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Transient exposure to low levels of insecticide affects metabolic networks of honeybee larvae (2013)
Journal Article
Derecka, K., Blythe, M. J., Malla, S., Genereux, D. P., Guffanti, A., Pavan, P., Moles, A., Snart, C., Ryder, T., Ortori, C. A., Barrett, D. A., Schuster, E., & Stöger, R. (2013). Transient exposure to low levels of insecticide affects metabolic networks of honeybee larvae. PLoS ONE, 8(7), Article e68191.

The survival of a species depends on its capacity to adjust to changing environmental conditions, and new stressors. Such new, anthropogenic stressors include the neonicotinoid class of crop-protecting agents, which have been implicated in the popula... Read More about Transient exposure to low levels of insecticide affects metabolic networks of honeybee larvae.