Sulz, D., Lubich, C., Ceruti, G., Lesanovsky, I., & Carollo, F. (2024). Numerical simulation of long-range open quantum many-body dynamics with tree tensor networks. Physical Review A, 109(2), Article 022420.

Open quantum systems provide a conceptually simple setting for the exploration of collective behavior stemming from the competition between quantum effects, many-body interactions, and dissipative processes. They may display dynamics distinct from th... Read More about Numerical simulation of long-range open quantum many-body dynamics with tree tensor networks.

Continuous Sensing and Parameter Estimation with the Boundary Time Crystal (2024)
Journal Article
Cabot, A., Carollo, F., & Lesanovsky, I. (2024). Continuous Sensing and Parameter Estimation with the Boundary Time Crystal. Physical Review Letters, 132(5), Article 050801.

A boundary time crystal is a quantum many-body system whose dynamics is governed by the competition between coherent driving and collective dissipation. It is composed of N two-level systems and features a transition between a stationary phase and an... Read More about Continuous Sensing and Parameter Estimation with the Boundary Time Crystal.

Entangled time-crystal phase in an open quantum light-matter system (2023)
Journal Article
Mattes, R., Lesanovsky, I., & Carollo, F. (2023). Entangled time-crystal phase in an open quantum light-matter system. Physical Review A, 108(6), Article 062216.

Time crystals are nonequilibrium many-body phases in which the state of the system dynamically approaches a limit cycle. While these phases have recently been the focus of intensive research, it is still far from clear whether they can host quantum c... Read More about Entangled time-crystal phase in an open quantum light-matter system.

Quantum reaction-limited reaction-diffusion dynamics of annihilation processes (2023)
Journal Article
Perfetto, G., Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2023). Quantum reaction-limited reaction-diffusion dynamics of annihilation processes. Physical Review E, 108(6), Article 064104.

We investigate the quantum reaction-diffusion dynamics of fermionic particles which coherently hop in a one-dimensional lattice and undergo annihilation reactions. The latter are modelled as dissipative processes which involve losses of pairs 2A→∅, t... Read More about Quantum reaction-limited reaction-diffusion dynamics of annihilation processes.

Rydberg-ion flywheel for quantum work storage (2023)
Journal Article
Martins, W. S., Carollo, F., Li, W., Brandner, K., & Lesanovsky, I. (2023). Rydberg-ion flywheel for quantum work storage. Physical Review A, 108(5), Article L050201.

Trapped ions provide a platform for quantum technologies that offers long coherence times and high degrees of scalability and controllability. Here, we use this platform to develop a realistic model of a thermal device consisting of two laser-driven,... Read More about Rydberg-ion flywheel for quantum work storage.

Thermodynamics of Quantum Trajectories on a Quantum Computer (2023)
Journal Article
Cech, M., Lesanovsky, I., & Carollo, F. (2023). Thermodynamics of Quantum Trajectories on a Quantum Computer. Physical Review Letters, 131(12), Article 120401.

Quantum computers have recently become available as noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. Already these machines yield a useful environment for research on quantum systems and dynamics. Building on this opportunity, we investigate open-system dyn... Read More about Thermodynamics of Quantum Trajectories on a Quantum Computer.

Dissipative quantum many-body dynamics in (1+1)D quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks (2023)
Journal Article
Boneberg, M., Carollo, F., & Lesanovsky, I. (2023). Dissipative quantum many-body dynamics in (1+1)D quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks. New Journal of Physics, 25, Article 093020.

Classical artificial neural networks, built from elementary units, possess enormous expressive power. Here we investigate a quantum neural network architecture, which follows a similar paradigm. It is structurally equivalent to so-called (1+1)D quant... Read More about Dissipative quantum many-body dynamics in (1+1)D quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks.

Molecular Dynamics in Rydberg Tweezer Arrays: Spin-Phonon Entanglement and Jahn-Teller Effect (2023)
Journal Article
Magoni, M., Joshi, R., & Lesanovsky, I. (2023). Molecular Dynamics in Rydberg Tweezer Arrays: Spin-Phonon Entanglement and Jahn-Teller Effect. Physical Review Letters, 131(9), Article 093002.

Atoms confined in optical tweezer arrays constitute a platform for the implementation of quantum computers and simulators. State-dependent operations are realized by exploiting electrostatic dipolar interactions that emerge, when two atoms are simult... Read More about Molecular Dynamics in Rydberg Tweezer Arrays: Spin-Phonon Entanglement and Jahn-Teller Effect.

Reaction-Limited Quantum Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics (2023)
Journal Article
Perfetto, G., Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2023). Reaction-Limited Quantum Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 130(21), Article 210402.

We consider the quantum nonequilibrium dynamics of systems where fermionic particles coherently hop on a one-dimensional lattice and are subject to dissipative processes analogous to those of classical reaction-diffusion models. Particles can either... Read More about Reaction-Limited Quantum Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics.

Collective atom-cavity coupling and nonlinear dynamics with atoms with multilevel ground states (2023)
Journal Article
Suarez, E., Carollo, F., Lesanovsky, I., Olmos, B., Courteille, P. W., & Slama, S. (2023). Collective atom-cavity coupling and nonlinear dynamics with atoms with multilevel ground states. Physical Review A, 107(2), Article 023714.

We investigate experimentally and theoretically the collective coupling between atoms with multilevel ground-state manifolds and an optical cavity mode. In our setup the cavity field optically pumps populations among the ground states. The ensuing dy... Read More about Collective atom-cavity coupling and nonlinear dynamics with atoms with multilevel ground states.

Emergent quantum correlations and collective behavior in noninteracting quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting (2022)
Journal Article
Magoni, M., Carollo, F., Perfetto, G., & Lesanovsky, I. (2022). Emergent quantum correlations and collective behavior in noninteracting quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting. Physical Review A, 106(5), Article 052210.

We investigate the dynamics of a noninteracting spin system, undergoing coherent Rabi oscillations, in the presence of stochastic resetting. We show that resetting generally induces long-range quantum and classical correlations both in the emergent d... Read More about Emergent quantum correlations and collective behavior in noninteracting quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting.

Thermodynamics of quantum-jump trajectories of open quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting (2022)
Journal Article
Perfetto, G., Carollo, F., & Lesanovsky, I. (2022). Thermodynamics of quantum-jump trajectories of open quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting. SciPost Physics, 13(4), Article 079.

We consider Markovian open quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting, which means that the dissipative time evolution is reset at randomly distributed times to the initial state. We show that the ensuing dynamics is non-Markovian and has the fo... Read More about Thermodynamics of quantum-jump trajectories of open quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting.