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All Outputs (2)

Too little and too much: medial prefrontal functional inhibition impairs early acquisition of operant reversal learning, whereas medial prefrontal disinhibition impairs established serial-reversal performance in rats (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Renstrom, J. G., Taylor, C. J. L., Grasmeder Allen, R., Loayza, J., O'Hara, L., von Heimendahl, M., Deiana, S., Moran, P. M., Stevenson, C. W., Maggi, S. G., & Bast, T. (2025). Too little and too much: medial prefrontal functional inhibition impairs early acquisition of operant reversal learning, whereas medial prefrontal disinhibition impairs established serial-reversal performance in rats

Schizophrenia has been linked to hypofrontality (reduced prefrontal activation) and neural disinhibition (reduced GABAergic inhibition) within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), as well as reversal learning deficits. Interestingly, whilst re... Read More about Too little and too much: medial prefrontal functional inhibition impairs early acquisition of operant reversal learning, whereas medial prefrontal disinhibition impairs established serial-reversal performance in rats.

Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Loayza, J., Taylor, C., Renstrom, J., Grasmeder Allen, R., Jackson, S., & Bast, T. (2025). Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats

Tourette syndrome has been linked to reduced GABAergic inhibition, so called neural disinhibition, in the dorsal striatum. Dorsal-striatal neural disinhibition in animal models, caused by local microinfusion of GABA-A-receptor antagonists, produces s... Read More about Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats.