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All Outputs (133)

Mixed-Methods Study on Caregiver Strain, Quality of Life, and Perceived Health (2021)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., Lock, J., Pollock, K., Harwood, R. H., & van der Wardt, V. (2021). Mixed-Methods Study on Caregiver Strain, Quality of Life, and Perceived Health. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 80(2), 799-811.

Caring for someone with dementia is associated with negative and positive experiences. There is little evidence based on large datasets.

To present data around the experience of caring for someone with dementia, to identif... Read More about Mixed-Methods Study on Caregiver Strain, Quality of Life, and Perceived Health.

Dysphagia due to necrotizing otitis externa (2021)
Journal Article
Dwivedi, R., Rasquinha, M., & Harwood, R. (2021). Dysphagia due to necrotizing otitis externa. Age and Ageing, 50(3), 1004-1005.

An 88-year-old man presented with delirium, and subsequently developed hoarseness and oropharyngeal dysphagia. This was due to skull-based osteomyelitis from necrotizing otitis externa (NOE), causing lower cranial nerve (X, XII) palsies and venous si... Read More about Dysphagia due to necrotizing otitis externa.

Tele-Rehabilitation for People with Dementia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case-Study from England (2021)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Duff, C., Rogers, C., Tuxworth, J., Bell, J., Fothergill, R., Wilkinson, L., Bosco, A., Howe, L., O’Brien, R., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., van der Wardt, V., Booth, V., Logan, P., Cowley, A., & Harwood, R. H. (2021). Tele-Rehabilitation for People with Dementia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case-Study from England. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), Article 1717.

Introduction: The Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) is delivering an exercise programme for people with dementia. The Lincolnshire partnership National Health Service (NHS) foundation Trust successfully delive... Read More about Tele-Rehabilitation for People with Dementia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case-Study from England.

The geriatrician’s role in end-of-life care (2020)
Journal Article
Ahmed, N., Ahmedzai, S. H., & Harwood, R. H. (2021). The geriatrician’s role in end-of-life care. Age and Ageing, 50(2), 366-369.

Healthcare aims to help older people to live well, but ultimately must also support them to die well. Most people die in old age, but predicting death in both short- and long-term is impossible for many, although not all, older people. Frail older pe... Read More about The geriatrician’s role in end-of-life care.

Deconditioning in people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) process evaluation (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Lorito, C. D., Masud, T., Gladman, J., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., & Harwood, R. H. (2020). Deconditioning in people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) process evaluation

Background Restrictions introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic led to increased risk of deconditioning in the general population. No empirical evidence of this effect however has been empirically gathered in people living with dementia.

O... Read More about Deconditioning in people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) process evaluation.

Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Van Der Wardt, V., Hancox, J. E., Burgon, C., Bajwa, R., Goldberg, S., & Harwood, R. H. (2021). Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(1), 10-16.

Measuring physical activity (PA) in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia can be difficult. The aim was to investigate the validity and acceptability of three different PA measurement methods.
The mixed-method analysis included 49... Read More about Measuring physical activity levels in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia.

Protocol for the process evaluation of the Promoting Activity, Independence and stability in early Dementia (PrAISED), following changes required by the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Goldberg, S., das Nair, R., O'Brien, R., Howe, L., van der Wardt, V., Pollock, K., Booth, V., Logan, P., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., Horne, J., & Harwood, R. (2020). Protocol for the process evaluation of the Promoting Activity, Independence and stability in early Dementia (PrAISED), following changes required by the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Open, 10(8),

Introduction. The PrAISED Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) is evaluating a home-based, face-to-face, individually tailored, activity and exercise programme for people living with dementia. Social distancing requirements following the COVID-19 pandem... Read More about Protocol for the process evaluation of the Promoting Activity, Independence and stability in early Dementia (PrAISED), following changes required by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Association of frailty with mortality in older inpatients with Covid-19: a cohort study (2020)
Journal Article
Aw, D., Woodrow, L., Ogliari, G., & Harwood, R. (2020). Association of frailty with mortality in older inpatients with Covid-19: a cohort study. Age and Ageing, 49(6), 915-922.

Background: COVID-19 has disproportionately affected older people.
Objective: to investigate whether frailty is associated with all-cause mortality in older hospital inpatients, with COVID-19.
Design: cohort study
Setting: secondary care acute hos... Read More about Association of frailty with mortality in older inpatients with Covid-19: a cohort study.

When people living with dementia say ‘no’: Negotiating refusal in the acute hospital setting (2020)
Journal Article
O'Brien, R., Beeke, S., Pilnick, A., Goldberg, S. E., & Harwood, R. H. (2020). When people living with dementia say ‘no’: Negotiating refusal in the acute hospital setting. Social Science and Medicine, 263, Article 113188.

