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Vector control of an open-ended winding induction machine based on a two-output indirect matrix converter (2017)
Journal Article
Riedemann, J., Clare, J. C., Wheeler, P., Blasco Giménez, R., Cardenas, R., & Pena, R. (in press). Vector control of an open-ended winding induction machine based on a two-output indirect matrix converter. Epe Journal,

The open-ended winding induction machine fed from a standard two-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) arrangement is an attractive solution for AC drives. An alternative power converter approach is to use an Indirect Matrix Converter (IMC) consisting... Read More about Vector control of an open-ended winding induction machine based on a two-output indirect matrix converter.

A comprehensive analysis and hardware implementation of control strategies for high output voltage DC-DC boost power converter (2017)
Journal Article
Padmanaban, S., Grandi, G., Blaabjerg, F., Wheeler, P., Siano, P., & Hammami, M. (2017). A comprehensive analysis and hardware implementation of control strategies for high output voltage DC-DC boost power converter. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 10(1),

Classical DC-DC converters used in high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission systems, lack in terms of efficiency, reduced transfer gain and increased cost with sensor (voltage/current) numbers. Besides, the internal self-parasitic behavi... Read More about A comprehensive analysis and hardware implementation of control strategies for high output voltage DC-DC boost power converter.

Active Magnetic Bearing system design featuring a predictive current control (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papini, L., Tarisciotti, L., Costabeber, A., Gerada, C., & Wheeler, P. (2016, October). Active Magnetic Bearing system design featuring a predictive current control. Presented at 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy

Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) technology is becoming attractive for several reasons such as high speed operations, high reliability and vibrations exemption. Moreover, AMB can behave as active vibration dampers and provide a real-time control of the... Read More about Active Magnetic Bearing system design featuring a predictive current control.

Matrix converter open circuit behavior analysis (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, J., Brunson, C., Bowden, J., Wheeler, P., & De Lillo, L. (2016, October). Matrix converter open circuit behavior analysis. Presented at The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

The matrix converter current recirculating path during an open circuit condition is given in detail with the aim of contributing more expert knowledge to a fault detection system for matrix converter. Simulation results were obtained demonstrating ho... Read More about Matrix converter open circuit behavior analysis.

A branch current reallocation based energy balancing strategy for the modular multilevel matrix converter operating around equal frequency (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fan, B., Wang, K., Gu, C., Wheeler, P., & Li, Y. (2016, October). A branch current reallocation based energy balancing strategy for the modular multilevel matrix converter operating around equal frequency. Presented at 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016), Florence, Italy

The Modular multilevel matrix converter (M3C) is a promising topology for medium-voltage, high-power applications. Due to the modular structure, it is scalable, produces high quality output waveforms and can be fault tolerant. However, the M3C suffer... Read More about A branch current reallocation based energy balancing strategy for the modular multilevel matrix converter operating around equal frequency.

A Venturini based modulation technique for a new isolated AC/AC power converter (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nasir, U., Rivera, M., Costabeber, A., & Wheeler, P. A Venturini based modulation technique for a new isolated AC/AC power converter. Presented at 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

The Future Global Electricity Network is expected to have large integration of renewable generators, and to be widely interconnected. As a consequence, the multi-modular bidirectional AC/AC power conversion architectures will play a major role in imp... Read More about A Venturini based modulation technique for a new isolated AC/AC power converter.

X-Y converter family: A new breed of buck boost converter for high step-up renewable energy applications (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahajan, S., Sanjeevikumar, P., Wheeler, P., Blaabjerg, F., Rivera, M., & Kulkarni, R. X-Y converter family: A new breed of buck boost converter for high step-up renewable energy applications. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA 2016)

A new breed of a buck boost converter, named as the XY converter family is proposed in this article. In the XY family, 16 topologies are presented which are highly suitable for renewable energy applications which require a high ratio of DC-DC convert... Read More about X-Y converter family: A new breed of buck boost converter for high step-up renewable energy applications.

Energy storage system for global maximum power point tracking on central inverter PV plants (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muller, N., Kouro, S., Renaudineau, H., & Wheeler, P. Energy storage system for global maximum power point tracking on central inverter PV plants. Presented at IEEE Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 16)

Central inverters are the most common configuration for large-scale photovoltaic systems. Under partial shading or any non¬uniform conditions on the photovoltaic plant, several power maxima may arise. Conventional perturb and observe and other classi... Read More about Energy storage system for global maximum power point tracking on central inverter PV plants.

Performance benchmark of Si IGBTs vs. SiC MOSFETs in small-scale wind energy conversion systems (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hussein, A., Castellazzi, A., Wheeler, P., & Klumpner, C. Performance benchmark of Si IGBTs vs. SiC MOSFETs in small-scale wind energy conversion systems. Presented at 17th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control

Modern power electronics devices based on SiC power MOSFETs technology become more demanding in the last few years. They show better performance over Si-IGBTs on renewable energy power conversion systems due to their higher switching frequency, highe... Read More about Performance benchmark of Si IGBTs vs. SiC MOSFETs in small-scale wind energy conversion systems.

A novel five-level optimized carrier multilevel PWM quad-inverter six-phase AC drive (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanjeevikumar, P., Blaabjerg, F., Wheeler, P., Fedak, V., Duran, M., & Siano, P. (2016, September). A novel five-level optimized carrier multilevel PWM quad-inverter six-phase AC drive. Presented at 17th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control, Varna, Bulgaria

A novel single carrier pulse-width modulation (PWM) for a new quad-inverter configuration for multilevel six-phase asymmetrical open-winding ac converter is proposed in this article. Modularity of the circuit consist of four standard two-level voltag... Read More about A novel five-level optimized carrier multilevel PWM quad-inverter six-phase AC drive.

