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All Outputs (67)

Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of individual placement and support (IPS) for patients with offending histories in the community: The United Kingdom experience (2019)
Journal Article
Khalifa, N., Hadfield, S., Thomson, L., Talbot, E., Bird, Y., Schneider, J., Attfield, J., Völlm, B., Bates, P., & Walker, D.-M. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of individual placement and support (IPS) for patients with offending histories in the community: The United Kingdom experience. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(3), 179-190.

We aimed to identify the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a high fidelity individual placement and support service in a community forensic mental health setting.
In-depth interviews were conducted with clinica... Read More about Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of individual placement and support (IPS) for patients with offending histories in the community: The United Kingdom experience.

Workplace Violence in Chinese Hospitals: The Effects of Healthcare Disturbance on the Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Healthcare Workers (2019)
Journal Article
Tang, N., & Thomson, L. E. (2019). Workplace Violence in Chinese Hospitals: The Effects of Healthcare Disturbance on the Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Healthcare Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19), 1-14.

Healthcare disturbance is a form of workplace violence against healthcare workers perpetrated by patients, their relatives, and gangs hired by them. It is a prevalent phenomenon in China, where evidence suggests that it impacts on the job satisfactio... Read More about Workplace Violence in Chinese Hospitals: The Effects of Healthcare Disturbance on the Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Healthcare Workers.

A staff training intervention to improve communication between people living with dementia and health-care professionals in hospital: the VOICE mixed-methods development and evaluation study (2018)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., O’Brien, R., Goldberg, S. E., Allwood, R., Pilnick, A., Beeke, S., Thomson, L., Murray, M., Parry, R., Kearney, F., Baxendale, B., Sartain, K., & Schneider, J. (2018). A staff training intervention to improve communication between people living with dementia and health-care professionals in hospital: the VOICE mixed-methods development and evaluation study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6(41), 1-134.

25% of hospital beds are occupied by a person living with dementia. Dementia affects expressive communication and understanding. Healthcare professionals report lack of communication skills training.
To identify teachable ef... Read More about A staff training intervention to improve communication between people living with dementia and health-care professionals in hospital: the VOICE mixed-methods development and evaluation study.

Managing employees with dementia: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Thomson, L., Stanyon, M., Dening, T., Heron, R., & Griffiths, A. (2019). Managing employees with dementia: a systematic review. Occupational Medicine, 69(2), 89–98.

Background: The experience of developing dementia while in employment has been explored from the point of view of the employee, but less is known about the perspectives, experiences and needs of employers.
Aims: To review systematically literature... Read More about Managing employees with dementia: a systematic review.

Development of an occupational advice intervention for patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty (the OPAL study) (2018)
Journal Article
Baker, P., Coole, C., Drummond, A. E., McDaid, C., Khan, S., Thomson, L., Hewitt, C., McNamara, I., McDonald, D., Fitch, J., & Rangan, A. (2018). Development of an occupational advice intervention for patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty (the OPAL study). BMC Health Services Research, 18, Article 504.

Background: There are an increasing number of patients of working age undergoing hip and knee replacements. Currently there is variation in the advice and support given about sickness absence, recovery to usual activities and return to work after the... Read More about Development of an occupational advice intervention for patients undergoing lower limb arthroplasty (the OPAL study).

How is a specialist depression service effective for persistent moderate to severe depressive disorder?: a qualitative study of service user experience (2018)
Journal Article
Thomson, L., Barker, M., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Garland, A., Ramana, R., Morriss, R., Hammond, E., Hopkins, G., & Simpson, S. (2018). How is a specialist depression service effective for persistent moderate to severe depressive disorder?: a qualitative study of service user experience. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1), Article 194.

Background. A specialist depression service (SDS) offering collaborative pharmacological and cognitive behaviour therapy treatment for persistent depressive disorder showed effectiveness against depression symptoms versus usual community based multid... Read More about How is a specialist depression service effective for persistent moderate to severe depressive disorder?: a qualitative study of service user experience.

