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All Outputs (298)

A ‘Girls’ Illness?' Using Narratives of Eating Disorders in Men and Boys in Healthcare Education and Research (2022)
Book Chapter
Bartel, H. (2022). A ‘Girls’ Illness?' Using Narratives of Eating Disorders in Men and Boys in Healthcare Education and Research. In K. Hinsliff-Smith, J. McGarry, & P. Ali (Eds.), Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (69-84). Springer.

This chapter addresses how arts-based approaches can advance healthcare training, therapy and research in the field of eating disorders. It brings to the forefront the under-researched and under-represented topic of eating disorders in men and boys.... Read More about A ‘Girls’ Illness?' Using Narratives of Eating Disorders in Men and Boys in Healthcare Education and Research.

Use of Writing Letters and Other Literature Forms to Capture Experiences of Research Participants (2022)
Book Chapter
Hinsliff-Smith, K., McGarry, J., Randa, M. B., Bartel, H., & Langmack, G. (2022). Use of Writing Letters and Other Literature Forms to Capture Experiences of Research Participants. In K. Hinsliff-Smith, J. McGarry, & P. Ali (Eds.), Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (121-135). Springer.

Within any form of qualitative research, the researcher’s role is to help the participant share their experiences and to translate and convey the messages often as interview themes and findings. However, often these traditional qualitative approaches... Read More about Use of Writing Letters and Other Literature Forms to Capture Experiences of Research Participants.

Women in the history of lexicography. An overview, and the case of German (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McLelland, N. (2022). Women in the history of lexicography. An overview, and the case of German. In A. Klosa-Kückelhaus, S. Engelberg, C. Möhrs, & P. Storjohann (Eds.), Dictionaries and Society: Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress 12-16 July 2022, Mannheim, Germany (53-70)

This paper first attempts a state-of-the art overview of what is known about women in the history of lexicography up to the early twentieth century. It then focusses more closely on the German and German-English lexicographical traditions to 1900, ex... Read More about Women in the history of lexicography. An overview, and the case of German.

Discourse Analysis of Print Media (2022)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2022). Discourse Analysis of Print Media. In Research Methods in Language Attitudes (19-34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

This chapter examines how discourse analysis as applied to print media can be used to examine language attitudes. It outlines the main strengths and limitations of this method. One of the most important strengths lies in the fact that the printed pre... Read More about Discourse Analysis of Print Media.

“He’s Not from Our Tribe!”: Jewish and Kabardian Identities in the Post-Soviet Russian Space(s) of Kantemir Balagov’s Closeness (Tesnota, 2017) (2021)
Journal Article
MCGINITY-PEEBLES, A. (2021). “He’s Not from Our Tribe!”: Jewish and Kabardian Identities in the Post-Soviet Russian Space(s) of Kantemir Balagov’s Closeness (Tesnota, 2017). Slavic and East European Journal, 65(4), 681-700

Closeness (Tesnota, dir. Kantemir Balagov, 2017), is a striking example of contemporary Russian cinema due to its sustained focus on two groups of ethnic “others” (Jews and Kabardians) living in one of the poorest and most conflict-ridden areas of Ru... Read More about “He’s Not from Our Tribe!”: Jewish and Kabardian Identities in the Post-Soviet Russian Space(s) of Kantemir Balagov’s Closeness (Tesnota, 2017).

‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film (2021)
Book Chapter
McGinity-Peebles, A. (2021). ‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film. In G. Gergely, & S. Hayward (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Cinema (394-403). Routledge.

Since Putin's third term as president, official discourse of Russian nationhood has become increasingly statist, ethnonationalist, traditionalist and anti-Western in tone and substance. This chapter analyzes the three films, Long and Happy Life, Levi... Read More about ‘We live like swine and die like swine, because we mean nothing to each other’: The little person, the state and nationhood in contemporary Russian film.

Alain Ehrenberg : Autonomy and Empowerment (2021)
Journal Article
Marks, J. (2022). Alain Ehrenberg : Autonomy and Empowerment. French Cultural Studies, 33(2), 105-117.

This article considers Alain Ehrenberg's extensive analysis of individualism in contemporary France. It shows how he has traced the emergence of autonomy as a key social value, and it goes on to analyse the distinctive features of Ehrenberg's sociolo... Read More about Alain Ehrenberg : Autonomy and Empowerment.