Design optimization of a high-power transformer for three-phase dual active bridge DC-DC converter for MVDC grids (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, Y., Vakil, G., Feldman, R., Goodman, A., & Wheeler, P. Design optimization of a high-power transformer for three-phase dual active bridge DC-DC converter for MVDC grids. Presented at 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016)

High-power DC-DC converter will be one of the essential technologies for the future DC grids. Especially, a three-phase dual-active bridge DC-DC (3DAB) Converter is highly suitable for high-power DC systems. Key component within this converter is the... Read More about Design optimization of a high-power transformer for three-phase dual active bridge DC-DC converter for MVDC grids.

New configurations of power converters for grid interconnection systems (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rivera, M., Toleda, S., Nasir, U., Costabeber, A., & Wheeler, P. New configurations of power converters for grid interconnection systems. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automatica (IEEE ICA ACCA 2016)

The increased penetration of renewable energy sources and other distributed energy sources has been seen nowadays. In this scenario power converters play a crucial role by providing the interconnection of these energy sources. This paper presents new... Read More about New configurations of power converters for grid interconnection systems.

A high-power DC-DC converter based dual active bridge for MVDC grids on offshore wind farms (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, Y., Vakil, G., Feldman, R., Watson, A. J., & Wheeler, P. (2016, September). A high-power DC-DC converter based dual active bridge for MVDC grids on offshore wind farms. Presented at 2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe, Karlsruhe, Germany

This paper presents the steady-state analysis of a high power step-up DC-DC converter based three-phase dual active bridge (3DAB) for use as a medium voltage (MV) DC-DC collector of offshore wind farms. An optimization procedure for a high-power medi... Read More about A high-power DC-DC converter based dual active bridge for MVDC grids on offshore wind farms.

The application of the modular multilevel matrix converter in high-power wind turbines (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Diaz, M., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Cardenas, R., & Wheeler, P. (2016, September). The application of the modular multilevel matrix converter in high-power wind turbines. Presented at 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany

The trend in wind turbines has shown an ongoing power rating growth, reaching sizes up to 10 MW. Multilevel converters have therefore become a favourable solution for Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs), due to high efficiency, reliabilit... Read More about The application of the modular multilevel matrix converter in high-power wind turbines.

Novel integrative options for passive filter inductor in high speed AC drives (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Raza Khowja, M., Gerada, C., Vakil, G., Wheeler, P., & Patel, C. (2016, October). Novel integrative options for passive filter inductor in high speed AC drives. Presented at IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy

This paper presents novel integration options for passive inductor which include: motor-shaped rotational and motor-shaped rotor-less inductor for high speed motor drive system. The novel options have been designed and their performance is compared w... Read More about Novel integrative options for passive filter inductor in high speed AC drives.

Modelling and control of the modular multilevel matrix converter and its application to wind energy conversion systems (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Diaz, M., Cardenas, R., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., & Wheeler, P. Modelling and control of the modular multilevel matrix converter and its application to wind energy conversion systems. Presented at 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016)

In the last past years, some countries are enforcing stringent grid codes to regulate the connection of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs) to the electrical network, mainly because of the high penetration of electric power from this renewable sou... Read More about Modelling and control of the modular multilevel matrix converter and its application to wind energy conversion systems.

Minimization of electro-mechanical interaction with posicast strategies for more-electric aircraft applications (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahumada, C., Garvey, S. D., Yang, T., Kulsangcharoen, P., Wheeler, P., & Morvan, H. Minimization of electro-mechanical interaction with posicast strategies for more-electric aircraft applications. Presented at 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016)

This paper studies strategies to minimize the electromechanical interaction (EMI) within aircraft power systems. With the growth of electrical power on-board aircraft, the interaction between the electrical systems and the engine core will become sig... Read More about Minimization of electro-mechanical interaction with posicast strategies for more-electric aircraft applications.

Design study and scaled experiment of induction and synchronous motor for civil application of electromagnetic aircraft launch system (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bertola, L., Cox, T., Wheeler, P., Garvey, S. D., & Morvan, H. Design study and scaled experiment of induction and synchronous motor for civil application of electromagnetic aircraft launch system. Presented at 18th Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium (EML)

The engine size of modern passenger transport aircraft is principally determined by take-off conditions, since initial acceleration requires maximum engine power. An Electromagnetic Launch (EML) system could provide some or all of the energy required... Read More about Design study and scaled experiment of induction and synchronous motor for civil application of electromagnetic aircraft launch system.

Z-source matrix rectifier (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, C., Hongchen, L., Yuliang, J., Dan, Z., Wheeler, P., & Guolei, F. (2016). Z-source matrix rectifier. IET Power Electronics, 9(13), 2580-2590.

This paper presents a novel Z-source matrix rectifier(ZSMR). To overcome the inherent disadvantage that the voltage transfer ratio for traditional matrix rectifier cannot be more than 0.866, a Z-source network has been combined with the matrix rectif... Read More about Z-source matrix rectifier.

A review of power converter topologies with medium/high frequency transformers for grid interconnection systems (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nasir, U., Rivera, M., Toleda, S., Costabeber, A., & Wheeler, P. A review of power converter topologies with medium/high frequency transformers for grid interconnection systems. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automatica (IEEE ICA ACCA 2016)

In recent years, power electronics has evolved dra¬matically due to their importance in power extracted manage¬ment from renewable sources. In this paper an overview of grid interconnection systems with galvanic isolation is presented. The most commo... Read More about A review of power converter topologies with medium/high frequency transformers for grid interconnection systems.