The VOICE study – a before and after study of a dementia communication skills training course (2018)
Journal Article
O’Brien, R., Goldberg, S. E., Pilnick, A., Beeke, S., Schneider, J., Sartain, K., Thomson, L., Murray, M., Baxendale, B., & Harwood, R. H. (2018). The VOICE study – a before and after study of a dementia communication skills training course. PLoS ONE, 13(6), Article e0198567.


A quarter of acute hospital beds are occupied by persons living with dementia, many of whom have communication problems. Healthcare professionals lack confidence in dementia communication skills, but there are no evidence-based communic... Read More about The VOICE study – a before and after study of a dementia communication skills training course.

Introducing the Care Certificate evaluation (innovative practice) (2017)
Journal Article
Argyle, E., Thomson, L., Arthur, A., Maben, J., Schneider, J. M., & Wharrad, H. (in press). Introducing the Care Certificate evaluation (innovative practice). Dementia,

Although investment in staff development is a prerequisite for high quality and innovative care, the training needs of unregistered care staff have often been neglected, particularly within dementia care provision. The Care Certificate, which was ful... Read More about Introducing the Care Certificate evaluation (innovative practice).

Unregistered health care staff's perceptions of 12 hour shifts: an interview study (2017)
Journal Article
Thomson, L., Schneider, J. M., & Hare Duke, L. (in press). Unregistered health care staff's perceptions of 12 hour shifts: an interview study. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(7),


The purpose of the study was to explore the unregistered health care staff’s perceptions of 12-hour shifts on work performance and patient care.


Many unregistered health care staff work 12-hour shifts. It is unclear whether... Read More about Unregistered health care staff's perceptions of 12 hour shifts: an interview study.

ECCert: Evaluating the Care Certificate (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Argyle, E., Khan, Z., Simpson, K., & Thomson, L. ECCert: Evaluating the Care Certificate. Presented at 46th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference

The Care Certificate Evaluation: an overview (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Argyle, E., Thomson, L., Khan, Z., Arthur, T., Maben, J., Schneider, J. M., & Wharrad, H. The Care Certificate Evaluation: an overview. Presented at 46th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference

BACKGROUND: Front line care workers play a key role in health and social care provision for older people and this has been reflected in training innovations aiming to improve the care provided by these workers. One recent training initiative has bee... Read More about The Care Certificate Evaluation: an overview.

Developing and evaluating interventions for women firesetters in high secure mental healthcare (2017)
Journal Article
Annesley, P., Davison, L., Colley, C., Gilley, L., & Thomson, L. (2017). Developing and evaluating interventions for women firesetters in high secure mental healthcare. Journal of Forensic Practice, 19(1),


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implementation and evaluation of interventions for women firesetters in high secure mental healthcare at the UK’s National Women’s Service.

Two types of Arson trea... Read More about Developing and evaluating interventions for women firesetters in high secure mental healthcare.

Sleep Tight: an evaluation of acommunity based intervention on thesleep behaviours of young children (2016)
Journal Article
Turner, K., Bullock, L., Down, A., Brown, K., Foulkes, K., & Thomson, L. (2016). Sleep Tight: an evaluation of acommunity based intervention on thesleep behaviours of young children. Journal of Health Visiting, 4(11),

The aim of this study was to explore the impact of Sleep Tight, a behavioural sleep programme, on child sleep problems and family wellbeing. A service evaluation of 40 families with a child aged 0–12 years who completed Sleep Tight through Sure Start... Read More about Sleep Tight: an evaluation of acommunity based intervention on thesleep behaviours of young children.

Recommendations to facilitate the ideal fit note: are they achievable in practice? (2015)
Journal Article
Coole, C., Nouri, F., Potgieter, I., Watson, P. J., Thomson, L., Hampton, R., & Drummond, A. (2015). Recommendations to facilitate the ideal fit note: are they achievable in practice?. BMC Family Practice, 16(138), Article 138.

Background: Although the UK fit note has been broadly welcomed as a tool to facilitate return to work, difficulties and uncertainties have resulted in wide variation in its use. Agreement on what constitutes the ‘ideal’ fit note from the perspective... Read More about Recommendations to facilitate the ideal fit note: are they achievable in practice?.