“There Is No (Where a) Face Like Home”: Recognition and Appraisal Responses to Masked Facial Dialects of Emotion in Four Different National Cultures (2021)
Journal Article
Tsikandilakis, M., Yu, Z., Kausel, L., Boncompte, G., Lanfranco, R. C., Oxner, M., …Chapman, P. (2021). “There Is No (Where a) Face Like Home”: Recognition and Appraisal Responses to Masked Facial Dialects of Emotion in Four Different National Cultures. Perception, 50(12), 1027-1055.

The theory of universal emotions suggests that certain emotions such as fear, anger, disgust, sadness, surprise and happiness can be encountered cross-culturally. These emotions are expressed using specific facial movements that enable human communic... Read More about “There Is No (Where a) Face Like Home”: Recognition and Appraisal Responses to Masked Facial Dialects of Emotion in Four Different National Cultures.

Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages (2021)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 773-782.

This special issue provides new perspectives on how standard language ideology (SLI) informs and influences attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ language varieties. Standard languages are commonly viewed as uniform, minimally varying (homogeneous) forms... Read More about Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages.

Assessment of spatial lingual tactile sensitivity using a gratings orientation test (2021)
Journal Article
Rabitti, N. S., Appiani, M., Cattaneo, C., Ford, R., & Laureati, M. (2021). Assessment of spatial lingual tactile sensitivity using a gratings orientation test. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2021(175), Article e62898.

Individual thresholds by R-index estimates are calculated using a gratings orientation test (6 different tools of increasing grating size from 0.20-1.25 mm) to assess spatial lingual tactile sensitivity. During the experiment, the subjects are blindf... Read More about Assessment of spatial lingual tactile sensitivity using a gratings orientation test.

The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2021). The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France. In C. Marimon-Llorca, & S. Schwarze (Eds.), Authoritative Discourse in Language Columns: Linguistic, Ideological and Social Issues (67-94). Peter Lang.

This study examines a sample of language columns produced by six different authors in France during three key periods of the 20th century to determine how these authors construct the authority necessary to pronounce on language usage and impose parti... Read More about The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France.

Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux (2021)
Pano Alaman, A., Ruggiano, F., & Walsh, O. (Eds.). (2021). Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.

Les opinions que les locuteurs ordinaires, et pas seulement les linguistes de profession, portent sur les langues (c’est-à-dire les idéologies linguistiques) influencent les langues elles-mêmes, les transforment au fil du temps, et contribuent à la c... Read More about Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux.

Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing (2021)
Journal Article
Miranda, R. (2021). Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing. Luso-Brazilian Review, 58(1), 179-204

This article addresses the morpholinguistic and stylistice devices underwriting Freyre’s writing as the notion of “lusotropicalism” is advanced, mainly in the travelogue Aventura e rotina (1953) and the accompanying volume Um brasileiro em terras por... Read More about Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing.

Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O., & Cotelli Kureth, S. (2021). Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse. In Les idéologies linguistiques: débats, purismes et stratégies discursives (469-492). Berlin: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

Cet article est le premier à proposer une étude contrastive de deux traditions de chroniques de langage en francophonie. Nous analysons les types métaphoriques et les différents usages des métaphores dans les chroniques françaises et suisses romandes... Read More about Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse.

Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011) (2021)
Journal Article
McGinity-Peebles, A. (2021). Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011). Film Studies, 22(1), 11-29.

This article focuses on Angelina Nikonova's debut film Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011) and analyses the trajectory of the 'difficult' female protagonist, Marina (Ol'ga Dykhovichnaia), in relation to the spaces she inhabits and reclaims... Read More about Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011).

« J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968 (2021)
Journal Article
Shingler, K. (2021). « J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968. Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France, 2021(1), 177-196.

Cet article se propose d’explorer et de commenter l’exposition organisée à l’Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) de Londres en 1968 pour marquer le cinquantenaire de la mort de Guillaume Apollinaire. Nous nous penchons notamment sur les œuvres comma... Read More about « J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968.

“Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality (2021)
Journal Article
Tsikandilakis, M., Leong, M. Q., Yu, Z., Paterakis, G., Bali, P., Derrfuss, J., …Mitchell, P. (2022). “Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality. Psychological Research, 86(1), 37-65.

Psychological theory and research suggest that religious individuals could have differences in the appraisal of immoral behaviours and cognitions compared to non-religious individuals. This effect could occur due to adherence to prescriptive and invi... Read More about “Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality.