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All Outputs (4)

Traditional hydropower plant revamping based on a variable-speed surface permanent-magnet high-torque-density generator (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tessarolo, A., Luise, F., Raffin, P., & Degano, M. (2011, June). Traditional hydropower plant revamping based on a variable-speed surface permanent-magnet high-torque-density generator. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2011, Ischia, Italy

In today's energy-saving and optimization programs, hydroelectric power plays a key role as it is based on a clean renewable energy source and capable of fulfilling a significant portion of the overall power demand. However, many hydropower plants ha... Read More about Traditional hydropower plant revamping based on a variable-speed surface permanent-magnet high-torque-density generator.

Variable sampling frequency in iterative learning current control for shunt active filter in aircraft power systems (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zanchetta, P., Degano, M., Liu, J., & Mattavelli, P. (2011, September). Variable sampling frequency in iterative learning current control for shunt active filter in aircraft power systems. Presented at 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA

This paper investigates the feasibility of an Iterative Leaning current Control (ILC) with variable sampling frequency to realize a 3-phase Shunt Active Filter (SAF) used for harmonic compensation in new generation aircrafts, where a Variable Speed V... Read More about Variable sampling frequency in iterative learning current control for shunt active filter in aircraft power systems.

Multi-sampled carrier-based PWM for multilevel active shunt power filters for aerospace applications (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Odavic, M., Biagini, V., Sumner, M., Zanchetta, P., & Degano, M. (2011, September). Multi-sampled carrier-based PWM for multilevel active shunt power filters for aerospace applications. Presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition: Energy Conversion Innovation for a Clean Energy Future, ECCE 2011,, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Active power filters create sideband harmonics over a wide frequency range around the multiple carrier-frequency harmonics and these can encroach into the low frequency range. This issue is particularly critical when low carrier-fundamental frequency... Read More about Multi-sampled carrier-based PWM for multilevel active shunt power filters for aerospace applications.

Analytical calculation of air-gap armature reaction field including slotting effects in fractional-slot concentrated-coil SPM multiphase machines (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tessarolo, A., Mezzarobba, M., & Degano, M. (2011, May). Analytical calculation of air-gap armature reaction field including slotting effects in fractional-slot concentrated-coil SPM multiphase machines. Presented at 2011 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, Malaga, Spain

Fractional-slot concentrated-coil electric machines are often used especially in those applications where a number of rotor poles close to the number of stator slots is required. A major criticality of such machines is the occurrence of large air-gap... Read More about Analytical calculation of air-gap armature reaction field including slotting effects in fractional-slot concentrated-coil SPM multiphase machines.