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All Outputs (4)

Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAKKA, S., Singh, K., Jefferson-Loveday, R., & Serhat, H. (2023, December). Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor. Presented at ICAAAE 2023: 17. International Conference on Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, London

This paper will focus on suitability of trapped vortex combustor as a candidate for gas turbine combustor objective to minimize pressure drop across combustor and investigating aerodynamic performance. Non-reacting simulation of axisymmetric cavity t... Read More about Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor.

Heat Transfer of Couette Flow in Micro-channels: an Analytical Model of Seals (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shabbir, S., Garvey, S. D., Dakka, S. M., & Rothwell, B. C. (2020, March). Heat Transfer of Couette Flow in Micro-channels: an Analytical Model of Seals. Presented at 25th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, Manchester, UK

Analytical solutions of the temperature profile of a fluid in a Couette flow between two parallel plates are reported. The upper plate moves in the direction of the flow with a constant velocity and the lower plate is stationary, to simulate the cond... Read More about Heat Transfer of Couette Flow in Micro-channels: an Analytical Model of Seals.

Feasibility of Utilizing Current Propulsion Technologies in Support of Very Low Earth Observation Space Platforms (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dakka, S. (2019, September). Feasibility of Utilizing Current Propulsion Technologies in Support of Very Low Earth Observation Space Platforms. Presented at 25th Ka and broadband communications conference, Sorrento, Italy

An emerging low earth orbit spacecraft platform is being sought after due to many advantages of operation at low earth orbits of altitude less than 450Km. These encompasses better imagery and enhanced communications capabilities in addition of space... Read More about Feasibility of Utilizing Current Propulsion Technologies in Support of Very Low Earth Observation Space Platforms.

Aerospace Sealing Technology for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of Engines: a Review (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shabbir, S., Garvey, S., & Dakka, S. M. (2019, September). Aerospace Sealing Technology for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of Engines: a Review. Presented at 24th Conference of the International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE 2019), Canberra, Australia

Given the current rate of growth of gas turbine engines in the aerospace industry, the development of efficient and advanced sealing technology to cater to the harsh operating conditions of the aero-engines is crucial. In addition to developing low-l... Read More about Aerospace Sealing Technology for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of Engines: a Review.