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All Outputs (67)

Using intervention mapping to develop evidence-based toolkits that support workers on long-term sick leave and their managers (2023)
Journal Article
Varela-Mato, V., Blake, H., Yarker, J., Godfree, K., Daly, G., Hassard, J., Meyer, C., Kershaw, C., Marwaha, S., Newman, K., Russell, S., Thomson, L., & Munir, F. (2023). Using intervention mapping to develop evidence-based toolkits that support workers on long-term sick leave and their managers. BMC Health Services Research, 23, Article 942.

Background: Managing long-term sickness absence is challenging in countries where employers and managers have the main responsibility to provide return to work support, particularly for workers with poor mental health. Whilst long-term sick leave and... Read More about Using intervention mapping to develop evidence-based toolkits that support workers on long-term sick leave and their managers.

Pregnancy-related discrimination and expectant workers' psychological well-being and work engagement: understanding the moderating role of job resources (2023)
Journal Article
Hassard, J., Wang, W., Delic, L., Gruzdyte, I., Dale-Hewitt, V., & Thomson, L. (2023). Pregnancy-related discrimination and expectant workers' psychological well-being and work engagement: understanding the moderating role of job resources. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 16(2/3), 188-204.

Purpose: In this paper, the authors apply the Job Demand-Resource Model to investigate the association between pregnancy-related discrimination (conceptualised as a job demand) and expectant workers' psychological well-being and work engagement, and... Read More about Pregnancy-related discrimination and expectant workers' psychological well-being and work engagement: understanding the moderating role of job resources.

The effectiveness of occupational therapy supporting return to work for people who sustain serious injuries or develop long-term (physical or mental) health conditions: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., McQueen, J., Craven, K., Radford, K., Blake, H., Smith, B., Thomson, L., & Holmes, J. (2023). The effectiveness of occupational therapy supporting return to work for people who sustain serious injuries or develop long-term (physical or mental) health conditions: A systematic review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 86(7), 467-481.

Introduction: People with long-term conditions or recovering from serious injuries can struggle to return to work. The evidence for occupational therapy supporting return to work is limited. We aimed to identify and explain how occupational therapy i... Read More about The effectiveness of occupational therapy supporting return to work for people who sustain serious injuries or develop long-term (physical or mental) health conditions: A systematic review.

Supporting employers and their employees with Mental hEalth problems to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Prudenzi, A., Jadhakhan, F., Gill, K., MacArthur, M., Patel, K., Moukhtarian, T., Kershaw, C., Norton-Brown, E., Johnston, N., Daly, G., Russell, S., Thomson, L., Munir, F., Blake, H., Meyer, C., & Marwaha, S. (2023). Supporting employers and their employees with Mental hEalth problems to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. PLoS ONE, 18(4), Article e0283598.

Employees with mental health problems often struggle to remain in employment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these employees face multiple additional stressors, which are likely to worsen their mental health and work productivity. Currently, it is unc... Read More about Supporting employers and their employees with Mental hEalth problems to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol.

Managing Minds at Work: development of a digital line manager training programme: Holly Blake (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Vaughan, B., Bartle, C., Yarker, J., Munir, F., Marwaha, S., Russell, S., Meyer, C., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. Managing Minds at Work: development of a digital line manager training programme: Holly Blake

Background Mental ill health is the leading cause of sickness absence with high economic burden. Workplace interventions aimed at supporting employers with prevention of mental ill-health in the workforce are urgently required. Managing Minds at Work... Read More about Managing Minds at Work: development of a digital line manager training programme: Holly Blake.

Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK (2022)
Journal Article
Varela-Mato, V., Godfree, K., Adem, A., Blake, H., Bartle, C., Daly, G., Hassard, J., Kneller, R., Meyer, C., Russell, S., Marwaha, S., Kershaw, C., Newman, K., Yarker, J., Thomson, L., & Munir, F. (2022). Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), Article 188.

