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All Outputs (7)

‘The Song of the Innuit’: Circulating Arctic ethnographic knowledge through verse (2024)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R. (2024). ‘The Song of the Innuit’: Circulating Arctic ethnographic knowledge through verse. cultural geographies,

This article seeks to advance recent literatures exploring the important role of poetry in the production and circulation of geographical knowledge. It does this by critically analysing a poem that was written by the traveller and scholar Wiliam Heal... Read More about ‘The Song of the Innuit’: Circulating Arctic ethnographic knowledge through verse.

‘Kalli in the ship’: Inughuit abduction and the shaping of Arctic knowledge (2023)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R. (2023). ‘Kalli in the ship’: Inughuit abduction and the shaping of Arctic knowledge. History and Anthropology,

This article examines the contributions made to Arctic knowledge by Kallihirua, a member of the Inughuit community of Northern Greenland who was abducted by the crew of the Assistance during the 1850–51 expedition in search of the missing ships Erebu... Read More about ‘Kalli in the ship’: Inughuit abduction and the shaping of Arctic knowledge.

The ‘deer‐men’ and the ‘bowhead‐men’: The colonial co‐optation of Arctic Indigenous knowledge within the ‘origins of the Inuit’ debates (2023)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R. (2024). The ‘deer‐men’ and the ‘bowhead‐men’: The colonial co‐optation of Arctic Indigenous knowledge within the ‘origins of the Inuit’ debates. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 49(1), Article e12615.

Drawing on recent literatures that explore the complicated role of ‘Indigenous intermediaries’ within histories of geographical exploration, and bringing these into dialogue with research exposing the colonial nature of geographical knowledge, this a... Read More about The ‘deer‐men’ and the ‘bowhead‐men’: The colonial co‐optation of Arctic Indigenous knowledge within the ‘origins of the Inuit’ debates.

The Cartography of Kallihirua?: Reassessing Indigenous Mapmaking and Arctic Encounters (2022)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R. (2022). The Cartography of Kallihirua?: Reassessing Indigenous Mapmaking and Arctic Encounters. Cartographica, 57(3), 239-255.

This article examines a cartographic encounter that took place in 1850 between Kallihirua, a member of Inughuit community of Northern Greenland, and members of the British Admiralty. Drawing on recent literatures that critically assess histories of i... Read More about The Cartography of Kallihirua?: Reassessing Indigenous Mapmaking and Arctic Encounters.

Historical Geography, Evolution of (2019)
Book Chapter
Martin, P. (2020). Historical Geography, Evolution of. In A. Kobayashi (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (15-19). (2nd). Elsevier.

Historical geography is the branch of scholarly research which situates itself at the point of intersection between geography and history. Although emerging as a defined academic field in the early 20th Century, the subdiscipline in fact has a much l... Read More about Historical Geography, Evolution of.

Indigenous tales of the Beaufort Sea: Arctic exploration and the circulation of geographical knowledge (2019)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R. (2020). Indigenous tales of the Beaufort Sea: Arctic exploration and the circulation of geographical knowledge. Journal of Historical Geography, 67, 24-35.

On 13th November 1905, the Danish sea captain Ejnar Mikkelsen presented his detailed plans to survey a hitherto uncharted region of the Beaufort Sea before the fellows of the Royal Geographical Society. Although much coveted ‘undiscovered land’ in th... Read More about Indigenous tales of the Beaufort Sea: Arctic exploration and the circulation of geographical knowledge.

Off the beaten track? Critical approaches to exploration studies (2019)
Journal Article
Martin, P. R., & Armston-Sheret, E. (2020). Off the beaten track? Critical approaches to exploration studies. Geography Compass, 14(1), Article e12476.

Since the 1980s, studying histories of exploration has become an increasingly prominent area of scholarship and has attracted critical attention from a range of different academic perspectives. Whether framed as a process of imperial expansion, as a... Read More about Off the beaten track? Critical approaches to exploration studies.