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All Outputs (2)

The image of the city in the information era: analyzing the effect of digital mobile devices on city imaging process (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahmadpoormobarakeh, N., & Heath, T. (2015, September). The image of the city in the information era: analyzing the effect of digital mobile devices on city imaging process. Presented at 3rd International Biennial Conference Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People, Athens, Greece

This paper presents the early stages of a PhD research which attempts to analyze the effect of using digital mobile devices on the process of city imaging in The Information Era. Within this process, some guidelines are suggested in order to facilita... Read More about The image of the city in the information era: analyzing the effect of digital mobile devices on city imaging process.

In-between spaces and social interaction: a morphological analysis of Izmir using space syntax (2015)
Journal Article
Can, I., & Heath, T. (2015). In-between spaces and social interaction: a morphological analysis of Izmir using space syntax. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31(1),

This research tackles the intermediate spaces between buildings and the street, by examining the definition and importance of spatial configuration in relation to urban morphology and social relations. It also analyses how the organisation of in-betw... Read More about In-between spaces and social interaction: a morphological analysis of Izmir using space syntax.