Background: The cost of sickness absence has major social, psychological and financial implications for individuals and organisations. Return-to-work (RTW) interventions that support good quality communication and contact with the workplace can reduc... Read More about Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK.

Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program (2022)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Vaughan, B., Bartle, C., Yarker, J., Munir, F., Marwaha, S., Daly, G., Russell, S., Meyer, C., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. (2022). Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), Article 8006.

Mental ill-health is the leading cause of sickness absence, creating a high economic burden. Workplace interventions aimed at supporting employers in the prevention of mental ill-health in the workforce are urgently required. Managing Minds at Work i... Read More about Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program.

STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and young people with emotional difficulties (STADIA): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Day, F., Wyatt, L., Bhardwaj, A., Dubicka, B., Ewart, C., Gledhill, J., James, M., Lang, A., Marshall, T., Montgomery, A., Reynolds, S., Sprange, K., Thomson, L., Bradley, E., Lathe, J., Newman, K., Partlett, C., Starr, K., & Sayal, K. (2022). STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and young people with emotional difficulties (STADIA): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12(5), Article e053043.

INTRODUCTION: Emotional disorders (such as anxiety and depression) are associated with considerable distress and impairment in day-to-day function for affected children and young people and for their families. Effective evidence-based interventions a... Read More about STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and young people with emotional difficulties (STADIA): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.

Psychosocial Safety Climate Moderates the Effect of Demands of Hospital Accreditation on Healthcare Professionals: A Longitudinal Study (2022)
Journal Article
Alshamsi, A. I., Santos, A., & Thomson, L. (2022). Psychosocial Safety Climate Moderates the Effect of Demands of Hospital Accreditation on Healthcare Professionals: A Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Health Services, 2, Article 824619.

Hospital accreditation has been studied comprehensively, yet few studies have observed its impacts on the burnout and work engagement levels of frontline healthcare professionals (HCPs). With a sample of 121 HCPs working in the United Arab Emirates'... Read More about Psychosocial Safety Climate Moderates the Effect of Demands of Hospital Accreditation on Healthcare Professionals: A Longitudinal Study.

Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework (2021)
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Teoh, K., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2021). Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework. In T. Wall, C. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organisational Wellbeing. SAGE Publications

Internationally, there is growing recognition of the social and economic impact of work-related stress and mental ill-health; and, in turn, of the relative importance of promoting mental wellbeing and preventing the onset of mental disorders at work... Read More about Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework.

Distributed leadership as a predictor of employee engagement, job satisfaction and turnover intention in UK nursing staff (2021)
Journal Article
Cooper, J., Davis, S., Bramley, L., Houghton, R., Thomson, L., & Quek, S. J. (2021). Distributed leadership as a predictor of employee engagement, job satisfaction and turnover intention in UK nursing staff. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(6), 1544-1553.

This study aimed to investigate how distributed leadership via the Shared Governance programme influences employee engagement, empowerment, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions among direct care nursing staff in a large UK hospital.

Back... Read More about Distributed leadership as a predictor of employee engagement, job satisfaction and turnover intention in UK nursing staff.

Investigating the barriers and facilitators to implementing mental health first aid in the workplace: a qualitative study (2020)
Journal Article
Narayanasamy, M. J., THOMSON, L., Coole, C., Nouri, F., & Drummond, A. (2021). Investigating the barriers and facilitators to implementing mental health first aid in the workplace: a qualitative study. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 16(2), 164-178.

Purpose: There has been little research into the use and efficacy of Mental Health First Aid across UK workplaces. The present study investigated the implementation of MHFA across six UK organisations, identifying key barriers and facilitators.
Desi... Read More about Investigating the barriers and facilitators to implementing mental health first aid in the workplace: a qualitative study.

NHS Health Check Programme: a qualitative study of prison experience (2020)
Journal Article
THOMSON, L., Williams, M., Butcher, E., Morriss, R., Kunti, K., & Packham, C. (2022). NHS Health Check Programme: a qualitative study of prison experience. Journal of Public Health, 44(1), 174-183.

