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Visualizing Stalinist Space: The 1951 Geographical Atlas of the USSR for Secondary Schools (2024)
Book Chapter
Baron, N. (2024). Visualizing Stalinist Space: The 1951 Geographical Atlas of the USSR for Secondary Schools. In Rethinking Socialist Space in the Twentieth Century (23-57). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter offers a close critical analysis of the structure, design, and content of the Geographical Atlas of the USSR for Secondary Schools, published in the Soviet Union in 1951. This atlas was created not merely as an instrument of geographical... Read More about Visualizing Stalinist Space: The 1951 Geographical Atlas of the USSR for Secondary Schools.

Displaced Children in Russia and Eastern Europe, 1915-1953: Ideologies, Identities, Experiences (2017)
Baron, N. (Ed.). (2017). Displaced Children in Russia and Eastern Europe, 1915-1953: Ideologies, Identities, Experiences. Brill

Across Eastern Europe and Russia in the first half of the twentieth century, conflict and violence arising out of foreign and civil wars, occupation, revolutions, social and ethnic restructuring and racial persecution caused countless millions of chi... Read More about Displaced Children in Russia and Eastern Europe, 1915-1953: Ideologies, Identities, Experiences.

Preliminary material (2017)
Book Chapter
Baron, N. (2017). Preliminary material. In N. Baron (Ed.), Displaced Children in Russia and Eastern Europe, 1915-1953: Ideologies, Identities, Experiences (i-xv). Brill Academic Publishers