A quarter of UK acute hospital beds are occupied by people living with dementia (PLWD). Concerns have been raised by both policy makers and carers about the quality of communication between hospital staff and PLWD. PLWD may experience communication i... Read More about When people living with dementia say ‘no’: Negotiating refusal in the acute hospital setting.

Exercise interventions for older adults: A systematic review of meta-analyses (2020)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Long, A., Byrne, A., Harwood, R. H., Gladman, J. R., Schneider, S., Logan, P., Bosco, A., & van der Wardt, V. (2021). Exercise interventions for older adults: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10(1), 29-47.

The evidence concerning which physical exercise characteristics are most effective for older adults is fragmented.

We aimed to characterise the extent of this diversity and inconsistency and identify future directions for rese... Read More about Exercise interventions for older adults: A systematic review of meta-analyses.

Adherence to exercise interventions in older people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Booth, V., Goldberg, S., Harwood, R. H., & Van der Wardt, V. (2020). Adherence to exercise interventions in older people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Medicine Reports, 19, Article 101139.

Adherence to physical exercise is associated with multiple benefits in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. Given the gap in research, this systematic literature review aimed to determine in the context of exercise intervention s... Read More about Adherence to exercise interventions in older people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Atypical presentation of COVID-19 in a frail older person (2020)
Journal Article
Tay, H. S., & Harwood, R. (2020). Atypical presentation of COVID-19 in a frail older person. Age and Ageing, 49(4), 523-524.

Common symptoms of pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) include fever and cough.We describe a 94-year-old man
with well-controlled schizoaffective disorder, who presented with non-specific and atypical symptoms: delirium, low-grade
pyrexia and a... Read More about Atypical presentation of COVID-19 in a frail older person.

‘Socialised care futility’ in the care of older people in hospital who call out repetitively: an ethnographic study (2020)
Journal Article
Beaver, J., Goldberg, S. E., Edgley, A., & Harwood, R. (2020). ‘Socialised care futility’ in the care of older people in hospital who call out repetitively: an ethnographic study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 107, Article 103589.


People living with dementia may call out repetitively, sometimes called disruptive vocalisation, or verbal agitation. In literature and policy, patients who call out repetitively are assumed to be expressing an unmet need, which should... Read More about ‘Socialised care futility’ in the care of older people in hospital who call out repetitively: an ethnographic study.

External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Pollock, K., Harwood, R., das Nair, R., Logan, P., Goldberg, S., Booth, V., Vedhara, K., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., & van der Wardt, V. (2020). External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), Article 1544.

Physical activity is beneficial for people with dementia. We previously developed a theoretical model to explain behaviour change in physical activity in dementia (PHYT-in-dementia). This study aimed to externally validate the model. Validation occur... Read More about External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia.

A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol (2019)
Journal Article
Bajwa, R. K., Goldberg, S. E., Van Der Wardt, V., Burgon, C., Di Lorito, C., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., Logan, P., Masud, T., Gladman, J., Smith, H., Hood-Moore, V., Booth, V., Das Nair, R., Pollock, K., Vedhara, K., Edwards, R. T., Jones, C., Hoare, Z., Brand, A., & Harwood, R. H. (2019). A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol. Trials, 20(1), Article 815.

© 2019 The Author(s). Background: People with dementia progressively lose cognitive and functional abilities. Interventions promoting exercise and activity may slow decline. We developed a novel intervention to promote activity and independence and p... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of an exercise intervention promoting activity, independence and stability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (PrAISED) - A Protocol.

Promoting activity, Independence and stability in early dementia (PrAISED): a, multisite, randomised controlled, feasibility trial (2019)
Journal Article
Goldberg, S. E., van der Wardt, V., Brand, A., Burgon, C., Bajwa, R., Hoare, Z., Logan, P. L., Harwood, R. H., & on behalf of the PrAISED Study Group. (2019). Promoting activity, Independence and stability in early dementia (PrAISED): a, multisite, randomised controlled, feasibility trial. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), Article 353.

BACKGROUND: We tested the feasibility of delivering and evaluating a complex therapy intervention which aimed to promote activity and independence for people with early dementia (PrAISED). Feasibility questions were on: recruitment, randomisation, in... Read More about Promoting activity, Independence and stability in early dementia (PrAISED): a, multisite, randomised controlled, feasibility trial.

End-of-life care for frail older people (2019)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., & Enguell, H. (2019). End-of-life care for frail older people. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care,

Most people die when they are old, but predicting exactly when this will occur is unavoidably uncertain. The health of older people is challenged by multimorbidity, disability and frailty. Frailty is the tendency to crises or episodes of rapid deteri... Read More about End-of-life care for frail older people.