Background: NHS Health Checks began in England in 2009 and were subsequently introduced into English prisons. Uptake has been patchy and there is limited understanding about factors that may limit or enhance uptake in prison settings. Uptake of this... Read More about NHS Health Check Programme: a qualitative study of prison experience.

Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, P., COOLE, C., DRUMMOND, A., Khan, S., McDaid, C., Hewitt, C., Kottam, L., Ronaldson, S., Coleman, E., McDonald, D. A., Nouri, F., Narayanasamy, M., McNamara, I., Fitch, J., THOMSON, L., Richardson, G., & Rangan, A. (2020). Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study. Health Technology Assessment, 24(45),

Hip and knee replacements are regularly performed for patients who work. There is little evidence about these patients’ needs and the factors influencing their return to work. There is a paucity of guidance to help patients return to wor... Read More about Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study.

Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, P., Coole, C., Drummond, A., Khan, S., McDaid, C., Hewitt, C., Kottam, L., Ronaldson, S., Coleman, E., McDonald, D. A., Nouri, F., Narayanasamy, M., McNamara, I., Fitch, J., Thomson, L., Richardson, G., & Rangan, A. (2020). Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study. Health Technology Assessment, 24(45),

Background: Hip and knee replacements are regularly carried out for patients who work. There is little evidence about these patients' needs and the factors influencing their return to work. There is a paucity of guidance to help patients return to wo... Read More about Occupational advice to help people return to work following lower limb arthroplasty: the OPAL intervention mapping study.

What Impact Does Accreditation Have on Workplaces? A Qualitative Study to Explore the Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals About the Process of Accreditation (2020)
Journal Article
Thomson, L., Alshamsi, A. I., & Santos, A. (2020). What Impact Does Accreditation Have on Workplaces? A Qualitative Study to Explore the Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals About the Process of Accreditation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 1614.

Aim: This study seeks to explore the emerging psychosocial risks of healthcare accreditation in workplaces and to understand
healthcare professionals’ perceptions about work demands and the unexpected consequences such accreditation had placed upon... Read More about What Impact Does Accreditation Have on Workplaces? A Qualitative Study to Explore the Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals About the Process of Accreditation.

Connectivity guided theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant moderate to severe depression: study protocol for a randomised double-blind controlled trial (BRIGhTMIND) (2020)
Journal Article
Morriss, R., Webster, L., Abdelghani, M., Auer, D., Barber, S., Bates, P., Blamire, A., Briley, P. M., Brookes, C., Iwabuchi, S., James, M., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Lankappa, S., Liddle, P., McAllister-Williams, H., O’Neill-Kerr, A., Pszczolkowski Parraguez, S., Suazo Di Paola, A., Thomson, L., & Walters, Y. (2020). Connectivity guided theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant moderate to severe depression: study protocol for a randomised double-blind controlled trial (BRIGhTMIND). BMJ Open, 10(7), Article e038430.

Introduction The BRIGhTMIND study aims to determine the clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness and mechanism of action of connectivity guided intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation (cgiTBS) versus standard repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulati... Read More about Connectivity guided theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant moderate to severe depression: study protocol for a randomised double-blind controlled trial (BRIGhTMIND).

Comparing face-to-face with online training for occupational therapists in advising on fitness for work: Protocol for the CREATE study (2020)
Journal Article
Coole, C., Konstantinidis, S. T., Ablewhite, J., Radford, K., Thomson, L., Khan, S., & Drummond, A. (2020). Comparing face-to-face with online training for occupational therapists in advising on fitness for work: Protocol for the CREATE study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(3), 172-178.

© The Author(s) 2020. Introduction: Occupational therapists play a key role in advising on fitness for work; however, there is a concern that they lack knowledge and confidence in using the Allied Health Professions health and work report (formerly t... Read More about Comparing face-to-face with online training for occupational therapists in advising on fitness for work: Protocol for the CREATE study.