Cytoplasmic RNA in undifferentiated neural stem cells: a potential label-free Raman spectral marker for assessing the undifferentiated status
Journal Article
Ghita, A., Pascut, F. C., Mather, M., Sottile, V., & Notingher, I. (2012). Cytoplasmic RNA in undifferentiated neural stem cells: a potential label-free Raman spectral marker for assessing the undifferentiated status. Analytical Chemistry, 84(7),
Raman microspectroscopy (rms) was used to identify, image, and quantify potential molecular markers for label-free monitoring the differentiation status of live neural stem cells (NSCs) in vitro. Label-free noninvasive techniques for characterization... Read More about Cytoplasmic RNA in undifferentiated neural stem cells: a potential label-free Raman spectral marker for assessing the undifferentiated status.