The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z ∼ 2
Journal Article
Pérez-González, P. G., Dimauro, P., Huertas-Company, M., Daddi, E., Pérez-González, P. G., Bernardi, M., Caro, F., Cattaneo, A., Häußler, B., Kuchner, U., Shankar, F., Barro, G., Buitrago, F., Faber, S. M., Kocevski, D. D., Koekemoer, A. M., Koo, D. C., Mei, S., Peletier, R., Primack, J., …Tuccillo, D. (2019). The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z ∼ 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(3), 4135-4154.
© 2019 The Author(s). We study the rest-frame optical mass-size relation of bulges and discs from z ∼ 2 to z ∼ 0 for a complete sample of massive galaxies in the CANDELS fields using two-component Sérsic models. Discs and star-forming galaxies follow... Read More about The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z ∼ 2.